# Swedish translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Canonical OEM, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: indicator-datetime\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ted@canonical.com\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-29 13:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-30 23:42+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anders Jonsson <anders.jonsson@norsjovallen.se>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/"
"Language: sv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 2.20-dev\n"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:1
msgid "Show the clock in the panel"
msgstr "Visa klockan i panelen"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:2
msgid "Controls whether the clock indicator appears in the panel or not."
msgstr "Styr huruvida klockindikatorn visas i panelen eller ej."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:3
msgid "What the time format should be"
msgstr "Vilket tidsformat som ska användas"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:4
msgid ""
"Controls the time format that is displayed in the indicator. For almost all "
"users this should be the default for their locale. If you think the setting "
"is wrong for your locale please join or talk to the translation team for "
"your language. If you just want something different you can adjust this to "
"be either 12 or 24 time. Or, you can use a custom format string and set the "
"custom-time-format setting."
msgstr ""
"Styr tidsformatet som visas i indikatorn. För nästan alla användare bör "
"detta vara standardvärdet för deras lokal. Om du tycker att inställningen är "
"fel för din lokal gå med i eller prata med översättningsgruppen för ditt "
"språk. Om du bara vill ha något annat kan du justera detta till att vara "
"antingen 12- eller 24-timmarstid. Eller så kan du använda en anpassad "
"formatsträng och ställa in den anpassade tidsformatsinställningen."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:5
msgid "The format string passed to strftime"
msgstr "Formatsträngen som fungerar med strftime"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:6
msgid ""
"The format of the time and/or date that is visible on the panel when using "
"the indicator. For most users this will be a set of predefined values as "
"determined by the configuration utility, but advanced users can change it to "
"anything strftime can accept. Look at the man page on strftime for more "
msgstr ""
"Formatet för tiden och/eller datumet som visas i panelen när indikatorn "
"används. För de flesta användare kommer detta att vara en uppsättning "
"fördefinierade värden bestämda av konfigurationsverktyget, men avancerade "
"användare kan vilja ändra det till något som strftime accepterar. Titta på "
"manualsidan för strftime för vidare information."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:7
msgid "Show the number of seconds in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa antalet sekunder i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:8
msgid ""
"Makes the datetime indicator show the number of seconds in the indicator. "
"It's important to note that this will cause additional battery drain as the "
"time will update 60 times as often, so it is not recommended. Also, this "
"setting will be ignored if the time-format value is set to custom."
msgstr ""
"Får datumtidsindikatorn att visa antalet sekunder i indikatorn. Det är "
"viktigt att notera att detta kommer att förorsaka ytterligare användning av "
"batteri då tiden kommer att uppdateras 60 gånger så ofta, så det "
"rekommenderas inte. Denna inställning kommer också att ignoreras om "
"tidformatsvärdet är anpassat."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:9
msgid "Show the day of the week in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa dagen i veckan i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:10
msgid ""
"Puts the day of the week on the panel along with the time and/or date "
"depending on settings. This setting will be ignored if the time-format value "
"is set to custom."
msgstr ""
"Placerar dagen i veckan på panelen tillsammans med tid och/eller datum "
"beroende på inställningar. Denna inställning kommer att ignoreras om "
"tidformatsvärdet är anpassat."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:11
msgid "Show the month and date in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa månad och dag i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:12
msgid ""
"Puts the month and the date in the panel along with the time and/or day of "
"the week depending on settings. This setting will be ignored if the time-"
"format value is set to custom."
msgstr ""
"Placerar månaden och dagen i panelen tillsammans med tid och/eller datum i "
"veckan beroende på inställningar. Denna inställning kommer att ignoreras om "
"tidformatsvärdet är anpassat."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:13
msgid "Show the year in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa året i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:14
msgid ""
"Puts the year in the panel along with the month and the date. This setting "
"will be ignored if either the time-format value is set to custom or if show-"
"date is set to false."
msgstr ""
"Placerar året i panelen tillsammans med månaden och dagen. Denna inställning "
"kommer att ignoreras om antingen tidformatsvärdet är anpassat eller om visa-"
"datum är inställt på falskt."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:15
msgid "Show the monthly calendar in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa den månatliga kalendern i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:16
msgid "Puts the monthly calendar in indicator-datetime's menu."
msgstr "Placerar den månatliga kalendern i indikatorns datumtidsmeny."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:17
msgid "Show week numbers in calendar"
msgstr "Visa veckonummer i kalender"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:18
msgid ""
"Shows the week numbers in the monthly calendar in indicator-datetime's menu."
msgstr ""
"Visar veckonumret i den månatliga kalendern i indikatorns datumtidsmeny."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:19
msgid "Show events in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa händelser i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:20
msgid "Shows events from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu."
msgstr "Visa händelser från Evolution i indikatorns datumtidsmeny."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:21
msgid "Show the auto-detected location in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa den autodetekterade platsen i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:22
msgid ""
"Shows your current location (determined from geoclue and /etc/timezone) in "
"indicator-datetime's menu."
msgstr ""
"Visar din aktuella position (bestämd från geoclue och /etc/timezone) i "
"indikatorns datumtidsmeny."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:23
msgid "Show locations in the indicator"
msgstr "Visa platser i indikatorn"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:24
msgid "Shows custom defined locations in indicator-datetime's menu."
msgstr "Visar anpassade platser i indikatorns datumtidsmeny."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:25
msgid "A List of locations"
msgstr "En lista över platser"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:26
msgid ""
"Adds the list of locations the user has configured to display in the "
"indicator-datetime menu."
msgstr ""
"Lägger till listan över platser som användaren har konfigurerat att visa i "
"indikatorns datumtidsmeny."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:27
msgid "The name of the current timezone"
msgstr "Namnet på den aktuella tidszonen"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:28
msgid ""
"Some timezones can be known by many different cities or names. This setting "
"describes how the current zone prefers to be named. Format is \"TIMEZONE NAME"
"\" (e.g. \"America/New_York Boston\" to name the New_York zone Boston)."
msgstr ""
"Vissa tidszoner är kända som namnet på många olika städer. Denna inställning "
"beskriver hur den aktuella zonen önskas namnges. Formatet är \"TIDSZON NAMN\""
" (t.ex. \"America/New_York Boston\" för att namnge New_York-zonen Boston)."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:29
msgid "What kind of haptic feedback, if any, to trigger with an alarm."
msgstr ""
"Vilken typ av haptisk återkoppling, om någon, som ska utlösas med ett alarm."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:30
msgid ""
"What kind of haptic feedback, if any, to trigger with an alarm. Two modes "
"are currently supported: 'pulse', 'none'."
msgstr ""
"Vilken typ av haptisk återkoppling, om någon, som ska utlösas med ett alarm. "
"Två lägen stöds för närvarande: ”pulse”, ”none”."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:31
msgid "The alarm's default sound file."
msgstr "Standardljudfilen för alarmet."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:32
msgid ""
"If an alarm doesn't specify its own sound file, this file will be used as "
"the fallback sound."
msgstr ""
"Om ett alarm inte anger sin egen ljudfil kommer denna fil att användas som "
"ljudet att falla tillbaka på."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:33
msgid "The alarm's default volume level."
msgstr "Standardljudvolym för alarmet."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:34
msgid "The volume at which alarms will be played."
msgstr "Volymen som alarmet kommer att spelas upp med."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:35
msgid "The alarm's duration."
msgstr "Alarmets varaktighet."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:36
msgid ""
"How long the alarm's sound will be looped if its snap decision is not "
"dismissed by the user."
msgstr ""
"Hur länge alarmets ljud kommer att repeteras om dess snabbeslut inte "
"avfärdas av användaren."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:37
msgid "The snooze duration."
msgstr "Varaktighet för insomningsfunktionen."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml.in:38
msgid "How long to wait when the user hits the Snooze button."
msgstr "Tid att vänta när användaren trycker på insomningsknappen."

