diff options
10 files changed, 5 insertions, 677 deletions
diff --git a/.bzrignore b/.bzrignore
index 1290cba..f73cbd7 100644
--- a/.bzrignore
+++ b/.bzrignore
@@ -104,13 +104,9 @@ docs/reference/libappindicator-decl.txt.bak
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 1d8875e..7deb087 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ glib_marshal_prefix = _application_service_marshal
- application-service.xml \
- notification-approver.xml
+ application-service.xml
@@ -107,9 +106,7 @@ BUILT_SOURCES += \
$(DBUS_SPECS:.xml=-client.h) \
$(DBUS_SPECS:.xml=-server.h) \
gen-application-service.xml.c \
- gen-application-service.xml.h \
- gen-notification-approver.xml.c \
- gen-notification-approver.xml.h
+ gen-application-service.xml.h
diff --git a/src/application-service-appstore.c b/src/application-service-appstore.c
index 2663003..596c0f3 100644
--- a/src/application-service-appstore.c
+++ b/src/application-service-appstore.c
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ struct _ApplicationServiceAppstorePrivate {
GDBusConnection * bus;
guint dbus_registration;
GList * applications;
- GList * approvers;
GHashTable * ordering_overrides;
@@ -80,14 +79,6 @@ typedef enum {
#define STATE2STRING(x) ((x) == VISIBLE_STATE_HIDDEN ? "hidden" : "visible")
-typedef struct _Approver Approver;
-struct _Approver {
- ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore; /* not ref'd */
- GCancellable * proxy_cancel;
- GDBusProxy * proxy;
- guint name_watcher;
typedef struct _Application Application;
struct _Application {
gchar * id;
@@ -113,8 +104,6 @@ struct _Application {
gchar * title;
gboolean currently_free;
guint ordering_index;
- GList * approver_cancels;
- GList * approved_by;
visible_state_t visible_state;
guint name_watcher;
@@ -141,16 +130,11 @@ static void load_override_file (GHashTable * hash, const gchar * filename);
static AppIndicatorStatus string_to_status(const gchar * status_string);
static void apply_status (Application * app);
static AppIndicatorCategory string_to_cat(const gchar * cat_string);
-static void approver_free (gpointer papprover, gpointer user_data);
-static void check_with_new_approver (gpointer papp, gpointer papprove);
-static void check_with_old_approver (gpointer papprove, gpointer papp);
static Application * find_application (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore, const gchar * address, const gchar * object);
static Application * find_application_by_menu (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore, const gchar * address, const gchar * menuobject);
static void bus_get_cb (GObject * object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data);
static void dbus_proxy_cb (GObject * object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data);
static void app_receive_signal (GDBusProxy * proxy, gchar * sender_name, gchar * signal_name, GVariant * parameters, gpointer user_data);
-static void approver_proxy_cb (GObject * object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data);
-static void approver_receive_signal (GDBusProxy * proxy, gchar * sender_name, gchar * signal_name, GVariant * parameters, gpointer user_data);
static void get_all_properties (Application * app);
static void application_free (Application * app);
@@ -195,7 +179,6 @@ application_service_appstore_init (ApplicationServiceAppstore *self)
ApplicationServiceAppstorePrivate * priv = APPLICATION_SERVICE_APPSTORE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
priv->applications = NULL;
- priv->approvers = NULL;
priv->bus_cancel = NULL;
priv->dbus_registration = 0;
@@ -343,12 +326,6 @@ application_service_appstore_dispose (GObject *object)
((Application *)priv->applications->data)->dbus_object);
- if (priv->approvers != NULL) {
- g_list_foreach(priv->approvers, approver_free, object);
- g_list_free(priv->approvers);
- priv->approvers = NULL;
- }
if (priv->dbus_registration != 0) {
g_dbus_connection_unregister_object(priv->bus, priv->dbus_registration);
/* Don't care if it fails, there's nothing we can do */
@@ -605,8 +582,6 @@ got_all_properties (GObject * source_object, GAsyncResult * res,
app->title = g_strdup("");
- g_list_foreach(priv->approvers, check_with_old_approver, app);
if (app->queued_props) {
@@ -648,15 +623,6 @@ get_all_properties (Application * app)
-/* Check the application against an approver */
-static void
-check_with_old_approver (gpointer papprove, gpointer papp)
