'/usr/share/arctica-greeter/backgrounds/arctica-greeter.png' Background image file to use, either an image path or a color (e.g. #772953). '#4B1635' Background color (e.g. #772953), set before wallpaper is seen. '#000000' Background color (e.g. #000000 or #FFFFFF) for high contrast mode. '#808080' Font foreground color (e.g. #A0A0A0) for non-active/-hovered and non-selected session names in the session list. '#A0A0A0' Font foreground color (e.g. #A0A0A0) for the active/hovered-above session name in the session list. '#F0F0F0' Font foreground color (e.g. #A0A0A0) for the selected session name in the session list. '#4B1635' Background color (e.g. #391C31) for non-active/-hovered and non-selected session names in the session list. '#391C31' Background color (e.g. #391C31) for the active/hovered-above session name in the session list. '#391C31' Background color (e.g. #391C31) for the selected session name in the session list. '#4B1635' Border color (e.g. #391C31) for non-active/-hovered and non-selected session names in the session list. '#391C31' Border color (e.g. #391C31) for the active/hovered-above session name in the session list. '#391C31' Border color (e.g. #391C31) for the selected session name in the session list. '#4B1635' Background color (e.g. #391C31) of flat buttons (e.g. the session chooser icon). '#4B1635' Border color (e.g. #391C31) of flat buttons (e.g. the session chooser icon). 'zoom' Determines how the background image is rendered. true Whether to draw user backgrounds. true Whether to draw an overlay grid. true Whether to show the hostname in the menubar. false Whether to show 'Username:' and 'Password:' labels (etc.) in the login box. '/usr/share/arctica-greeter/logo.png' Logo file to use. 0.5 Alpha value for blending the logo onto the background. 'Numix' GTK+ theme to use. 'HighContrast' GTK+ theme to use in high contrast mode. 'Numix' Icon theme to use. 'HighContrast' Icon theme to use in high contrast mode. 'default' Cursor theme to use. 24 Size to use for cursors. 'Noto Sans 11' Font to use. 'marco' If at all and if yes, which window manager to use. true Whether to antialias Xft fonts. 96 Resolution for Xft in dots per inch. 'hintslight' What degree of hinting to use. 'rgb' Type of subpixel antialiasing. false Whether to enable the onscreen keyboard. 'centre-right' Position of the magnifier window. false Whether to enable the screen magnifier. false Whether to use a high contrast theme. false Whether to enable the screen reader. true Whether to play sound when greeter is ready. ['org.ayatana.indicator.a11y', 'org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard', 'org.ayatana.indicator.session', 'org.ayatana.indicator.datetime', 'org.ayatana.indicator.power', 'org.ayatana.indicator.sound', 'org.ayatana.indicator.display', 'ayatana-application'] Which indicators to load. [] List of usernames that are hidden from the userlist until a special key combination is hit. [] List of usernames that are to be shown in the userlist only. false Always filter-out users not listed in user-filter even if user-filter is empty. [] List of groups that users must be part of to be shown in the userlist (empty list shows all users). 300 Number of seconds of inactivity before blanking the screen. Set to 0 to never timeout. 'auto' Whether to enable HiDPI support 1.0 Scaling factor for fonts that can be used to adjust the greeter's font sizes. 0.5 Alpha value for menubar, multiplied with the theme-provided transparency value. Not used in high contrast mode. '' Default FQDN for host offering Remote Logon Service. false Whether to activate numlock. This features requires the installation of numlockx. 'auto' Monitor on which to show the Login GUI. 'Compact' Name of the onscreen keyboard layout (see /usr/share/onboard/layouts/*.onboard for available layout names). 'Nightshade' Name of the onscreen keyboard theme (see /usr/share/onboard/themes/*.theme for available theme names). 'HighContrast' Name of the onscreen keyboard theme when in high contrast mode (see /usr/share/onboard/themes/*.theme for available theme names). false Whether to hide the 'lightdm-xsession' default X11 session type. false Whether to hide X11 sessions. false Whether to hide Wayland sessions. [] Ordered list of preferred desktop sessions (for detecting the default session type). 60 Time in seconds until the shutdown dialog forcefully selects the default action. Set to 0 to disable. [] Unordered list of include-only desktop sessions (if non-empty, only explicitly listed sessions types will be offered by the greeter). Takes precedence over the excluded-sessions list. [] Unordered list of excluded desktop sessions (if non-empty, listed sessions types will not be offered by the greeter). Only used if includeonly-sessions is empty. true Whether to enable the GeoClue-2.0 agent (enhances ayatana-indicator-display). 'left' Alignment of the main content