#. TRANSLATORS: a strftime(3) format for 12hr time w/seconds
#: ../src/formatter.cpp:234
msgid "%l:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%H:%M:%S"

#. TRANSLATORS: a strftime(3) format for 12hr time
#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 12-hour clock, events/appointments that happen today.
#. en_US example: "%l:%M %p" --> "1:00 PM"
#: ../src/formatter.cpp:237 ../src/utils.c:304
msgid "%l:%M %p"
msgstr "%H:%M"

#. TRANSLATORS: a strftime(3) format for 24hr time w/seconds
#: ../src/formatter.cpp:240
msgid "%H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%H:%M:%S"

#. TRANSLATORS: a strftime(3) format for 24hr time
#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 24-hour clock, events/appointments that happen today.
#. en_US example: "%H:%M" --> "13:00"
#: ../src/formatter.cpp:243 ../src/utils.c:344
msgid "%H:%M"
msgstr "%H:%M"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. That will fix bug #1001595 for your locale and make the date/time in the upper-right corner of your screen look beautiful :)
#. This format string shows the abbreviated weekday, day, abbreviated month, and year.
#. en_US example: "%a %b %e %Y" --> "Sat Oct 31 2020"
#. en_GB example: "%a %e %b %Y" --> "Sat 31 Oct 2020"
#. zh_CN example(?): "%Y年%m月%d日 周%a" --> "2020年10月31日 周六"
#: ../src/formatter-desktop.cpp:138
msgid "%a %b %e %Y"
msgstr "%a %e %b %Y"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. That will fix bug #1001595 for your locale and make the date/time in the upper-right corner of your screen look beautiful :)
#. This format string shows the abbreviated weekday, day, and abbreviated month.
#. en_US example: "%a %b %e" --> "Sat Oct 31"
#. en_GB example: "%a %e %b" --> "Sat 31 Oct"
#. zh_CN example(?): "%m月%d日 周%a" --> "03月27日 周六"
#: ../src/formatter-desktop.cpp:147
msgid "%a %b %e"
msgstr "%a %e %b"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. That will fix bug #1001595 for your locale and make the date/time in the upper-right corner of your screen look beautiful :)
#. This format string shows the abbreviated weekday.
#. zh_CN example(?): "周%a" --> "周六"
#: ../src/formatter-desktop.cpp:154
#, c-format
msgid "%a"
msgstr "%a"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. That will fix bug #1001595 for your locale and make the date/time in the upper-right corner of your screen look beautiful :)
#. This format string shows the day, abbreviated month, and year.
#. en_US example: "%b %e %Y" --> "Oct 31 2020"
#. en_GB example: "%e %b %Y" --> "31 Oct 2020"
#. zh_CN example(?): "%Y年%m月%d日" --> "2020年10月31日"
#: ../src/formatter-desktop.cpp:163
msgid "%b %e %Y"
msgstr "%e %b %Y"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. That will fix bug #1001595 for your locale and make the date/time in the upper-right corner of your screen look beautiful :)
#. This format string shows the abbreviated month and day.
#. en_US example: "%b %e" --> "Mar 27"
#. en_GB example: "%e %b" --> "27 Mar"
#. zh_CN example(?): "%m月%d日" --> "03月27日"
#: ../src/formatter-desktop.cpp:172
msgid "%b %e"
msgstr "%e %b"

