Installation ============ We recommend to use Debian-based systems for first tests. Later there will be supported more operating systems, but for now you should start with a Debian-like system. At the beginning you should clone the source code: :: git clone As the next thing, use ``apt`` to install the core dependencies as debian packages: :: sudo apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip x11vnc libcairo2-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgirepository1.0-dev wget git To bundle the further dependencies of the D-Bus daemon, we use Poetry to get them from the PyPI. So, install Poetry using PIP: :: sudo pip3 install poetry Then use poetry to get all packages from PyPI necessary for running the service (be sure that you are in the source code directory): :: poetry install Now you can continue with :doc:`02_config`. .. warning:: As Poetry also manages your virtual environment, you must use ``poetry run`` everytime if you want to start something in your environment: **Example:** :: poetry run python # or poetry run python tox