/* -*- Mode: Vala; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authors: Robert Ancell
* Michael Terry
* Scott Sweeny
private int get_grid_offset (int size)
return (int) (size % grid_size) / 2;
[DBus (name="com.canonical.UnityGreeter.List")]
public class ListDBusInterface : Object
private GreeterList list;
public ListDBusInterface (GreeterList list)
this.list = list;
this.list.entry_selected.connect ((name) => {
entry_selected (name);
public string get_active_entry ()
string entry = "";
if (list.selected_entry != null && list.selected_entry.id != null)
entry = list.selected_entry.id;
return entry;
public void set_active_entry (string entry_name)
list.set_active_entry (entry_name);
public signal void entry_selected (string entry_name);
public abstract class GreeterList : FadableBox
public Background background { get; construct; }
public MenuBar menubar { get; construct; }
public PromptBox? selected_entry { get; private set; default = null; }
public bool start_scrolling { get; set; default = true; }
protected string greeter_authenticating_user;
protected bool _always_show_manual = false;
public bool always_show_manual
get { return _always_show_manual; }
_always_show_manual = value;
if (value)
add_manual_entry ();
else if (have_entries ())
remove_entry ("*other");
protected List entries = null;
private ListDBusInterface dbus_object;
private double scroll_target_location;
private double scroll_start_location;
private double scroll_location;
private double scroll_direction;
private AnimateTimer scroll_timer;
private Gtk.Fixed fixed;
public DashBox greeter_box;
private int cached_box_height = -1;
protected enum Mode
protected Mode mode = Mode.ENTRY;
public static const int BORDER = 4;
public static const int BOX_WIDTH = 8; /* in grid_size blocks */
public static const int DEFAULT_BOX_HEIGHT = 3; /* in grid_size blocks */
private uint n_above = 4;
private uint n_below = 4;
private int box_x
get { return 0; }
private int box_y
/* First, get grid row number as if menubar weren't there */
var row = (MainWindow.MENUBAR_HEIGHT + get_allocated_height ()) / grid_size;
row = row - DEFAULT_BOX_HEIGHT; /* and no default dash box */
row = row / 2; /* and in the middle */
/* Now calculate y pixel spot keeping in mind menubar's allocation */
return row * grid_size - MainWindow.MENUBAR_HEIGHT;
public signal void entry_selected (string? name);
public signal void entry_displayed_start ();
public signal void entry_displayed_done ();
protected virtual string? get_selected_id ()
if (selected_entry == null)
return null;
return selected_entry.id;
private string? _manual_name = null;
public string? manual_name
get { return _manual_name; }
_manual_name = value;
if (find_entry ("*other") != null)
add_manual_entry ();
private PromptBox _scrolling_entry = null;
private PromptBox scrolling_entry
get { return _scrolling_entry; }
/* When we swap out a scrolling entry, make sure to hide its
* image button, else it will appear in the tab chain. */
if (_scrolling_entry != null)
_scrolling_entry.set_options_image (null);
_scrolling_entry = value;
public GreeterList (Background bg, MenuBar mb)
Object (background: bg, menubar: mb);
can_focus = false;
visible_window = false;
fixed = new Gtk.Fixed ();
fixed.show ();
add (fixed);
greeter_box = new DashBox (background);
greeter_box.notify["base-alpha"].connect (() => { queue_draw (); });
greeter_box.show ();
greeter_box.size_allocate.connect (greeter_box_size_allocate_cb);
add_with_class (greeter_box);
scroll_timer = new AnimateTimer (AnimateTimer.ease_out_quint, AnimateTimer.FAST);
scroll_timer.animate.connect (animate_scrolling);
Bus.get.begin (BusType.SESSION, null, on_bus_acquired);
catch (IOError e)
debug ("Error getting session bus: %s", e.message);
private void on_bus_acquired (Object? obj, AsyncResult res)
var conn = Bus.get.end (res);
this.dbus_object = new ListDBusInterface (this);
conn.register_object ("/list", this.dbus_object);
