#ifndef __CUSTOM_INDICATOR_H__ #define __CUSTOM_INDICATOR_H__ #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS #define CUSTOM_INDICATOR_TYPE (custom_indicator_get_type ()) #define CUSTOM_INDICATOR(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), CUSTOM_INDICATOR_TYPE, CustomIndicator)) #define CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), CUSTOM_INDICATOR_TYPE, CustomIndicatorClass)) #define IS_CUSTOM_INDICATOR(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), CUSTOM_INDICATOR_TYPE)) #define IS_CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), CUSTOM_INDICATOR_TYPE)) #define CUSTOM_INDICATOR_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), CUSTOM_INDICATOR_TYPE, CustomIndicatorClass)) /** custom_indicator_category_t: @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS: The indicator is used to display the status of the application. @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_COMMUNICATIONS: The application is used for communication with other people. @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_SERVICES: A system indicator relating to something in the user's system. @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_HARDWARE: An indicator relating to the user's hardware. @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_OTHER: Something not defined in this enum, please don't use unless you really need it. The category provides grouping for the indicators so that users can find indicators that are similar together. */ typedef enum { /*< prefix=CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY >*/ CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS, CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_COMMUNICATIONS, CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_SERVICES, CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_HARDWARE, CUSTOM_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_OTHER } custom_indicator_category_t; /** custom_indicator_status_t: @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_OFF: The indicator should not be shown to the user. @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_ON: The indicator should be shown in it's default state. @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION: The indicator should show it's attention icon. These are the states that the indicator can be on in the user's panel. The indicator by default starts in the state @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_OFF and can be shown by setting it to @CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_ON. */ typedef enum { /*< prefix=CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS >*/ CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_OFF, CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_ON, CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION } custom_indicator_status_t; typedef struct _CustomIndicator CustomIndicator; typedef struct _CustomIndicatorClass CustomIndicatorClass; struct _CustomIndicatorClass { GObjectClass parent_class; }; struct _CustomIndicator { GObject parent; }; /* GObject Stuff */ GType custom_indicator_get_type (void); /* Set properties */ void custom_indicator_set_id (CustomIndicator * ci, const gchar * id); void custom_indicator_set_category (CustomIndicator * ci, custom_indicator_category_t category); void custom_indicator_set_status (CustomIndicator * ci, custom_indicator_status_t status); void custom_indicator_set_icon (CustomIndicator * ci, const gchar * icon_name); void custom_indicator_set_attention_icon (CustomIndicator * ci, const gchar * icon_name); void custom_indicator_set_menu (CustomIndicator * ci, void * menu); /* Get properties */ const gchar * custom_indicator_get_id (CustomIndicator * ci); custom_indicator_category_t custom_indicator_get_category (CustomIndicator * ci); custom_indicator_status_t custom_indicator_get_status (CustomIndicator * ci); const gchar * custom_indicator_get_icon (CustomIndicator * ci); const gchar * custom_indicator_get_attention_icon (CustomIndicator * ci); void * custom_indicator_get_menu (CustomIndicator * ci); G_END_DECLS #endif