MainQMLAdaptor Stop remote support session Start remote support session QObject You already have this app running. Only one instance is allowed. Closing application now with an error. Session Not available yet Unknown state of service Remote Support session is ready to be connected to Remote Support session was stopped ungracefully Remote Support session was stopped Your partner is connected to the Remote Support session Trying to reach session service... Remote Support session couldn't be started! An error occured while trying to start a session! Remote Support session successfully started! Session was started successfully Session status could not be refreshed! remote support partner could still be connected! Session could not be stopped! main Remote Support for your Desktop Start remote support session You are not supposed to see this message. This is a bug. Remote Support Address Please tell your remote support partner your personal access address and your access-PIN to let your partner connect to this computer. Copied PIN into clipboard! Copy the pin into the clipboard Personal Access-PIN Allow Remote Control