catch (IOError e)
debug ("Error registering user list dbus object: %s", e.message);
public enum ScrollTarget
public override void get_preferred_width (out int min, out int nat)
min = BOX_WIDTH * grid_size;
nat = BOX_WIDTH * grid_size;
public override void get_preferred_height (out int min, out int nat)
base.get_preferred_height (out min, out nat);
min = 0;
public void cancel_authentication ()
UnityGreeter.singleton.cancel_authentication ();
entry_selected (selected_entry.id);
public void scroll (ScrollTarget target)
if (!sensitive)
switch (target)
case ScrollTarget.START:
select_entry (entries.nth_data (0), -1.0);
case ScrollTarget.END:
select_entry (entries.nth_data (entries.length () - 1), 1.0);
case ScrollTarget.UP:
var index = entries.index (selected_entry) - 1;
if (index < 0)
index = 0;
select_entry (entries.nth_data (index), -1.0);
case ScrollTarget.DOWN:
var index = entries.index (selected_entry) + 1;
if (index >= (int) entries.length ())
index = (int) entries.length () - 1;
select_entry (entries.nth_data (index), 1.0);
protected void add_with_class (Gtk.Widget widget)
fixed.add (widget);
UnityGreeter.add_style_class (widget);
protected void redraw_greeter_box ()
Gtk.Allocation allocation;
greeter_box.get_allocation (out allocation);
queue_draw_area (allocation.x, allocation.y, allocation.width, allocation.height);
public void show_message (string text, bool is_error = false)
if (will_clear)
selected_entry.clear ();
will_clear = false;
selected_entry.add_message (text, is_error);
public DashEntry add_prompt (string text, bool secret = false)
if (will_clear)
selected_entry.clear ();
will_clear = false;
string accessible_text = null;
if (selected_entry != null && selected_entry.label != null)
accessible_text = _("Enter password for %s").printf (selected_entry.label);
var prompt = selected_entry.add_prompt (text, accessible_text, secret);
if (mode != Mode.SCROLLING)
selected_entry.show_prompts ();
focus_prompt ();
redraw_greeter_box ();
return prompt;
public Gtk.ComboBox add_combo (GenericArray texts, bool read_only)
if (will_clear)
selected_entry.clear ();
will_clear = false;
var combo = selected_entry.add_combo (texts, read_only);
focus_prompt ();
redraw_greeter_box ();
return combo;
public override void grab_focus ()
focus_prompt ();
public virtual void focus_prompt ()
selected_entry.sensitive = true;
selected_entry.grab_focus ();
public abstract void show_authenticated (bool successful = true);
protected PromptBox? find_entry (string id)
foreach (var entry in entries)
if (entry.id == id)
return entry;
return null;
protected static int compare_entry (PromptBox a, PromptBox b)
if (a.id.has_prefix ("*") || b.id.has_prefix ("*"))
/* Special entries go after normal ones */
if (!a.id.has_prefix ("*"))
return -1;
if (!b.id.has_prefix ("*"))
return 1;
/* Manual comes before guest */
if (a.id == "*other")
return -1;
if (a.id == "*guest")
return 1;
/* Alphabetical by label */
return a.label.ascii_casecmp (b.label);
protected bool have_entries ()
foreach (var e in entries)
if (e.id != "*other")
return true;
return false;
protected virtual void insert_entry (PromptBox entry)
entries.insert_sorted (entry, compare_entry);
protected abstract void add_manual_entry ();
protected void add_entry (PromptBox entry)
entry.expand = true;
entry.set_size_request (grid_size * BOX_WIDTH - BORDER * 2, -1);
add_with_class (entry);
insert_entry (entry);
entry.name_clicked.connect (entry_clicked_cb);
if (selected_entry == null)
select_entry (entry, 1.0);
select_entry (selected_entry, 1.0);
move_names ();
public void set_active_entry (string ?name)
var e = find_entry (name);
if (e != null)
var direction = 1.0;
if (selected_entry != null &&
entries.index (selected_entry) > entries.index (e))
direction = -1.0;
select_entry (e, direction);
public void set_active_first_entry_with_prefix (string prefix)
foreach (var e in entries)
