/* -*- Mode: Vala; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authored by: Robert Ancell
public const int grid_size = 40;
public class ArcticaGreeter
public static ArcticaGreeter singleton;
public signal void show_message (string text, LightDM.MessageType type);
public signal void show_prompt (string text, LightDM.PromptType type);
public signal void authentication_complete ();
public signal void starting_session ();
public bool test_mode = false;
private string state_file;
private KeyFile state;
private Cairo.XlibSurface background_surface;
private SettingsDaemon settings_daemon;
public bool orca_needs_kick;
private MainWindow main_window;
private LightDM.Greeter greeter;
private Canberra.Context canberra_context;
private static Timer log_timer;
private DialogDBusInterface dbus_object;
private SettingsDaemonDBusInterface settings_daemon_proxy;
public signal void xsettings_ready ();
public signal void greeter_ready ();
private ArcticaGreeter (bool test_mode_)
singleton = this;
test_mode = test_mode_;
greeter = new LightDM.Greeter ();
greeter.show_message.connect ((text, type) => { show_message (text, type); });
greeter.show_prompt.connect ((text, type) => { show_prompt (text, type); });
greeter.autologin_timer_expired.connect (() => {
greeter.authenticate_autologin ();
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to autologin authenticate: %s", e.message);
greeter.authentication_complete.connect (() => { authentication_complete (); });
var connected = false;
connected = greeter.connect_to_daemon_sync ();
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to connect to LightDM daemon: %s", e.message);
if (!connected && !test_mode)
Posix.exit (Posix.EXIT_FAILURE);
if (!test_mode)
settings_daemon = new SettingsDaemon ();
settings_daemon.start ();
var state_dir = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_cache_dir (), "arctica-greeter");
DirUtils.create_with_parents (state_dir, 0775);
var xdg_seat = GLib.Environment.get_variable("XDG_SEAT");
var state_file_name = xdg_seat != null && xdg_seat != "seat0" ? xdg_seat + "-state" : "state";
state_file = Path.build_filename (state_dir, state_file_name);
state = new KeyFile ();
state.load_from_file (state_file, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
catch (Error e)
if (!(e is FileError.NOENT))
warning ("Failed to load state from %s: %s\n", state_file, e.message);
if (!test_mode) {
/* Render things after xsettings is ready */
xsettings_ready.connect ( xsettings_ready_cb );
GLib.Bus.watch_name (BusType.SESSION, "org.mate.SettingsDaemon", BusNameWatcherFlags.NONE,
(c, name, owner) =>
try {
settings_daemon_proxy = GLib.Bus.get_proxy_sync (
BusType.SESSION, "org.mate.SettingsDaemon", "/org/mate/SettingsDaemon");
settings_daemon_proxy.plugin_activated.connect (
(name) =>
if (name == "xsettings") {
debug ("xsettings is ready");
xsettings_ready ();
catch (Error e)
debug ("Failed to get USD proxy, proceed anyway");
xsettings_ready ();
xsettings_ready_cb ();
public string? get_state (string key)
return state.get_value ("greeter", key);
catch (Error e)
return null;
public void set_state (string key, string value)
state.set_value ("greeter", key, value);
var data = state.to_data ();
FileUtils.set_contents (state_file, data);
catch (Error e)
debug ("Failed to write state: %s", e.message);
public void push_list (GreeterList widget)
main_window.push_list (widget);
public void pop_list ()
main_window.pop_list ();
public static void add_style_class (Gtk.Widget widget)
/* Add style context class lightdm-user-list */
var ctx = widget.get_style_context ();
ctx.add_class ("lightdm");
public bool start_session (string? session, Background bg)
/* Explicitly set the right scale before closing window */
var screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default ();
var display = Gdk.Display.get_default();
var monitor = display.get_primary_monitor();
var scale = monitor.get_scale_factor ();
background_surface.set_device_scale (scale, scale);
/* Paint our background onto the root window before we close our own window */
