'/usr/share/backgrounds/arctica-greeter.png' Background file to use, either an image path or a color (e.g. #772953) '#2F70C6' Background color (e.g. #772953), set before wallpaper is seen '#A0A0A0' Font foreground color (e.g. #A0A0A0) for selected session names in session list '#2F70C6' Font foreground color (e.g. #202020) for selected session names in session list true Whether to draw user backgrounds true Whether to draw an overlay grid true Whether to show the hostname in the menubar '/usr/share/arctica-greeter/logo.png' Logo file to use 'Numix' GTK+ theme to use 'Numix' Icon theme to use 'Cabin 11' Font to use true Whether to antialias Xft fonts 96 Resolution for Xft in dots per inch 'hintslight' What degree of hinting to use 'rgb' Type of subpixel antialiasing false Whether to enable the onscreen keyboard false Whether to use a high contrast theme false Whether to enable the screen reader true Whether to play sound when greeter is ready ['ug-accessibility', 'org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard', 'org.ayatana.indicator.session', 'org.ayatana.indicator.datetime', 'org.ayatana.indicator.power', 'org.ayatana.indicator.sound', 'ayatana-application'] Which indicators to load [] List of usernames that are hidden until a special key combination is hit [] List of groups that users must be part of to be shown (empty list shows all users) 300 Number of seconds of inactivity before blanking the screen. Set to 0 to never timeout. 'auto' Whether to enable HiDPI support '' Default FQDN for host offering Remote Logon Service false Whether to activate numlock. This features requires the installation of numlockx.