if (e.id.has_prefix (prefix))
select_entry (e, 1.0);
public void remove_entry (string? name)
remove_entry_by_entry (find_entry (name));
public void remove_entries_with_prefix (string prefix)
int i = 0;
while (i < entries.length ())
PromptBox e = entries.nth_data (i);
if (e.id.has_prefix (prefix))
remove_entry_by_entry (e);
public void remove_entry_by_entry (PromptBox? entry)
if (entry == null)
var index = entries.index (entry);
/* Select another entry if the selected one was removed */
if (entry == selected_entry)
if (index > 0) {
if (entries.nth_data (index) != null)
select_entry (entries.nth_data (index), -1.0);
else if (index < entries.length () -1 ) {
if (entries.nth_data (index) != null)
select_entry (entries.nth_data (index), +1.0);
entries.remove (entry);
entry.destroy ();
/* Show a manual login if no users and no remote login entry */
if (!have_entries () && !UnityGreeter.singleton.show_remote_login_hint ())
add_manual_entry ();
queue_draw ();
protected int get_greeter_box_height ()
int height;
greeter_box.get_preferred_height (null, out height);
return height;
protected int get_greeter_box_height_grids ()
int height = get_greeter_box_height ();
return height / grid_size + 1; /* +1 because we'll be slightly under due to BORDER */
protected int get_greeter_box_x ()
return box_x + BORDER;
protected int get_greeter_box_y ()
return box_y + BORDER;
protected virtual int get_position_y (double position)
// Most position heights are just the grid height. Except for the
// greeter box itself.
int box_height = get_greeter_box_height_grids () * grid_size;
double offset;
if (position < 0)
offset = position * grid_size;
else if (position < 1)
offset = position * box_height;
offset = (position - 1) * grid_size + box_height;
return box_y + (int)Math.round(offset);
private void move_entry (PromptBox entry, double position)
var alpha = 1.0;
if (position < 0)
alpha = 1.0 + position / (n_above + 1);
alpha = 1.0 - position / (n_below + 1);
entry.set_alpha (alpha);
/* Some entry types may care where they are (e.g. wifi prompt) */
entry.position = position;
Gtk.Allocation allocation;
get_allocation (out allocation);
var child_allocation = Gtk.Allocation ();
child_allocation.width = grid_size * BOX_WIDTH - BORDER * 2;
entry.get_preferred_height_for_width (child_allocation.width, null, out child_allocation.height);
child_allocation.x = allocation.x + get_greeter_box_x ();
child_allocation.y = allocation.y + get_position_y (position);
fixed.move (entry, child_allocation.x, child_allocation.y);
entry.size_allocate (child_allocation);
public void greeter_box_size_allocate_cb (Gtk.Allocation allocation)
/* If the greeter box allocation changes while not moving fix the entries position */
if (scrolling_entry == null && allocation.height != cached_box_height)
/* We run in idle because it's kind of a recursive loop and
* ends up positioning the entries in the wrong place if we try
* to do it during an existing allocation. */
Idle.add (() => { move_names (); return false; });
cached_box_height = allocation.height;
public void move_names ()
var index = 0;
foreach (var entry in entries)
var position = index - scroll_location;
/* Draw entries above, in and below the box */
if (position > -1 * (int)(n_above + 1) && position < n_below + 1)
move_entry (entry, position);
// Sometimes we will be overlayed by another widget like the
// session chooser. In such cases, don't try to show ourselves
var is_hidden = (position == 0 && greeter_box.has_base &&
greeter_box.base_alpha == 0.0);
if (!is_hidden)
entry.show ();
entry.hide ();
queue_draw ();
private void animate_scrolling (double progress)
/* Total height of list */
var h = entries.length ();
/* How far we have to go in total, either up or down with wrapping */
var distance = scroll_target_location - scroll_start_location;
if (scroll_direction * distance < 0)
distance += scroll_direction * h;
/* How far we've gone so far */