var c = new Cairo.Context (background_surface);
bg.draw_full (c, Background.DrawFlags.NONE);
c = null;
refresh_background (screen, background_surface);
if (test_mode)
debug ("Successfully logged in! Quitting...");
Gtk.main_quit ();
return true;
if (!session_is_valid (session))
debug ("Session %s is not available, using system default %s instead", session, greeter.default_session_hint);
session = greeter.default_session_hint;
var result = false;
result = LightDM.greeter_start_session_sync (greeter, session);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to start session: %s", e.message);
if (result)
starting_session ();
return result;
private bool session_is_valid (string? session)
if (session == null)
return true;
foreach (var s in LightDM.get_sessions ())
if (s.key == session)
return true;
return false;
private bool ready_cb ()
debug ("starting system-ready sound");
/* Launch canberra */
Canberra.Context.create (out canberra_context);
if (AGSettings.get_boolean (AGSettings.KEY_PLAY_READY_SOUND))
canberra_context.play (0,
return false;
public void show ()
debug ("Showing main window");
main_window.show ();
main_window.get_window ().focus (Gdk.CURRENT_TIME);
main_window.set_keyboard_state ();
public bool is_authenticated ()
return greeter.is_authenticated;
public void authenticate (string? userid = null)
greeter.authenticate (userid);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to authenticate: %s", e.message);
public void authenticate_as_guest ()
greeter.authenticate_as_guest ();
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to authenticate as guest: %s", e.message);
public void authenticate_remote (string? session, string? userid)
ArcticaGreeter.singleton.greeter.authenticate_remote (session, userid);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to remote authenticate: %s", e.message);
public void cancel_authentication ()
greeter.cancel_authentication ();
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to cancel authentication: %s", e.message);
public void respond (string response)
greeter.respond (response);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to respond: %s", e.message);
public string authentication_user ()
return greeter.authentication_user;
public string default_session_hint ()
return greeter.default_session_hint;
public string select_user_hint ()
return greeter.select_user_hint;
public bool show_manual_login_hint ()
return greeter.show_manual_login_hint;
public bool show_remote_login_hint ()
return greeter.show_remote_login_hint;
public bool hide_users_hint ()
return greeter.hide_users_hint;
public bool has_guest_account_hint ()
return greeter.has_guest_account_hint;
private Gdk.FilterReturn focus_upon_map (Gdk.XEvent gxevent, Gdk.Event event)
var xevent = (X.Event*)gxevent;
if (xevent.type == X.EventType.MapNotify)
var display = Gdk.X11.Display.lookup_for_xdisplay (xevent.xmap.display);
var xwin = xevent.xmap.window;
var win = new Gdk.X11.Window.foreign_for_display (display, xwin);
if (win != null && !xevent.xmap.override_redirect)
/* Check to see if this window is our onboard window, since we don't want to focus it. */
X.Window keyboard_xid = 0;
if (main_window.menubar.keyboard_window != null)
keyboard_xid = (main_window.menubar.keyboard_window.get_window () as Gdk.X11.Window).get_xid ();
if (xwin != keyboard_xid && win.get_type_hint() != Gdk.WindowTypeHint.NOTIFICATION)
win.focus (Gdk.CURRENT_TIME);
/* Make sure to keep keyboard above */
if (main_window.menubar.keyboard_window != null)
main_window.menubar.keyboard_window.get_window ().raise ();
else if (xevent.type == X.EventType.UnmapNotify)
// Since we aren't keeping track of focus (for example, we don't
// track the Z stack of windows) like a normal WM would, when we
// decide here where to return focus after another window unmaps,
// we don't have much to go on. X will tell us if we should take
// focus back. (I could not find an obvious way to determine this,
// but checking if the X input focus is RevertTo.None seems
// reliable.)