- /* Funny the parallels, eh? */
- check_with_new_approver(papp, papprove);
- return;
/* Simple translation function -- could be optimized */
static AppIndicatorStatus
string_to_status(const gchar * status_string)
@@ -812,14 +778,6 @@ application_free (Application * app)
if (app->title != NULL) {
- if (app->approver_cancels != NULL) {
- g_list_foreach(app->approver_cancels, (GFunc)g_cancellable_cancel, NULL);
- g_list_foreach(app->approver_cancels, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL);
- g_list_free(app->approver_cancels);
- }
- if (app->approved_by != NULL) {
- g_list_free(app->approved_by);
- }
@@ -883,14 +841,12 @@ static void
apply_status (Application * app)
ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore = app->appstore;
- ApplicationServiceAppstorePrivate * priv = appstore->priv;
- /* g_debug("Applying status. Status: %d Approved by: %d Approvers: %d Visible: %d", app->status, g_list_length(app->approved_by), g_list_length(priv->approvers), app->visible_state); */
+ /* g_debug("Applying status. Status: %d Visible: %d", app->status, app->visible_state); */
visible_state_t goal_state = VISIBLE_STATE_HIDDEN;
- if (app->status != APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_PASSIVE &&
- g_list_length(app->approved_by) >= g_list_length(priv->approvers)) {
+ if (app->status != APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_PASSIVE) {
@@ -1073,8 +1029,6 @@ application_service_appstore_application_add (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appst
app->title = NULL;
app->currently_free = FALSE;
app->ordering_index = 0;
- app->approver_cancels = NULL;
- app->approved_by = NULL;
app->visible_state = VISIBLE_STATE_HIDDEN;
app->name_watcher = 0;
app->props_cancel = NULL;
@@ -1390,277 +1344,3 @@ get_applications (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore)
return NULL;
-/* Removes and approver from our list of approvers and
- then sees if that changes our status. Most likely this
- could make us visible if this approver rejected us. */
-static void
-remove_approver (gpointer papp, gpointer pproxy)
- Application * app = (Application *)papp;
- /* Check for any pending approvals and cancel them */
- GList * iter = app->approver_cancels;
- while (iter != NULL) {
- GCancellable * cancel = (GCancellable *)iter->data;
- GDBusProxy * proxy = (GDBusProxy *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(cancel), "proxy");
- if (proxy == pproxy) {
- g_cancellable_cancel(cancel);
- g_object_unref(cancel);
- GList * next = iter->next;
- app->approver_cancels = g_list_delete_link(app->approver_cancels, iter);
- iter = next;
- } else {
- iter = iter->next;
- }
- }
- app->approved_by = g_list_remove(app->approved_by, pproxy);
- apply_status(app);
- return;
-/* Frees the data associated with an approver */
-static void
-approver_free (gpointer papprover, gpointer user_data)
- Approver * approver = (Approver *)papprover;
- g_return_if_fail(approver != NULL);
- ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore = APPLICATION_SERVICE_APPSTORE(user_data);
- g_list_foreach(appstore->priv->applications, remove_approver, approver->proxy);
- if (approver->name_watcher != 0) {
- g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(approver->proxy), approver->name_watcher);
- approver->name_watcher = 0;
- }
- if (approver->proxy != NULL) {
- g_object_unref(approver->proxy);
- approver->proxy = NULL;
- }
- if (approver->proxy_cancel != NULL) {
- g_cancellable_cancel(approver->proxy_cancel);
- g_object_unref(approver->proxy_cancel);
- approver->proxy_cancel = NULL;
- }
- g_free(approver);
- return;
-/* What did the approver tell us? */
-static void
-approver_request_cb (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data)
- GDBusProxy * proxy = G_DBUS_PROXY(object);
- GCancellable * cancel = (GCancellable *)user_data;
- GError * error = NULL;
- gboolean approved = TRUE; /* default to approved */
- GVariant * result;
- result = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish(proxy, res, &error);
- if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) {
- g_error_free (error);
- return; // Must exit before accessing freed memory
- }
- Application * app = (Application *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(cancel), "app");
- app->approver_cancels = g_list_remove(app->approver_cancels, cancel);
- g_object_unref(cancel);
- if (error == NULL) {
