/* -*- Mode: Vala; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Canonical Ltd * Copyright (C) 2015,2017 Mike Gabriel * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: Robert Ancell * Michael Terry * Mike Gabriel */ public class PromptBox : FadableBox { public signal void respond (string[] response); public signal void login (); public signal void show_options (); public signal void name_clicked (); public static string font = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_FONT_NAME); public static string font_family = "sans"; public static int font_size = 11; public bool has_errors { get; set; default = false; } public string id { get; construct; } public string label { get { return name_label.label; } set { name_label.label = value; small_name_label.label = value; } } public double position { get; set; default = 0; } private Gtk.Fixed fixed; private Gtk.Widget zone; /* when overlapping zone we are fully expanded */ /* Expanded widgets */ protected Gtk.Grid box_grid; protected Gtk.Grid name_grid; private ActiveIndicator active_indicator; protected FadingLabel name_label; protected FlatButton option_button; private CachedImage option_image; private CachedImage message_image; /* Condensed widgets */ protected Gtk.Widget small_box_widget; private ActiveIndicator small_active_indicator; protected FadingLabel small_name_label; private CachedImage small_message_image; protected const int COL_ACTIVE = 0; protected const int COL_CONTENT = 1; protected const int COL_SPACER = 2; protected const int ROW_NAME = 0; protected const int COL_NAME_LABEL = 0; protected const int COL_NAME_MESSAGE = 1; protected const int COL_NAME_OPTIONS = 2; protected const int COL_ENTRIES_START = 1; protected const int COL_ENTRIES_END = 1; protected const int COL_ENTRIES_WIDTH = 1; protected int start_row; protected int last_row; private enum PromptVisibility { HIDDEN, FADING, SHOWN, } private PromptVisibility prompt_visibility = PromptVisibility.HIDDEN; public PromptBox (string id) { Object (id: id); } construct { // Hack to avoid gtk 3.20's new allocate logic, which messes us up. resize_mode = Gtk.ResizeMode.QUEUE; set_start_row (); reset_last_row (); expand = true; fixed = new Gtk.Fixed (); fixed.show (); add (fixed); box_grid = new Gtk.Grid (); box_grid.column_spacing = 4; box_grid.row_spacing = 3; box_grid.margin_top = GreeterList.BORDER; box_grid.margin_bottom = 6; box_grid.expand = true; /** Grid layout: 0 1 2 3 4 > Name M S < Message....... Entry......... */ if (font_size < 6) font_size = 6; active_indicator = new ActiveIndicator (); active_indicator.valign = Gtk.Align.START; active_indicator.margin_top = (grid_size - ActiveIndicator.HEIGHT) / 2; active_indicator.show (); box_grid.attach (active_indicator, COL_ACTIVE, last_row, 1, 1); /* Add a second one on right just for equal-spacing purposes */ var dummy_indicator = new ActiveIndicator (); dummy_indicator.show (); box_grid.attach (dummy_indicator, COL_SPACER, last_row, 1, 1); box_grid.show (); /* Create fully expanded version of ourselves */ name_grid = create_name_grid (); box_grid.attach (name_grid, COL_CONTENT, last_row, 1, 1); /* Now prep small versions of the above normal widgets. These are * used when scrolling outside of the main dash box. */ var small_box_grid = new Gtk.Grid (); small_box_grid.column_spacing = 4; small_box_grid.row_spacing = 6; small_box_grid.hexpand = true; small_box_grid.show (); small_active_indicator = new ActiveIndicator (); small_active_indicator.valign = Gtk.Align.START; small_active_indicator.margin_top = (grid_size - ActiveIndicator.HEIGHT) / 2; small_active_indicator.show (); small_box_grid.attach (small_active_indicator, 0, 0, 1, 1); var small_name_grid = create_small_name_grid (); small_box_grid.attach (small_name_grid, 1, 0, 1, 1); /* Add a second indicator on right just for equal-spacing purposes */ var small_dummy_indicator = new ActiveIndicator (); small_dummy_indicator.show (); small_box_grid.attach (small_dummy_indicator, 3, 0, 1, 1); var small_box_eventbox = new Gtk.EventBox (); small_box_eventbox.visible_window = false; small_box_eventbox.button_release_event.connect (() => { name_clicked (); return true; }); small_box_eventbox.add (small_box_grid); small_box_eventbox.show (); small_box_widget = small_box_eventbox; fixed.add (small_box_widget); fixed.add (box_grid); /* Split font family and size via regular expression. */ Regex font_regexp = new Regex ("^([[:blank:]]*)(?[ a-zA-Z0-9]+) (?