distance *= progress;
/* Go that far and wrap around */
scroll_location = scroll_start_location + distance;
if (scroll_location > h)
scroll_location -= h;
if (scroll_location < 0)
scroll_location += h;
move_names ();
if (progress >= 0.975 && !greeter_box.has_base)
setup_prompt_box ();
entry_displayed_start ();
/* Stop when we get there */
if (progress >= 1.0)
finished_scrolling ();
private void finished_scrolling ()
scrolling_entry = null;
selected_entry.show_prompts (); /* set prompts to be visible immediately */
focus_prompt ();
entry_displayed_done ();
mode = Mode.ENTRY;
protected void select_entry (PromptBox entry, double direction, bool do_scroll = true)
if (!get_realized ())
/* Just note it for the future if we haven't been realized yet */
selected_entry = entry;
if (scroll_target_location != entries.index (entry))
var new_target = entries.index (entry);
var new_direction = direction;
var new_start = scroll_location;
if (scroll_location != new_target && do_scroll)
var new_distance = new_direction * (new_target - new_start);
/* Base rate is 350 (250 + 100). If we find ourselves going further, slow down animation */
scroll_timer.reset (250 + int.min ((int)(100 * (Math.fabs (new_distance))), 500));
mode = Mode.SCROLLING;
scrolling_entry = selected_entry;
scroll_target_location = new_target;
scroll_direction = new_direction;
scroll_start_location = new_start;
if (selected_entry != entry)
greeter_box.set_base (null);
if (selected_entry != null)
selected_entry.clear ();
selected_entry = entry;
entry_selected (selected_entry.id);
if (mode == Mode.ENTRY)
/* don't need to move, but make sure we trigger the same side effects */
setup_prompt_box ();
scroll_timer.reset (0);
protected virtual void setup_prompt_box (bool fade = true)
greeter_box.set_base (selected_entry);
selected_entry.add_static_prompts ();
if (fade)
selected_entry.fade_in_prompts ();
selected_entry.show_prompts ();
public override void realize ()
base.realize ();
/* NOTE: This is going to cause the entry_selected signal to be emitted even if selected_entry has not changed */
var saved_entry = selected_entry;
selected_entry = null;
select_entry (saved_entry, 1, start_scrolling);
move_names ();
private void allocate_greeter_box ()
Gtk.Allocation allocation;
get_allocation (out allocation);
var child_allocation = Gtk.Allocation ();
greeter_box.get_preferred_width (null, out child_allocation.width);
greeter_box.get_preferred_height (null, out child_allocation.height);
child_allocation.x = allocation.x + get_greeter_box_x ();
child_allocation.y = allocation.y + get_greeter_box_y ();
fixed.move (greeter_box, child_allocation.x, child_allocation.y);
greeter_box.size_allocate (child_allocation);
foreach (var entry in entries)
entry.set_zone (greeter_box);
public override void size_allocate (Gtk.Allocation allocation)
base.size_allocate (allocation);
if (!get_realized ())
allocate_greeter_box ();
move_names ();
public override bool draw (Cairo.Context c)
c.push_group ();
c.save ();
fixed.propagate_draw (greeter_box, c); /* Always full alpha */
c.restore ();
if (greeter_box.base_alpha != 0.0)
c.save ();
c.push_group ();
c.rectangle (get_greeter_box_x (), get_greeter_box_y () - n_above * grid_size, grid_size * BOX_WIDTH - BORDER * 2, grid_size * (n_above + n_below + get_greeter_box_height_grids ()));
c.clip ();
foreach (var child in fixed.get_children ())
if (child != greeter_box)
fixed.propagate_draw (child, c);
c.pop_group_to_source ();
c.paint_with_alpha (greeter_box.base_alpha);
c.restore ();
c.pop_group_to_source ();
c.paint_with_alpha (fade_tracker.alpha);
return false;
private void entry_clicked_cb (PromptBox entry)
if (mode != Mode.ENTRY)
var index = entries.index (entry);
var position = index - scroll_location;
if (position < 0.0)
select_entry (entry, -1.0);
else if (position >= 1.0)
select_entry (entry, 1.0);