- g_variant_get(result, "(b)", &approved);
- g_debug("Approver responded: %s", approved ? "approve" : "rejected");
- g_variant_unref(result);
- }
- else {
- g_debug("Approver responded error: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free (error);
- }
- if (approved) {
- app->approved_by = g_list_prepend(app->approved_by, proxy);
- } else {
- app->approved_by = g_list_remove(app->approved_by, proxy);
- }
- apply_status(app);
- return;
-/* Run the applications through the new approver */
-static void
-check_with_new_approver (gpointer papp, gpointer papprove)
- Application * app = (Application *)papp;
- Approver * approver = (Approver *)papprove;
- GCancellable * cancel = NULL;
- cancel = g_cancellable_new();
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(cancel), "app", app);
- g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(cancel), "proxy", approver->proxy);
- app->approver_cancels = g_list_prepend(app->approver_cancels, cancel);
- g_dbus_proxy_call(approver->proxy, "ApproveItem",
- g_variant_new("(ssuso)", app->id, app->category,
- 0, app->dbus_name, app->dbus_object),
- G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, cancel,
- approver_request_cb, cancel);
- return;
-/* A signal when an approver changes the why that it thinks about
- a particular indicator. */
-approver_revise_judgement (Approver * approver, gboolean new_status, const gchar * address, const gchar * path)
- g_return_if_fail(address != NULL && address[0] != '\0');
- g_return_if_fail(path != NULL && path[0] != '\0');
- Application * app = find_application(approver->appstore, address, path);
- if (app == NULL) {
- g_warning("Unable to update approver status of application (%s:%s) as it was not found", address, path);
- return;
- }
- if (new_status) {
- app->approved_by = g_list_prepend(app->approved_by, approver->proxy);
- } else {
- app->approved_by = g_list_remove(app->approved_by, approver->proxy);
- }
- apply_status(app);
- return;
-/* Adds a new approver to the app store */
-application_service_appstore_approver_add (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore, const gchar * dbus_name, const gchar * dbus_object)
- g_return_if_fail(IS_APPLICATION_SERVICE_APPSTORE(appstore));
- g_return_if_fail(dbus_name != NULL);
- g_return_if_fail(dbus_object != NULL);
- ApplicationServiceAppstorePrivate * priv = APPLICATION_SERVICE_APPSTORE_GET_PRIVATE (appstore);
- Approver * approver = g_new0(Approver, 1);
- approver->appstore = appstore;
- approver->proxy_cancel = NULL;
- approver->proxy = NULL;
- approver->name_watcher = 0;
- approver->proxy_cancel = g_cancellable_new();
- g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,
- dbus_name,
- dbus_object,
- approver->proxy_cancel,
- approver_proxy_cb,
- approver);
- priv->approvers = g_list_prepend(priv->approvers, approver);
- return;
-static void
-approver_name_changed (GDBusConnection * connection, const gchar * sender_name,
- const gchar * object_path, const gchar * interface_name,
- const gchar * signal_name, GVariant * parameters,
- gpointer user_data)
- Approver * approver = (Approver *)user_data;
- ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore = approver->appstore;
- gchar * new_name = NULL;
- g_variant_get(parameters, "(sss)", NULL, NULL, &new_name);
- if (new_name == NULL || new_name[0] == 0) {
- appstore->priv->approvers = g_list_remove(appstore->priv->approvers, approver);
- approver_free(approver, appstore);
- }
- g_free(new_name);
- return;
-/* Callback from trying to create the proxy for the approver. */
-static void
-approver_proxy_cb (GObject * object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data)
- GError * error = NULL;
- Approver * approver = (Approver *)user_data;
- g_return_if_fail(approver != NULL);
- GDBusProxy * proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_finish(res, &error);
- if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) {
- g_error_free (error);
- return; // Must exit before accessing freed memory
- }
- ApplicationServiceAppstorePrivate * priv = APPLICATION_SERVICE_APPSTORE_GET_PRIVATE (approver->appstore);
- if (approver->proxy_cancel != NULL) {
- g_object_unref(approver->proxy_cancel);
- approver->proxy_cancel = NULL;
- }
- if (error != NULL) {
- g_critical("Could not grab DBus proxy for approver: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- return;
- }
- /* Okay, we're good to grab the proxy at this point, we're