X.Window xwin;
int revert_to;
xevent.xunmap.display.get_input_focus (out xwin, out revert_to);
if (revert_to == X.RevertTo.None)
main_window.get_window ().focus (Gdk.CURRENT_TIME);
/* Make sure to keep keyboard above */
if (main_window.menubar.keyboard_window != null)
main_window.menubar.keyboard_window.get_window ().raise ();
return Gdk.FilterReturn.CONTINUE;
private void start_fake_wm ()
/* We want new windows (e.g. the shutdown dialog) to gain focus.
We don't really need anything more than that (don't need alt-tab
since any dialog should be "modal" or at least dealt with before
continuing even if not actually marked as modal) */
var root = Gdk.get_default_root_window ();
root.set_events (root.get_events () | Gdk.EventMask.SUBSTRUCTURE_MASK);
root.add_filter (focus_upon_map);
private static Cairo.XlibSurface? create_root_surface (Gdk.Screen screen)
var visual = screen.get_system_visual ();
unowned X.Display display = (screen.get_display () as Gdk.X11.Display).get_xdisplay ();
unowned X.Screen xscreen = (screen as Gdk.X11.Screen).get_xscreen ();
var pixmap = X.CreatePixmap (display,
(screen.get_root_window () as Gdk.X11.Window).get_xid (),
xscreen.width_of_screen (),
xscreen.height_of_screen (),
visual.get_depth ());
/* Convert into a Cairo surface */
var surface = new Cairo.XlibSurface (display,
(visual as Gdk.X11.Visual).get_xvisual (),
xscreen.width_of_screen (), xscreen.height_of_screen ());
return surface;
private static void refresh_background (Gdk.Screen screen, Cairo.XlibSurface surface)
Gdk.flush ();
unowned X.Display display = (screen.get_display () as Gdk.X11.Display).get_xdisplay ();
/* Ensure Cairo has actually finished its drawing */
surface.flush ();
/* Use this pixmap for the background */
X.SetWindowBackgroundPixmap (display,
(screen.get_root_window () as Gdk.X11.Window).get_xid (),
surface.get_drawable ());
X.ClearWindow (display, (screen.get_root_window () as Gdk.X11.Window).get_xid ());
private static void log_cb (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string message)
string prefix;
switch (log_level & LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_MASK)
case LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_ERROR:
prefix = "ERROR:";
case LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_CRITICAL:
prefix = "CRITICAL:";
case LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING:
prefix = "WARNING:";
case LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_MESSAGE:
prefix = "MESSAGE:";
case LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_INFO:
prefix = "INFO:";
case LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG:
prefix = "DEBUG:";
prefix = "LOG:";
stderr.printf ("[%+.2fs] %s %s\n", log_timer.elapsed (), prefix, message);
private void xsettings_ready_cb ()
/* Prepare to set the background */
debug ("Creating background surface");
background_surface = create_root_surface (Gdk.Screen.get_default ());
main_window = new MainWindow ();
Bus.own_name (BusType.SESSION, "org.arctica-project.ArcticaGreeter", BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE);
dbus_object = new DialogDBusInterface ();
dbus_object.open_dialog.connect ((type) =>
ShutdownDialogType dialog_type;
switch (type)
case 1:
dialog_type = ShutdownDialogType.LOGOUT;
case 2:
dialog_type = ShutdownDialogType.RESTART;
main_window.show_shutdown_dialog (dialog_type);
dbus_object.close_dialog.connect ((type) => { main_window.close_shutdown_dialog (); });
Bus.own_name (BusType.SESSION, "org.arctica-project.GreeterSession", BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE,
(c) =>
c.register_object ("/org/gnome/SessionManager/EndSessionDialog", dbus_object);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Failed to register /org/gnome/SessionManager/EndSessionDialog: %s", e.message);
() => debug ("Failed to acquire name org.arctica-project.GreeterSession"));
start_fake_wm ();
Gdk.threads_add_idle (ready_cb);
greeter_ready ();
public static int main (string[] args)
/* Protect memory from being paged to disk, as we deal with passwords */
