* Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authors:
* Charles Kerr
class Desktop: Profile
private uint idle_rebuild_id = 0;
private Settings settings;
private SimpleActionGroup action_group;
private Menu device_section;
private HashTable connect_actions;
protected override void dispose ()
if (idle_rebuild_id != 0)
Source.remove (idle_rebuild_id);
idle_rebuild_id = 0;
base.dispose ();
public Desktop (Bluetooth bluetooth, SimpleActionGroup action_group)
const string profile_name = "desktop";
base (bluetooth, profile_name);
this.action_group = action_group;
connect_actions = new HashTable(direct_hash, direct_equal);
settings = new Settings ("com.canonical.indicator.bluetooth");
// build the static actions
Action[] actions = {};
actions += root_action;
actions += create_supported_action (bluetooth);
actions += create_enabled_action (bluetooth);
actions += create_discoverable_action (bluetooth);
actions += create_wizard_action ();
actions += create_browse_files_action ();
actions += create_send_file_action ();
actions += create_show_settings_action ();
foreach (var a in actions)
action_group.add_action (a);
build_menu ();
// know when to show the indicator & when to hide it
settings.changed["visible"].connect (()=> update_visibility());
bluetooth.notify["enabled"].connect (() => update_visibility());
update_visibility ();
// when devices change, rebuild our device section
bluetooth.devices_changed.connect (()=> {
if (idle_rebuild_id == 0)
idle_rebuild_id = Idle.add (() => {
rebuild_device_section ();
idle_rebuild_id = 0;
return false;
void update_visibility ()
visible = bluetooth.enabled && settings.get_boolean("visible");
/// MenuItems
MenuItem create_device_connection_menuitem (Device device)
var id = device.id;
var action_name = @"desktop-device-$(id)-connected";
var item = new MenuItem (_("Connection"), @"indicator.$action_name");
item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type",
"s", "com.canonical.indicator.switch");
// if this doesn't already have an action, create one
if (!connect_actions.contains (id))
debug (@"creating action for $action_name");
var a = new SimpleAction.stateful (action_name,
new Variant.boolean (device.is_connected));
a.activate.connect (()
=> a.set_state (new Variant.boolean (!a.get_state().get_boolean())));
a.notify["state"].connect (()
=> bluetooth.set_device_connected (id, a.get_state().get_boolean()));
connect_actions.insert (device.id, a);
action_group.add_action (a);
debug (@"updating action $(device.id) state to $(device.is_connected)");
var action = connect_actions.lookup (device.id);
action.set_state (new Variant.boolean (device.is_connected));
return item;
void rebuild_device_section ()
device_section.remove_all ();
foreach (var device in bluetooth.get_devices())
Menu submenu = new Menu ();
MenuItem item;
if (device.is_connectable)
submenu.append_item (create_device_connection_menuitem (device));
if (device.supports_browsing)
submenu.append (_("Browse files…"),
if (device.supports_file_transfer)
submenu.append (_("Send files…"),
switch (device.device_type)
case Device.Type.KEYBOARD:
submenu.append (_("Keyboard Settings…"),
case Device.Type.MOUSE:
case Device.Type.TABLET:
submenu.append (_("Mouse and Touchpad Settings…"),
case Device.Type.HEADSET:
case Device.Type.HEADPHONES:
case Device.Type.OTHER_AUDIO:
submenu.append (_("Sound Settings…"),
// only show the device if it's got actions that we can perform on it
if (submenu.get_n_items () > 0)
item = new MenuItem (device.name, null);
item.set_attribute_value ("icon", device.icon.serialize());
item.set_submenu (submenu);
device_section.append_item (item);
void build_menu ()
Menu section;
MenuItem item;
// quick toggles section
section = new Menu ();
section.append_item (create_enabled_menuitem ());
item = new MenuItem (_("Visible"), "indicator.desktop-discoverable");
item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s",
section.append_item (item);
menu.append_section (null, section);
// devices section
device_section = new Menu ();
rebuild_device_section ();
menu.append_section (null, device_section);
// settings section
section = new Menu ();
section.append (_("Set Up New Device…"),
section.append (_("Bluetooth Settings…"),
menu.append_section (null, section);
/// Actions
void show_settings (string panel)
spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center " + panel);
Action create_discoverable_action (Bluetooth bluetooth)
var action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("desktop-discoverable",
new Variant.boolean (bluetooth.discoverable));
action.activate.connect (()
=> action.set_state (new Variant.boolean (!action.get_state().get_boolean())));
action.notify["state"].connect (()
=> bluetooth.try_set_discoverable (action.get_state().get_boolean()));
bluetooth.notify["discoverable"].connect (()
=> action.set_state (new Variant.boolean (bluetooth.discoverable)));
return action;
Action create_wizard_action ()
var action = new SimpleAction ("desktop-wizard", null);
action.activate.connect (()
=> spawn_command_line_async ("bluetooth-wizard"));
return action;
Action create_browse_files_action ()
var action = new SimpleAction ("desktop-browse-files", VariantType.STRING);
action.activate.connect ((action, address) => {
var uri = @"obex://[$(address.get_string())]/";
var file = File.new_for_uri (uri);
file.mount_enclosing_volume.begin (MountMountFlags.NONE,
null, null, (obj, res) => {
try {
AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri (uri, null);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (@"unable to launch '$uri': $(e.message)");
return action;
Action create_send_file_action ()
var action = new SimpleAction ("desktop-send-file", VariantType.STRING);
action.activate.connect ((action, address) => {
var cmd = @"bluetooth-sendto --device=$(address.get_string())";
spawn_command_line_async (cmd);
return action;
Action create_show_settings_action ()
var action = new SimpleAction ("desktop-show-settings", VariantType.STRING);
action.activate.connect ((action, panel)
=> show_settings (panel.get_string()));
return action;