- sure that it's ours. */
- approver->proxy = proxy;
- /* We've got it, let's watch it for destruction */
- approver->name_watcher = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(
- g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(proxy),
- "org.freedesktop.DBus",
- "org.freedesktop.DBus",
- "NameOwnerChanged",
- "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
- g_dbus_proxy_get_name(proxy),
- approver_name_changed,
- approver,
- NULL);
- g_signal_connect(proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK(approver_receive_signal),
- approver);
- g_list_foreach(priv->applications, check_with_new_approver, approver);
- return;
-/* Receives all signals from the service, routed to the appropriate functions */
-static void
-approver_receive_signal (GDBusProxy * proxy, gchar * sender_name, gchar * signal_name,
- GVariant * parameters, gpointer user_data)
- Approver * approver = (Approver *)user_data;
- if (g_strcmp0(signal_name, "ReviseJudgement") == 0) {
- gboolean approved = FALSE;
- gchar * address = NULL;
- gchar * path = NULL;
- g_variant_get(parameters, "(bso)", &approved, &address, &path);
- approver_revise_judgement(approver, approved, address, path);
- g_free(address);
- g_free(path);
- }
- return;
diff --git a/src/application-service-appstore.h b/src/application-service-appstore.h
index aa2824b..7508658 100644
--- a/src/application-service-appstore.h
+++ b/src/application-service-appstore.h
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ void application_service_appstore_application_add (ApplicationServiceApp
void application_service_appstore_application_remove (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore,
const gchar * dbus_name,
const gchar * dbus_object);
-void application_service_appstore_approver_add (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore,
- const gchar * dbus_name,
- const gchar * dbus_object);
gchar** application_service_appstore_application_get_list (ApplicationServiceAppstore * appstore);
diff --git a/src/application-service-watcher.c b/src/application-service-watcher.c
index 1c12eee..edbf05b 100644
--- a/src/application-service-watcher.c
+++ b/src/application-service-watcher.c
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ enum {
static gboolean _notification_watcher_server_register_status_notifier_item (ApplicationServiceWatcher * appwatcher, const gchar * service, DBusGMethodInvocation * method);
static gboolean _notification_watcher_server_register_status_notifier_host (ApplicationServiceWatcher * appwatcher, const gchar * host);
-static gboolean _notification_watcher_server_x_ayatana_register_notification_approver (ApplicationServiceWatcher * appwatcher, const gchar * path, const GArray * categories, DBusGMethodInvocation * method);
static void get_name_cb (DBusGProxy * proxy, guint status, GError * error, gpointer data);
#include "notification-watcher-server.h"
@@ -289,18 +288,3 @@ get_name_cb (DBusGProxy * proxy, guint status, GError * error, gpointer data)
-static gboolean
-_notification_watcher_server_x_ayatana_register_notification_approver (ApplicationServiceWatcher * appwatcher, const gchar * path, const GArray * categories, DBusGMethodInvocation * method)
- ApplicationServiceWatcherPrivate * priv = APPLICATION_SERVICE_WATCHER_GET_PRIVATE(appwatcher);
- char * sender = dbus_g_method_get_sender(method);
- application_service_appstore_approver_add(priv->appstore,
- sender,
- path);
- g_free(sender);
- dbus_g_method_return(method, G_TYPE_NONE);
- return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/dbus-shared.h b/src/dbus-shared.h
index ce27bd9..64ad2d3 100644
--- a/src/dbus-shared.h
+++ b/src/dbus-shared.h
@@ -31,6 +31,3 @@ with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define NOTIFICATION_ITEM_DBUS_IFACE "org.kde.StatusNotifierItem"
#define NOTIFICATION_ITEM_DEFAULT_OBJ "/StatusNotifierItem"
-#define NOTIFICATION_APPROVER_DBUS_IFACE "com.canonical.StatusNotifierApprover"
diff --git a/src/notification-approver.xml b/src/notification-approver.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a72ca92..0000000
--- a/src/notification-approver.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<node name="/">
- <interface name="com.canonical.StatusNotifierApprover">
-<!-- Methods -->
- <method name="ApproveItem">
- <!-- KSNI ID -->
- <arg type="s" name="id" direction="in" />
- <!-- KSNI Category -->
- <arg type="s" name="category" direction="in" />
