* '''Checklist for component''': indicator-datetime
 * '''Component Test Plan''': https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/indicator-datetime
 * '''Trunk URL''': lp:indicator-datetime
 * '''Ubuntu Package URL (LP)''': http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime

This documents the expections that the project has on what both submitters
and reviewers should ensure that they've done for a merge into the project.

== MP Submission Checklist Template ==

'''Note: Please ensure you include the following form filled out and submitted along side your code to the MP ticket.'''

 * Are there any related MPs required for this MP to build/function as expected? Please list.
 * Is your branch in sync with latest trunk? (e.g. bzr pull lp:trunk -> no changes)
 * Did the code build without warnings?
 * Did the tests run successfully?
 * Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change and any related functionality?
 * If you changed the packaging (debian), did you subscribe the ubuntu-unity team to this MP?
 * Has your component test plan been executed successfully on emulator, N4?
 * Please list which manual tests are germane for the reviewer in this MR.

== MP Review Checklist Template ==

'''Note: Please ensure you include the following form filled out and submitted along side your code to the MP ticket.'''

 * Have you checked that the submitter has accurately filled out the submitter checklist and has taken no shortcuts?
 * Did you run the manual tests listed by the submitter?
 * Did you do exploratory testing related to the component you own with the MP changeset included?
 * If new features have been added, are the manual tests sufficient to cover them?

== MP Landing Checklist Template ==

 * Ensure that the checklists have been properly filled out by submitter and all reviewers