[0-9]+)([[:blank:]]*)$"); MatchInfo font_info; if (font_regexp.match(font, 0, out font_info)) { font_family = font_info.fetch_named("font_family"); font_size = int.parse(font_info.fetch_named("font_size")); } debug ("Using font family '%s'.", font_family); debug ("Using font size base '%d'.", font_size); } protected virtual Gtk.Grid create_name_grid () { var name_grid = new Gtk.Grid (); name_grid.column_spacing = 4; name_grid.hexpand = true; name_label = new FadingLabel (""); var style_ctx = name_label.get_style_context(); try { var font_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider (); var css = "* {font-family: %s; font-size: %dpt;}".printf (font_family, font_size+2); font_provider.load_from_data (css, -1); style_ctx.add_provider (font_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Internal error loading font style (%s, %dpt): %s", font_family, font_size+2, e.message); } var agsettings = new AGSettings (); try { var color_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider (); var css = "* { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0); }\n" + ".high_contrast { color: rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0); }"; color_provider.load_from_data (css, -1); style_ctx.add_provider (color_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Internal error setting color on name label: %s", e.message); } name_label.valign = Gtk.Align.START; name_label.vexpand = true; name_label.yalign = 0.5f; name_label.xalign = 0.0f; name_label.margin_left = 2; name_label.set_size_request (-1, grid_size); name_label.show (); name_grid.attach (name_label, COL_NAME_LABEL, ROW_NAME, 1, 1); message_image = new CachedImage (null); try { message_image.pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "message.png", null)); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Error loading message image: %s", e.message); } var align = new Gtk.Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); align.valign = Gtk.Align.START; align.set_size_request (-1, grid_size); align.add (message_image); align.show (); name_grid.attach (align, COL_NAME_MESSAGE, ROW_NAME, 1, 1); option_button = new FlatButton (); var option_button_ctx = option_button.get_style_context (); option_button_ctx.add_class ("option-button"); try { /* * Override background for both high-contrast and normal modes. * Note that we have to use CSS selectors here, since this code * is only executed once. */ var background_style = new Gtk.CssProvider (); background_style.load_from_data ("button.flat.option-button.high_contrast {\n" + " background-color: %s;\n".printf("rgba(0,0,0,1.0)") + " background-image: none;\n" + "}\n" + "button.flat.option-button:hover:not(.high_contrast), " + "button.flat.option-button:active:not(.high_contrast), " + "button.flat.option-button:hover:active:not(.high_contrast) {\n"+ " background-color: %s;\n".printf("rgba(255,255,255,0.5)")+ " background-image: none;"+ "}\n" + "button.flat.option-button:hover.high_contrast," + "button.flat.option-button:active.high_contrast," + "button.flat.option-button:hover:active.high_contrast {\n" + " background-color:%s;\n".printf("rgba(70, 70, 70, 1.0)") + " background-image: none;" + "}\n", -1); option_button_ctx.add_provider (background_style, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Internal error loading option button background style: %s", e.message); } option_button.hexpand = true; option_button.halign = Gtk.Align.END; option_button.valign = Gtk.Align.START; // Keep as much space on top as on the right option_button.margin_top = ActiveIndicator.WIDTH + box_grid.column_spacing; Gtk.button_set_focus_on_click (option_button, false); option_button.relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE; option_button.get_accessible ().set_name (_("Session Options")); option_button.clicked.connect (option_button_clicked_cb); option_image = new CachedImage (null); option_image.show (); option_button.add (option_image); name_grid.attach (option_button, COL_NAME_OPTIONS, ROW_NAME, 1, 1); name_grid.show (); return name_grid; } protected virtual Gtk.Grid create_small_name_grid () { var small_name_grid = new Gtk.Grid (); small_name_grid.column_spacing = 4; small_name_label = new FadingLabel (""); var style_ctx = small_name_label.get_style_context(); try { var font_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider (); var css = "* {font-family: %s; font-size: %dpt;}".printf (font_family, font_size); font_provider.load_from_data (css, -1); style_ctx.add_provider (font_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Internal error loading font style (%s, %dpt): %s", font_family, font_size, e.message); } small_name_label.override_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }); small_name_label.yalign = 0.5f; small_name_label.xalign = 0.0f; small_name_label.margin_left = 2; small_name_label.set_size_request (-1, grid_size); small_name_label.show (); small_name_grid.attach (small_name_label, 1, 0, 1, 1); small_message_image = new CachedImage (null); small_message_image.pixbuf = message_image.pixbuf; var align = new Gtk.Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); align.set_size_request (-1, grid_size); align.add (small_message_image); align.show (); small_name_grid.attach (align, 2, 0, 1, 1); small_name_grid.show (); return small_name_grid; } protected virtual void set_start_row () { start_row = 0; } protected virtual void reset_last_row () { last_row = start_row; } #if HAVE_GTK_3_20_0 private int round_to_grid (int size) { var num_grids = size / grid_size; var remainder = size % grid_size; if (remainder > 0) num_grids += 1; num_grids = int.max (num_grids, 3); return num_grids * grid_size; } public override void get_preferred_height (out int min, out int nat) { base.get_preferred_height (out min, out nat); min = round_to_grid (min + GreeterList.BORDER * 2) - GreeterList.BORDER * 2; nat = round_to_grid (nat + GreeterList.BORDER * 2) - GreeterList.BORDER * 2; if (position <= -1 || position >= 1) min = nat = grid_size; } #endif public void set_zone (Gtk.Widget zone) { this.zone = zone; queue_draw (); } public void set_options_image (Gdk.Pixbuf? image, string? tooltip) { if (option_button == null) return; option_image.pixbuf = image; if (tooltip == null) option_image.set_tooltip_text(""); else option_image.set_tooltip_text(tooltip); if (image == null) option_button.hide (); else option_button.show (); } private void option_button_clicked_cb (Gtk.Button button) { show_options (); } public void set_show_message_icon (bool show) { message_image.visible = show; small_message_image.visible = show; } public void set_is_active (bool active) { active_indicator.active = active; small_active_indicator.active = active; } protected void foreach_prompt_widget (Gtk.Callback cb) { var prompt_widgets = new List (); var i = start_row + 1; while (i <= last_row) { var c = box_grid.get_child_at (COL_ENTRIES_START, i); if (c != null) /* c might have been deleted from selective clear */ prompt_widgets.append (c); i++; } foreach (var w in prompt_widgets) cb (w); } public void clear () { prompt_visibility = PromptVisibility.HIDDEN; active_indicator.expanded = false; /* Hold a ref while removing the prompt widgets - * if we just do w.destroy() we get this warning: * CRITICAL: pango_layout_get_cursor_pos: assertion 'index >= 0 && index <= layout->length' failed * by GtkWidget's screen-changed signal being called on * widget when we destroy it. */ foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { #if HAVE_GTK_3_20_0 w.ref (); w.get_parent().remove(w); w.unref (); #else w.destroy (); #endif }); reset_last_row (); has_errors = false; } /* Clears error messages */ public void reset_messages () { has_errors = false; foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { var is_error = w.get_data ("prompt-box-is-error"); if (is_error) w.destroy (); }); } /* Stops spinners */ public void reset_spinners () { foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { if (w is DashEntry) { var e = w as DashEntry; e.did_respond = false; } }); } /* Clears error messages and stops spinners. Basically gets the box back to a filled-by-user-but-no-status state. */ public void reset_state () { reset_messages (); reset_spinners (); } public virtual void add_static_prompts () { /* Subclasses may want to add prompts that are always present here */ } private void update_prompt_visibility (Gtk.Widget w) { switch (prompt_visibility) { case PromptVisibility.HIDDEN: w.hide (); active_indicator.expanded = false; break; case PromptVisibility.FADING: var f = w as Fadable; w.sensitive = true; if (f != null) f.fade_in (); else w.show (); active_indicator.expanded = true; break; case PromptVisibility.SHOWN: w.show (); w.sensitive = true; active_indicator.expanded = true; break; } } public void fade_in_prompts () { prompt_visibility = PromptVisibility.FADING; show (); foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { update_prompt_visibility (w); }); active_indicator.expanded = true; } public void show_prompts () { prompt_visibility = PromptVisibility.SHOWN; show (); foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { update_prompt_visibility (w); }); active_indicator.expanded = true; } protected void attach_item (Gtk.Widget w, bool add_style_class = true) { w.set_data ("prompt-box-widget", this); if (add_style_class) ArcticaGreeter.add_style_class (w); last_row += 1; box_grid.attach (w, COL_ENTRIES_START, last_row, COL_ENTRIES_WIDTH, 1); update_prompt_visibility (w); queue_resize (); } public void add_message (string text, bool is_error) { var label = new FadingLabel (text); var style_ctx = label.get_style_context(); try { var font_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider (); var css = "* {font-family: %s; font-size: %dpt;}".printf (font_family, font_size-1); font_provider.load_from_data (css, -1); style_ctx.add_provider (font_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Internal error loading font style (%s, %dpt): %s", font_family, font_size-1, e.message); } Gdk.RGBA color = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; if (is_error) color.parse ("#df382c"); label.override_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, color); label.xalign = 0.0f; label.set_data ("prompt-box-is-error", is_error); attach_item (label); if (is_error) has_errors = true; } public DashEntry add_prompt (string text, string? accessible_text, bool is_secret) { /* Stop other entry's arrows/spinners from showing */ foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { if (w is DashEntry) { var e = w as DashEntry; if (e != null) e.can_respond = false; } }); var entry = new DashEntry (); entry.sensitive = false; if (text.contains ("\n")) { add_message (text, false); entry.constant_placeholder_text = ""; } else { /* Strip trailing colon if present (also handle CJK version) */ var placeholder = text; if (placeholder.has_suffix (":") || placeholder.has_suffix (":")) { var len = placeholder.char_count (); placeholder = placeholder.substring (0, placeholder.index_of_nth_char (len - 1)); } entry.constant_placeholder_text = placeholder; } var accessible = entry.get_accessible (); if (accessible_text != null) accessible.set_name (accessible_text); else accessible.set_name (text); if (is_secret) { entry.visibility = false; entry.caps_lock_warning = true; } entry.respond.connect (entry_activate_cb); attach_item (entry); return entry; } public Gtk.ComboBox add_combo (GenericArray texts, bool read_only) { Gtk.ComboBoxText combo; if (read_only) combo = new Gtk.ComboBoxText (); else combo = new Gtk.ComboBoxText.with_entry (); combo.get_style_context ().add_class ("lightdm-combo"); combo.get_child ().get_style_context ().add_class ("lightdm-combo"); var style_ctx = combo.get_child ().get_style_context(); try { var font_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider (); var css = "* {font-family: %s; font-size: %dpt;}".printf (DashEntry.font_family, DashEntry.font_size); font_provider.load_from_data (css, -1); style_ctx.add_provider (font_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Internal error loading font style (%s, %dpt): %s", font_family, font_size+2, e.message); } attach_item (combo, false); texts.foreach ((text) => { combo.append_text (text); }); if (texts.length > 0) combo.active = 0; return combo; } protected void entry_activate_cb () { var response = new string[0]; foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { if (w is Gtk.Entry) { var e = w as Gtk.Entry; if (e != null) response += e.text; } }); respond (response); } public void add_button (string text, string? accessible_text) { var button = new DashButton (text); var accessible = button.get_accessible (); accessible.set_name (accessible_text); button.clicked.connect (button_clicked_cb); attach_item (button); } private void button_clicked_cb (Gtk.Button button) { login (); } public override void grab_focus () { var done = false; Gtk.Widget best = null; foreach_prompt_widget ((w) => { if (done) return; best = w; /* last entry wins, all else considered */ var e = w as Gtk.Entry; var b = w as Gtk.Button; var c = w as Gtk.ComboBox; /* We've found ideal entry (first empty one), so stop looking */ if ((e != null && e.text == "") || b != null || c != null) done = true; }); if (best != null) best.grab_focus (); } public override void size_allocate (Gtk.Allocation allocation) { base.size_allocate (allocation); box_grid.size_allocate (allocation); int small_height; small_box_widget.get_preferred_height (null, out small_height); allocation.height = small_height; small_box_widget.size_allocate (allocation); } public override void draw_full_alpha (Cairo.Context c) { /* Draw either small or normal version of ourselves, depending on where our allocation put us relative to our zone */ int x, y; zone.translate_coordinates (this, 0, 0, out x, out y); Gtk.Allocation alloc, zone_alloc; this.get_allocation (out alloc); zone.get_allocation (out zone_alloc); /* Draw main grid only in