# Build and installation instructions ## Compile-time build dependencies - cmake (>= 3.13) - cmake-extras - libayatana-common (>= 0.9.3) - glib-2.0 (>= 2.36) - libical (>=0.48) - libecal-2.0 (>=3.16) - libedataserver-1.2 (>=3.5) - gstreamer-1.0 (>=1.2) - libnotify (>=0.7.6) - properties-cpp (>=0.0.1) - libaccounts-glib (>=1.18) - gettext (>= 0.18) - dbus - gcovr (>= 2.4) - lcov (>= 1.9) - gtest (>= 1.6.0) - dbus-test-runner - libdbustest1 - python3-dbusmock - glibc-locales - gvfs-daemons - systemd ## For end-users and packagers ``` cd ayatana-indicator-datetime-X.Y.Z mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install ``` **The install prefix defaults to `/usr`, change it with `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path`** ## For testers - unit tests only ``` cd ayatana-indicator-datetime-X.Y.Z mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DENABLE_TESTS=ON make make test make cppcheck ``` ## For testers - both unit tests and code coverage ``` cd ayatana-indicator-datetime-X.Y.Z mkdir build-coverage cd build-coverage cmake .. -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON make make coverage-html ```