/* Not all subclasses are going to be interested in talking to lightdm, but for those that are, make it easy. */
protected bool will_clear = false;
protected bool prompted = false;
protected bool unacknowledged_messages = false;
protected void connect_to_lightdm ()
UnityGreeter.singleton.show_message.connect (show_message_cb);
UnityGreeter.singleton.show_prompt.connect (show_prompt_cb);
UnityGreeter.singleton.authentication_complete.connect (authentication_complete_cb);
protected void show_message_cb (string text, LightDM.MessageType type)
unacknowledged_messages = true;
show_message (text, type == LightDM.MessageType.ERROR);
protected virtual void show_prompt_cb (string text, LightDM.PromptType type)
/* Notify the greeter on what user has been logged */
if (get_selected_id () == "*other" && manual_name == null)
if (UnityGreeter.singleton.test_mode)
manual_name = test_username;
manual_name = UnityGreeter.singleton.authentication_user();
prompted = true;
if (text == "Password: ")
text = _("Password:");
if (text == "login:")
text = _("Username:");
add_prompt (text, type == LightDM.PromptType.SECRET);
protected virtual void authentication_complete_cb ()
/* Not the best of the solutions but seems the asynchrony
* when talking to lightdm process means that you can
* go to the "Guest" account, start authenticating as guest
* keep moving down to some of the remote servers
* and the answer will come after that, and even calling
* greeter.cancel_authentication won't help
* so basically i'm just ignoring any authentication callback
* if we are not in the same place in the list as we were
* when we called greeter.authenticate* */
if (greeter_authenticating_user != selected_entry.id)
bool is_authenticated;
if (UnityGreeter.singleton.test_mode)
is_authenticated = test_is_authenticated;
is_authenticated = UnityGreeter.singleton.is_authenticated();
if (is_authenticated)
/* Login immediately if prompted and user has acknowledged all messages */
if (prompted && !unacknowledged_messages)
login_complete ();
if (UnityGreeter.singleton.test_mode)
start_session ();
if (background.alpha == 1.0)
start_session ();
background.notify["alpha"].connect (background_loaded_cb);
prompted = true;
show_authenticated ();
if (prompted)
/* Show an error if one wasn't provided */
if (will_clear)
show_message (_("Invalid password, please try again"), true);
selected_entry.reset_spinners ();
/* Restart authentication */
start_authentication ();
/* Show an error if one wasn't provided */
if (!selected_entry.has_errors)
show_message (_("Failed to authenticate"), true);
/* Stop authentication */
show_authenticated (false);
protected virtual void start_authentication ()
prompted = false;
unacknowledged_messages = false;
/* Reset manual username */
manual_name = null;
will_clear = false;
greeter_authenticating_user = get_selected_id ();
if (UnityGreeter.singleton.test_mode)
test_start_authentication ();
if (get_selected_id () == "*other")
UnityGreeter.singleton.authenticate ();
else if (get_selected_id () == "*guest")
UnityGreeter.singleton.authenticate_as_guest ();
UnityGreeter.singleton.authenticate (get_selected_id ());
private void background_loaded_cb (ParamSpec pspec)
if (background.alpha == 1.0)
background.notify["alpha"].disconnect (background_loaded_cb);
start_session ();
private void start_session ()
if (!UnityGreeter.singleton.start_session (get_lightdm_session (), background))
show_message (_("Failed to start session"), true);
start_authentication ();
/* Set the background */
background.draw_grid = false;
background.queue_draw ();
public void login_complete ()
sensitive = false;
selected_entry.clear ();
selected_entry.add_message (_("Logging in…"), false);
redraw_greeter_box ();
protected virtual string get_lightdm_session ()
return "ubuntu";
/* Testing code below this */
protected string? test_username = null;
protected bool test_is_authenticated = false;
protected virtual void test_start_authentication ()