that area */ c.save (); c.rectangle (x, y, zone_alloc.width, zone_alloc.height); c.clip (); fixed.propagate_draw (box_grid, c); c.restore (); /* Do actual drawing */ c.save (); if (y > 0) c.rectangle (x, 0, zone_alloc.width, y); else c.rectangle (x, y + zone_alloc.height, zone_alloc.width, -y); c.clip (); fixed.propagate_draw (small_box_widget, c); c.restore (); } } private class ActiveIndicator : Gtk.Image { public bool active { get; set; } public bool expanded { get; set; } public const int WIDTH = 8; public const int HEIGHT = 7; construct { var filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "active.png"); try { pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file (filename); pixbuf_changed_helper (); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Could not load active image: %s", e.message); } notify["active"].connect (() => { queue_draw (); }); notify["expanded"].connect (() => { notify_expanded (); }); notify["pixbuf"].connect ((s, p) => { notify_pixbuf_changed (s, p); }); this.style_updated.connect ((w) => { handle_style_updated (w); }); xalign = 0.0f; } public override void get_preferred_width (out int min, out int nat) { min = WIDTH; nat = min; } public override void get_preferred_height (out int min, out int nat) { min = HEIGHT; nat = min; } public override bool draw (Cairo.Context c) { if (!active) return false; return base.draw (c); } private void notify_pixbuf_changed (Object src, ParamSpec prop) { assert ("pixbuf" == prop.name); if (!(this.swapping_)) { pixbuf_changed_helper (); } } private void pixbuf_changed_helper () { /* Copy the new pixbuf. */ this.pixbuf_orig_ = this.pixbuf.copy (); this.pixbuf.copy_options (this.pixbuf_orig_); this.pixbuf_inverted_ = this.pixbuf.copy (); this.pixbuf.copy_options (this.pixbuf_inverted_); /* Invert the new pixbuf. */ invert_pixbuf (); if (this.inverted_) { this.swapping_ = true; this.pixbuf = this.pixbuf_inverted_; this.swapping_ = false; } } private void handle_style_updated (Gtk.Widget widget) { var style_ctx = this.get_style_context (); if (style_ctx.has_class ("high_contrast")) { if ((!(this.inverted_)) && (this.expanded)) { this.swapping_ = true; this.pixbuf = this.pixbuf_inverted_; this.inverted_ = true; this.swapping_ = false; } } else { if (this.inverted_) { this.swapping_ = true; this.pixbuf = this.pixbuf_orig_; this.inverted_ = false; this.swapping_ = false; } } } private void invert_pixbuf () { assert (Gdk.Colorspace.RGB == this.pixbuf_inverted_.get_colorspace ()); var sample_size = this.pixbuf_inverted_.get_bits_per_sample (); var alpha = this.pixbuf_inverted_.get_has_alpha (); var channels = this.pixbuf_inverted_.get_n_channels (); assert (((4 == channels) && (alpha)) || (3 == channels)); /* * Fun fact: we don't need to decompose the actual colors. Since * the inversion is just a simple XOR operation, we can just * invert all the bits minus the alpha value. */ assert (1 <= sample_size); var rowstride = this.pixbuf_inverted_.get_rowstride (); var col_bytes = (((channels * sample_size) + 7) / 8); var row_bytes = (this.pixbuf_inverted_.width * col_bytes); unowned var pixels = this.pixbuf_inverted_.get_pixels (); assert (pixels != null); size_t color_bits = channels; if (alpha) { --color_bits; } color_bits *= sample_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < this.pixbuf_inverted_.height; (++i)) { for (size_t y = 0; y < this.pixbuf_inverted_.width; (++y)) { /* Invert full bytes first. */ for (size_t x = 0; x < (color_bits / 8); (++(x))) { pixels[(i * rowstride) + (y * col_bytes) + (x)] ^= (~(0)); } /* * And now, invert the last actual color bits minus alpha * and padding. */ uint8 rest = (uint8) (color_bits % 8); if (0 < rest) { uint8 mask = (~(0)); mask <<= (8 - rest); pixels[(i * rowstride) + (y * col_bytes) + (color_bits / 8)] ^= mask; } } } } private void notify_expanded () { if (!(this.expanded)) { /* * In non-expanded form, we always want to have the original * look. */ if (this.inverted_) { this.swapping_ = true; this.pixbuf = this.pixbuf_orig_; this.inverted_ = false; this.swapping_ = false; } } else { /* * In expanded form, we want to restore the inverted form iff the * high contrast mode is enabled. */ var agsettings = new AGSettings (); if ((!(this.inverted_)) && (agsettings.high_contrast)) { this.swapping_ = true; this.pixbuf = this.pixbuf_inverted_; this.inverted_ = true; this.swapping_ = false; } } } private bool inverted_ = false; private bool swapping_ = false; private Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf_orig_ = null; private Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf_inverted_ = null; }