Posix.mlockall (Posix.MCL_CURRENT | Posix.MCL_FUTURE);
/* Disable the stupid global menubar */
Environment.unset_variable ("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY");
/* Initialize i18n */
Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, "");
Intl.bindtextdomain (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, Config.LOCALEDIR);
Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
Intl.textdomain (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
/* Set up the accessibility stack, in case the user needs it for screen reading etc. */
Environment.set_variable ("GTK_MODULES", "atk-bridge", false);
Pid atspi_pid = 0;
string[] argv;
Shell.parse_argv ("/usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi-bus-launcher --launch-immediately", out argv);
Process.spawn_async (null,
out atspi_pid);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Error starting the at-spi registry: %s", e.message);
Gtk.init (ref args);
Ido.init ();
log_timer = new Timer ();
Log.set_default_handler (log_cb);
debug ("Starting arctica-greeter %s UID=%d LANG=%s", Config.VERSION, (int) Posix.getuid (), Environment.get_variable ("LANG"));
/* Set the cursor to not be the crap default */
debug ("Setting cursor");
Gdk.get_default_root_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor.for_display (Gdk.Display.get_default (), Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR));
bool do_show_version = false;
bool do_test_mode = false;
OptionEntry versionOption = { "version", 'v', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref do_show_version,
/* Help string for command line --version flag */
N_("Show release version"), null };
OptionEntry testOption = { "test-mode", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref do_test_mode,
/* Help string for command line --test-mode flag */
N_("Run in test mode"), null };
OptionEntry nullOption = { null };
OptionEntry[] options = { versionOption, testOption, nullOption };
debug ("Loading command line options");
var c = new OptionContext (/* Arguments and description for --help text */
_("- Arctica Greeter"));
c.add_main_entries (options, Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
c.add_group (Gtk.get_option_group (true));
c.parse (ref args);
catch (Error e)
stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
stderr.printf (/* Text printed out when an unknown command-line argument provided */
_("Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."), args[0]);
stderr.printf ("\n");
return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
if (do_show_version)
/* Note, not translated so can be easily parsed */
stderr.printf ("arctica-greeter %s\n", Config.VERSION);
return Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (do_test_mode)
debug ("Running in test mode");
/* Set GTK+ settings */
debug ("Setting GTK+ settings");
var settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default ();
var value = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_THEME_NAME);
if (value != "")
settings.set ("gtk-theme-name", value, null);
value = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_ICON_THEME_NAME);
if (value != "")
settings.set ("gtk-icon-theme-name", value, null);
value = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_FONT_NAME);
if (value != "")
settings.set ("gtk-font-name", value, null);
var double_value = AGSettings.get_double (AGSettings.KEY_XFT_DPI);
if (double_value != 0.0)
settings.set ("gtk-xft-dpi", (int) (1024 * double_value), null);
var boolean_value = AGSettings.get_boolean (AGSettings.KEY_XFT_ANTIALIAS);
settings.set ("gtk-xft-antialias", boolean_value, null);
value = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_XFT_HINTSTYLE);
if (value != "")
settings.set ("gtk-xft-hintstyle", value, null);
value = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_XFT_RGBA);
if (value != "")
settings.set ("gtk-xft-rgba", value, null);
debug ("Creating Arctica Greeter");
var greeter = new ArcticaGreeter (do_test_mode);
