# Remote-Support-Desktop This is a remote-support App for the desktop using Qt Quick / QML. Installation of dev-environment ------------------------------- ### Clone this repo `git clone https://gitlab.das-netzwerkteam.de/remotewebapp/remote-support-desktop.git` ### Install Qt Creator and necessary packages `sudo apt install qtcreator qt5-default qmlscene build-essential libgles2-mesa-dev qtquickcontrols2-5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls2 qml-module-qtquick-dialogs qml-module-qtquick-extras` ### Import the project into Qt Creator 1. Start Qt Creator 2. Click 'Projects' button -> Click 'Open project' button 3. Navigate to your cloned 'remote-support-desktop' git directory 4. Select `remote-support-desktop.pro` file ### In Qt Creator while in remote-support-desktop project: 1. Try pressing CTRL and R (Building and running the project) 2. If Qt Creator asks for an executable file in a dialog box proceed with next step ### Run settings 1. In the left bar click on 'Projects' 2. Then go to the 'Run' tab 3. Make sure a executable file is selected 4. Its usually `/../build-remote-support-desktop-Desktop-Debug/remote-support-desktop` 5. (Make sure that you tried to build the project at least once, or else the folder won't exist yet) ### Profit