/* -*- Mode: Vala; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Canonical Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authored by: Michael Terry
public class DashBox : Gtk.Box
public Background? background { get; construct; default = null; }
public bool has_base { get; private set; default = false; }
public double base_alpha { get; private set; default = 1.0; }
private enum Mode
private GreeterList pushed;
private Gtk.Widget orig = null;
private FadeTracker orig_tracker;
private int orig_height = -1;
private Mode mode;
public DashBox (Background bg)
Object (background: bg);
mode = Mode.NORMAL;
/* Does not actually add w to this widget, as doing so would potentially mess with w's placement. */
public void set_base (Gtk.Widget? w)
if (!UnityGreeter.singleton.test_mode) {
return_if_fail (pushed == null);
return_if_fail (mode == Mode.NORMAL);
if (orig != null)
orig.size_allocate.disconnect (base_size_allocate_cb);
orig = w;
if (orig != null)
orig.size_allocate.connect (base_size_allocate_cb);
orig_tracker = new FadeTracker (orig);
orig_tracker.notify["alpha"].connect (() =>
base_alpha = orig_tracker.alpha;
queue_draw ();
orig_tracker.done.connect (fade_done_cb);
base_alpha = orig_tracker.alpha;
has_base = true;
orig_height = -1;
get_preferred_height (null, out orig_height); /* save height */
orig_tracker = null;
base_alpha = 1.0;
has_base = false;
queue_resize ();
public void push (GreeterList l)
/* This isn't designed to push more than one widget at a time yet */
return_if_fail (pushed == null);
return_if_fail (orig != null);
return_if_fail (mode == Mode.NORMAL);
get_preferred_height (null, out orig_height);
pushed = l;
pushed.fade_done.connect (fade_done_cb);
mode = Mode.PUSH_FADE_OUT;
orig_tracker.reset (FadeTracker.Mode.FADE_OUT);
queue_resize ();
public void pop ()
return_if_fail (pushed != null);
return_if_fail (orig != null);
return_if_fail (mode == Mode.NORMAL);
mode = Mode.POP_FADE_OUT;
pushed.fade_out ();
private void fade_done_cb ()
switch (mode)
case Mode.PUSH_FADE_OUT:
mode = Mode.PUSH_FADE_IN;
orig.hide ();
pushed.fade_in ();
case Mode.PUSH_FADE_IN:
mode = Mode.NORMAL;
pushed.grab_focus ();
case Mode.POP_FADE_OUT:
mode = Mode.POP_FADE_IN;
orig_tracker.reset (FadeTracker.Mode.FADE_IN);
orig.show ();
case Mode.POP_FADE_IN:
mode = Mode.NORMAL;
pushed.fade_done.disconnect (fade_done_cb);
pushed.destroy ();
pushed = null;
queue_resize ();
orig.grab_focus ();
private void base_size_allocate_cb ()
queue_resize ();
public override void get_preferred_height (out int min, out int nat)
if (orig == null)
/* Return cached height if we have it. This makes transitions between two base widgets smoother. */
if (orig_height >= 0)
min = orig_height;
nat = orig_height;
min = grid_size * GreeterList.DEFAULT_BOX_HEIGHT - GreeterList.BORDER * 2;
nat = grid_size * GreeterList.DEFAULT_BOX_HEIGHT - GreeterList.BORDER * 2;
if (pushed == null)
orig.get_preferred_height (out min, out nat);
pushed.selected_entry.get_preferred_height (out min, out nat);
min = int.max (orig_height, min);
nat = int.max (orig_height, nat);
public override void get_preferred_width (out int min, out int nat)
min = grid_size * GreeterList.BOX_WIDTH - GreeterList.BORDER * 2;
nat = grid_size * GreeterList.BOX_WIDTH - GreeterList.BORDER * 2;
public override bool draw (Cairo.Context c)
if (background != null)
int x, y;
background.translate_coordinates (this, 0, 0, out x, out y);
c.save ();
c.translate (x, y);
background.draw_full (c, Background.DrawFlags.NONE);
c.restore ();
/* Draw darker background with a rounded border */
var box_r = 0.3 * grid_size;
int box_y = 0;
int box_w;
int box_h;
get_preferred_width (null, out box_w);
get_preferred_height (null, out box_h);
if (mode == Mode.PUSH_FADE_OUT)
/* Grow dark bg to fit new pushed object */
var new_box_h = box_h - (int) ((box_h - orig_height) * base_alpha);
box_h = new_box_h;
else if (mode == Mode.POP_FADE_IN)
/* Shrink dark bg to fit orig */
var new_box_h = box_h - (int) ((box_h - orig_height) * base_alpha);
box_h = new_box_h;
c.save ();
CairoUtils.rounded_rectangle (c, 0, box_y, box_w, box_h, box_r);
c.set_source_rgba (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4);
c.fill_preserve ();
c.set_source_rgba (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
c.set_line_width (1);
c.stroke ();
c.restore ();
return base.draw (c);