Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-datetime 0.8.2 - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-datetime 0.8.1 - Drop the 'show-clock' gsetting, the clock is now always shown in the panel. - DEB packaging: Make sure to Break: and Replace: indicator-datetime. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-datetime 0.8.0 - Version bump to bring all system indicator (and the renderer libraries to the same version level). - Rename 'x-canonical-type' attribute to 'x-ayatana-type' (and others) to allow using system indicators from Ayatana Indicators on Ubuntu. - Start the indicator with the ayatana-indicators.target. - Some minor phrases changes. - Drop upstart support. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-datetime 0.4.1 - Fix calendar going into update loop. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-datetime 0.4.0 - Fork form Ubuntu's indicator-datetime. - Port to libecal-2.0.