- <!-- Application PID -->
- <arg type="u" name="pid" direction="in" />
- <!-- Application DBus Address -->
- <arg type="s" name="address" direction="in" />
- <!-- Application DBus Path for KSNI interface -->
- <arg type="o" name="path" direction="in" />
- <!-- So, what do you think? -->
- <arg type="b" name="approved" direction="out" />
- </method>
-<!-- Signals -->
- <signal name="ReviseJudgement">
- <arg type="b" name="approved" direction="out" />
- <arg type="s" name="address" direction="out" />
- <arg type="o" name="path" direction="out" />
- </signal>
- </interface>
diff --git a/src/notification-watcher.xml b/src/notification-watcher.xml
index b03c5e3..e1897f5 100644
--- a/src/notification-watcher.xml
+++ b/src/notification-watcher.xml
@@ -15,13 +15,6 @@
<method name="RegisterStatusNotifierHost">
<arg type="s" name="service" direction="in" />
- <method name="XAyatanaRegisterNotificationApprover">
- <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value="true" />
- <!-- The path where to find the approver interface -->
- <arg type="o" name="path" direction="in" />
- <!-- List of categories to approve, none represents all -->
- <arg type="as" name="categories" direction="in" />
- </method>
<!-- Signals -->
<signal name="StatusNotifierItemRegistered">
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index c8bc3eb..20ac513 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -1,40 +1,7 @@
-check_PROGRAMS = \
- test-approver
+check_PROGRAMS =
EXTRA_DIST = run-xvfb.sh
-DBUS_RUNNER=dbus-test-runner --dbus-config /usr/share/dbus-test-runner/session.conf
-## test-approver
-test_approver_SOURCES = \
- $(top_srcdir)/src/gen-notification-approver.xml.c \
- test-approver.c
-test_approver_CFLAGS = \
- -Wall -Werror \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
- -I$(top_builddir)/src
-test_approver_LDADD = \
-test-approver-tester: test-approver Makefile.am
- @echo "#!/bin/bash" > $@
- @echo . $(srcdir)/run-xvfb.sh >> $@
- @echo $(DBUS_RUNNER) --task $(builddir)/test-approver --task-name Approver --task $(top_builddir)/src/indicator-application-service --task-name Service --ignore-return >> $@
- @chmod +x $@
-TESTS += test-approver-tester
diff --git a/tests/test-approver.c b/tests/test-approver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bacdc67..0000000
--- a/tests/test-approver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <gio/gio.h>
-#include "dbus-shared.h"
-#include "libappindicator/app-indicator.h"
-#include "gen-notification-approver.xml.h"
-#define APPROVER_PATH "/my/approver"
-#define INDICATOR_ID "test-indicator-id"
-#define INDICATOR_ICON "test-indicator-icon-name"
-#define TEST_APPROVER_TYPE (test_approver_get_type ())
-#define TEST_APPROVER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TEST_APPROVER_TYPE, TestApproverClass))
-typedef struct _TestApprover TestApprover;
-typedef struct _TestApproverClass TestApproverClass;
-struct _TestApproverClass {
- GObjectClass parent_class;
-struct _TestApprover {
- GObject parent;
-GType test_approver_get_type (void);
-static void test_approver_class_init (TestApproverClass *klass);
-static void test_approver_init (TestApprover *self);
-static GVariant * approve_item (TestApprover * ta, const gchar * id);
-static void bus_method_call (GDBusConnection * connection, const gchar * sender, const gchar * path, const gchar * interface, const gchar * method, GVariant * params, GDBusMethodInvocation * invocation, gpointer user_data);
-/* GDBus Stuff */
-static GDBusNodeInfo * node_info = NULL;
-static GDBusInterfaceInfo * interface_info = NULL;
-static GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_table = {
- method_call: bus_method_call,
- get_property: NULL, /* No properties */
- set_property: NULL /* No properties */
-GMainLoop * main_loop = NULL;
-GDBusConnection * session_bus = NULL;
-GDBusProxy * bus_proxy = NULL;
-GDBusProxy * watcher_proxy = NULL;
-AppIndicator * app_indicator = NULL;
-gboolean passed = FALSE;
-G_DEFINE_TYPE (TestApprover, test_approver, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
-static void
-test_approver_class_init (TestApproverClass *klass)
- /* Setting up the DBus interfaces */
- if (node_info == NULL) {
- GError * error = NULL;
- node_info = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml(_notification_approver, &error);
- if (error != NULL) {
