Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 24.5.0 - data/ayatana-indicator-bluetooth.service.in: Become part of lomiri-indicators.target. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 23.10.0 - Fix gschema file translation. - Use blueman-manager for settings on XFCE. - Drop testing/coverage options - Update translations. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 22.9.1 - src/profile.vala: Send all menu root properties to D-Bus on Lomiri regardless of the Bluetooth state. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 22.9.0 - Add tooltip support. - src/*.vala: Make the switch item/action QMenuModel compatible. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 22.2.0 - Upstream version bump to new release versioning scheme: .., where . will be bumped in Ayatana Indicators bundle releases and gets incremented with minor changeset releases. - data/CMakeLists.txt: Drop unused pkglibexecdir definition. - CMakeLists.txt: Clean up compilation flags. - src/desktop.vala: Fix device section layout. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 0.9.0 - Drop lomiri-url-dispatcher as a build dependency. - Add libayatana-common as a build dependency. - Replace code with libayatana-common functions. - Update/add documentation. - Add Travis CI configuration. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 0.8.2 - Do not hide the indicator when unused. - Fix build warnings. - Show devices in sections for non-Lomiri environments. - Finalize port from URL Dispatcher to Lomiri URL Dispatcher. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 0.8.1 - Fix license headers in src/*.vala. They contained a mix of GPL-3 and some LGPL license fragments. Updated to GPL-3. - Translation updates. - locale: Add more languages to this project's translation scheme. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-bluetooth 0.8.0 - Port from Ubuntu Indicators to Ayatana Indicators. - New versioning scheme. - Port from autotools to CMake. - Switch to new activate state connect approach, rather than using notify["state"].connect. - Add support for MATE Desktop Environment. - Make dependency on url-dispatcher optional. - Translation updates. (Translation workflow has been move to hosted.weblate.org. Thanks for the service, thanks to all translators there). Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 13.10.0 - Add phone profile - Remove dbusmenu, gtk, libindicator dependencies - Remove gnome-bluetooth runtime dependency in phone profile Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 0.0.6 - Add "Set Up New Device" menu item - Only show indicator if Bluetooth adapter present - Support existing gsettings key to disable indicator Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 0.0.5 - Add license file - Update copyright date Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 0.0.4 - Stop items being duplicated on resume from suspend Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 0.0.3 - Fix service file having incorrect path - Set useful values for accessible description Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 0.0.2 - Stop feedback loop when settings changed outside of indicator - Implement disconnecting from devices - Add accessible description - Hide devices without controls - Change enable label to match design - Added translations Overview of changes in indicator-bluetooth 0.0.1 - First release