string systemd_stderr;
int systemd_exitcode = 0;
Pid nmapplet_pid = 0;
var indicator_list = AGSettings.get_strv(AGSettings.KEY_INDICATORS);
var update_indicator_list = false;
for (var i = 0; i < indicator_list.length; i++)
if (indicator_list[i] == "ug-keyboard")
indicator_list[i] = "org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard";
update_indicator_list = true;
if (update_indicator_list)
AGSettings.set_strv(AGSettings.KEY_INDICATORS, indicator_list);
var launched_indicator_services = new List();
if (!do_test_mode)
greeter.greeter_ready.connect (() => {
debug ("Showing greeter");
greeter.show ();
var indicator_service = "";
foreach (unowned string indicator in indicator_list)
if ("ug-" in indicator && ! ("." in indicator))
if ("org.ayatana.indicator." in indicator)
indicator_service = "ayatana-indicator-%s".printf(indicator.split_set(".")[3]);
else if ("ayatana-" in indicator)
indicator_service = "ayatana-indicator-%s".printf(indicator.split_set("-")[1]);
indicator_service = indicator;
try {
/* Start the indicator service */
string[] argv;
Shell.parse_argv ("systemctl --user start %s".printf(indicator_service), out argv);
Process.spawn_sync (null,
out systemd_stderr,
out systemd_exitcode);
if (systemd_exitcode == 0)
debug ("Successfully started Indicator Service '%s'", indicator_service);
else {
warning ("Systemd failed to start Indicator Service '%s': %s", indicator_service, systemd_stderr);
catch (Error e) {
warning ("Error starting Indicator Service '%s': %s", indicator_service, e.message);
/* Make nm-applet hide items the user does not have permissions to interact with */
Environment.set_variable ("NM_APPLET_HIDE_POLICY_ITEMS", "1", true);
string[] argv;
Shell.parse_argv ("nm-applet", out argv);
Process.spawn_async (null,
out nmapplet_pid);
catch (Error e)
warning ("Error starting the Network Manager Applet: %s", e.message);
greeter.show ();
/* Setup a handler for TERM so we quit cleanly */
GLib.Unix.signal_add(GLib.ProcessSignal.TERM, () => {
debug("Got a SIGTERM");
return true;
debug ("Starting main loop");
Gtk.main ();
debug ("Cleaning up");
if (!do_test_mode)
foreach (unowned string indicator_service in launched_indicator_services)
try {
/* Stop this indicator service */
string[] argv;
Shell.parse_argv ("systemctl --user stop %s".printf(indicator_service), out argv);
Process.spawn_sync (null,
out systemd_stderr,
out systemd_exitcode);
if (systemd_exitcode == 0)
debug ("Successfully stopped Indicator Service '%s' via systemd", indicator_service);
else {
warning ("Systemd failed to stop Indicator Service '%s': %s", indicator_service, systemd_stderr);
catch (Error e) {
warning ("Error stopping Indicator Service '%s': %s", indicator_service, e.message);
if (nmapplet_pid != 0)
Posix.kill (nmapplet_pid, Posix.SIGTERM);
int status;
Posix.waitpid (nmapplet_pid, out status, 0);
if (Process.if_exited (status))
debug ("Network Manager Applet exited with return value %d", Process.exit_status (status));
debug ("Network Manager Applet terminated with signal %d", Process.term_sig (status));
atspi_pid = 0;
if (atspi_pid != 0)
Posix.kill (atspi_pid, Posix.SIGKILL);
int status;
Posix.waitpid (atspi_pid, out status, 0);
if (Process.if_exited (status))
debug ("AT-SPI exited with return value %d", Process.exit_status (status));
debug ("AT-SPI terminated with signal %d", Process.term_sig (status));
atspi_pid = 0;
debug ("Exiting");
return Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS;
[DBus (name="org.gnome.SessionManager.EndSessionDialog")]
public class DialogDBusInterface : Object
public signal void open_dialog (uint32 type);
public signal void close_dialog ();
public void open (uint32 type, uint32 timestamp, uint32 seconds_to_stay_open, ObjectPath[] inhibitor_object_paths)
open_dialog (type);
public void close ()
close_dialog ();
[DBus (name="org.mate.SettingsDaemon")]
private interface SettingsDaemonDBusInterface : Object
public signal void plugin_activated (string name);
public signal void plugin_deactivated (string name);