.TH ARCTICA-GREETER 1 "Jun 2024" "Version" "LightDM Greeter" .SH NAME arctica-greeter \- LightDM greeter for the modern desktop .SH SYNOPSIS .B arctica-greeter [ .I OPTIONS ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Arctica Greeter is a LightDM greeter for the modern desktop. .PP It is run by the LightDM daemon if configured in lightdm.conf. .PP It is not normally run by a user, but can run in a test mode with the \-\-test-mode option. This allows the interface to be tested without installing an updated version. .PP .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-v, \-\-version Show release version. .TP .B \-\-test-mode Run the greeter in a test mode inside the current X session. .TP .B \-\-test\-highcontrast When in test mode run with a11y highcontrast mode enabled. .TP .B \-?, \-\-help Show help options. .SH SEE ALSO .B lightdm