/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. * Author: Robert Ancell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ public class BluetoothIndicator : AppIndicator.Indicator { private RFKillManager rfkill; private Gtk.MenuItem status_item; private Gtk.MenuItem enable_item; private bool enable_value = false; private Gtk.CheckMenuItem visible_item; private Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem devices_separator; private Gtk.MenuItem devices_item; private List device_items; private Gtk.MenuItem settings_item; public BluetoothIndicator () { Object (id: "indicator-bluetooth", icon_name: "bluetooth-active", category: "Hardware"); /* Monitor killswitch status */ rfkill = new RFKillManager (); rfkill.open (); rfkill.device_added.connect (update_rfkill); rfkill.device_changed.connect (update_rfkill); rfkill.device_deleted.connect (update_rfkill); /* Get/control bluetooth status from Bluez */ var bluez = new BluezManager (); bluez.start (); set_status (AppIndicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE); var menu = new Gtk.Menu (); set_menu (menu); status_item = new Gtk.MenuItem (); status_item.sensitive = false; status_item.visible = true; menu.append (status_item); enable_item = new Gtk.MenuItem (); enable_item.activate.connect (toggle_enabled); menu.append (enable_item); visible_item = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem.with_label (_("Visible")); visible_item.active = bluez.default_adapter.discoverable; bluez.default_adapter.notify["discoverable"].connect (() => { visible_item.active = bluez.default_adapter.discoverable; }); visible_item.activate.connect (() => { bluez.default_adapter.discoverable = visible_item.active; }); menu.append (visible_item); devices_separator = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem (); menu.append (devices_separator); devices_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Devices")); devices_item.sensitive = false; devices_item.visible = true; menu.append (devices_item); device_items = new List (); var devices = bluez.default_adapter.get_devices (); foreach (var device in devices) { var item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (device.name); device_items.append (item); menu.append (item); item.submenu = new Gtk.Menu (); var i = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Send files...")); i.visible = true; i.activate.connect (() => { Process.spawn_command_line_async ("bluetooth-sendto --device=DEVICE --name=NAME"); }); // FIXME item.submenu.append (i); //FIXME //var i = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Keyboard Settings...")); //i.activate.connect (() => { Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center keyboard"); }); //var i = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Mouse and Touchpad Settings...")); //i.activate.connect (() => { Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center mouse"); }); //var i = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Sound Settings...")); //i.activate.connect (() => { Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center sound"); }); } var sep = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem (); sep.visible = true; menu.append (sep); settings_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Bluetooth Settings...")); settings_item.activate.connect (() => { Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center bluetooth"); }); settings_item.visible = true; menu.append (settings_item); update_rfkill (); } private void update_rfkill () { var have_lock = false; var software_locked = false; var hardware_locked = false; foreach (var device in rfkill.get_devices ()) { if (device.device_type != RFKillDeviceType.BLUETOOTH) continue; have_lock = true; if (device.software_lock) software_locked = true; if (device.hardware_lock) hardware_locked = true; } var locked = hardware_locked || software_locked; if (hardware_locked) { status_item.label = _("Bluetooth: Disabled"); enable_item.visible = false; } else if (software_locked) { status_item.label = _("Bluetooth: Off"); enable_item.label = _("Turn on Bluetooth"); enable_item.visible = true; enable_value = false; } else { status_item.label = _("Bluetooth: On"); enable_item.label = _("Turn off Bluetooth"); enable_item.visible = true; enable_value = true; } /* Disable devices when locked */ visible_item.visible = !locked; devices_separator.visible = !locked; devices_item.visible = !locked; foreach (var item in device_items) item.visible = !locked; } private void toggle_enabled () { rfkill.set_software_lock (RFKillDeviceType.BLUETOOTH, enable_value); } } public static int main (string[] args) { Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, ""); Intl.bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALE_DIR); Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); Gtk.init (ref args); var indicator = new BluetoothIndicator (); Gtk.main (); indicator = null; return Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS; }