- g_error("Unable to parse Approver Service Interface description: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- }
- }
- if (interface_info == NULL) {
- interface_info = g_dbus_node_info_lookup_interface(node_info, NOTIFICATION_APPROVER_DBUS_IFACE);
- if (interface_info == NULL) {
- g_error("Unable to find interface '" NOTIFICATION_APPROVER_DBUS_IFACE "'");
- }
- }
- return;
-static void
-test_approver_init (TestApprover *self)
- GError * error = NULL;
- /* Now register our object on our new connection */
- g_dbus_connection_register_object(session_bus,
- interface_info,
- &interface_table,
- self,
- &error);
- if (error != NULL) {
- g_error("Unable to register the object to DBus: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- return;
- }
- return;
-static GVariant *
-approve_item (TestApprover * ta, const gchar * id)
- g_debug("Asked to approve indicator");
- if (g_strcmp0(id, INDICATOR_ID) == 0) {
- passed = TRUE;
- }
- g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
- return g_variant_new("(b)", TRUE);
-/* A method has been called from our dbus inteface. Figure out what it
- is and dispatch it. */
-static void
-bus_method_call (GDBusConnection * connection, const gchar * sender,
- const gchar * path, const gchar * interface,
- const gchar * method, GVariant * params,
- GDBusMethodInvocation * invocation, gpointer user_data)
- TestApprover * ta = (TestApprover *)user_data;
- GVariant * retval = NULL;
- if (g_strcmp0(method, "ApproveItem") == 0) {
- const gchar * id;
- g_variant_get(params, "(&ssuso)", &id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- retval = approve_item(ta, id);
- } else {
- g_warning("Calling method '%s' on the indicator service and it's unknown", method);
- }
- g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, retval);
- return;
-static void
-register_cb (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data)
- GDBusProxy * proxy = G_DBUS_PROXY(object);
- GError * error = NULL;
- GVariant * result;
- result = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish(proxy, res, &error);
- if (result != NULL) {
- g_variant_unref(result);
- result = NULL;
- }
- if (error != NULL) {
- g_warning("Unable to register approver: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
- return;
- }
- g_debug("Building App Indicator");
- app_indicator = app_indicator_new(INDICATOR_ID, INDICATOR_ICON, INDICATOR_CATEGORY);
- GtkWidget * menu = gtk_menu_new();
- GtkWidget * mi = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_ABOUT, NULL);
- gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), mi);
- app_indicator_set_menu(app_indicator, GTK_MENU(menu));
- return;
-gint owner_count = 0;
-check_for_service (gpointer user_data)
- g_debug("Checking for Watcher");
- if (owner_count > 100) {
- g_warning("Couldn't find watcher after 100 tries.");
- g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
- return FALSE;
- }
- owner_count++;
- gboolean has_owner = FALSE;
- gchar * owner = g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner(bus_proxy);
- has_owner = (owner != NULL);
- g_free (owner);
- if (has_owner) {
- g_debug("Registering Approver");
- GVariantBuilder * builder = g_variant_builder_new(G_VARIANT_TYPE("as"));
- g_dbus_proxy_call(bus_proxy, "XAyatanaRegisterNotificationApprover",
- g_variant_new("(oas)", APPROVER_PATH, builder),
- G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, register_cb,
- NULL);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-fail_timeout (gpointer user_data)
- g_debug("Failure timeout initiated.");
- g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
- return FALSE;
-main (int argc, char ** argv)
- GError * error = NULL;
- gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
- g_debug("Initing");
- session_bus = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
- TestApprover * approver = g_object_new(TEST_APPROVER_TYPE, NULL);
- if (error != NULL) {
- g_warning("Unable to get bus proxy: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- return -1;
- }
- if (error != NULL) {
- g_warning("Unable to get watcher bus: %s", error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- return -1;
- }
- g_timeout_add(100, check_for_service, NULL);
- g_timeout_add_seconds(2, fail_timeout, NULL);
- main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
- g_main_loop_run(main_loop);
- g_object_unref(approver);
- if (!passed) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;