#. This strftime(3) format string shows the year.
#: ../src/formatter-desktop.cpp:176
msgid "%Y"
msgstr "%Y"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. Format string for the day on the first menuitem in the datetime indicator.
#. This format string gives the full weekday, date, month, and year.
#. en_US example: "%A, %B %e %Y" --> Saturday, October 31 2020"
#. en_GB example: "%A, %e %B %Y" --> Saturday, 31 October 2020"
#: ../src/menu.cpp:255
msgid "%A, %e %B %Y"
msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y"

#. add the 'Add Event…' menuitem
#: ../src/menu.cpp:352
msgid "Add Event…"
msgstr "Lägg till händelse…"

#: ../src/menu.cpp:362
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Klocka"

#: ../src/menu.cpp:414
msgid "Time & Date settings…"
msgstr "Tid- & datuminställningar…"

#: ../src/menu.cpp:469
msgid "Date and Time"
msgstr "Datum och tid"

#: ../src/menu.cpp:519
msgid "Time & Date"
msgstr "Tid och datum"

#: ../src/menu.cpp:524
#, c-format
msgid "%s (has alarms)"
msgstr "%s (har alarm)"

#. * strftime(3) format for abbreviated weekday,
#. hours, minutes in a 12h locale; e.g. Wed, 2:00 PM
#: ../src/snap.cpp:125
msgid "%a, %l:%M %p"
msgstr "%a, %H:%M"

#. * A strftime(3) format for abbreviated weekday,
#. hours, minutes in a 24h locale; e.g. Wed, 14:00
#: ../src/snap.cpp:129
msgid "%a, %H:%M"
msgstr "%a, %H:%M"

#: ../src/snap.cpp:132
#, c-format
msgid "Alarm %s"
msgstr "Alarm %s"

#: ../src/snap.cpp:139
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: ../src/snap.cpp:140
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "Somna in"

#: ../src/utils.c:274
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Idag"

#: ../src/utils.c:278
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "Imorgon"

#. This is a strftime(3) format string indicating the unabbreviated weekday.
#: ../src/utils.c:283
#, c-format
msgid "%A"
msgstr "%A"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing full-day events that are over a week away.
#. en_US example: "%a %b %d" --> "Sat Oct 31"
#. en_GB example: "%a %d %b" --> "Sat 31 Oct"
#. zh_CN example(?): "%m月%d日 周%a" --> "10月31日 周六"
#: ../src/utils.c:292
msgid "%a %d %b"
msgstr "%a %d %b"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 12-hour clock, events/appointments that happen tomorrow.
#. (Note: the space between the day and the time is an em space (unicode character 2003), which is
#. slightly wider than a normal space.)
#. en_US example: "Tomorrow %l:%M %p" --> "Tomorrow 1:00 PM"
#: ../src/utils.c:313
msgid "Tomorrow %l:%M %p"
msgstr "Imorgon  %H:%M"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 12-hour clock, events/appointments that happen this week.
#. (Note: the space between the day and the time is an em space (unicode character 2003), which is
#. slightly wider than a normal space.)
#. en_US example: "Tomorrow %l:%M %p" --> "Fri 1:00 PM"
#: ../src/utils.c:322
msgid "%a %l:%M %p"
msgstr "%a %H:%M"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 12-hour clock, events/appointments that happen over a week from now.
#. (Note: the space between the day and the time is an em space (unicode character 2003), which is
#. slightly wider than a normal space.)
#. en_US example: "%a %d %b %l:%M %p" --> "Fri Oct 31 1:00 PM"
#. en_GB example: "%a %b %d %l:%M %p" --> "Fri 31 Oct 1:00 PM"
#: ../src/utils.c:332
msgid "%a %d %b %l:%M %p"
msgstr "%a %d %b %H:%M"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 24-hour clock, events/appointments that happen tomorrow.
#. (Note: the space between the day and the time is an em space (unicode character 2003), which is
#. slightly wider than a normal space.)
#. en_US example: "Tomorrow %l:%M %p" --> "Tomorrow 13:00"
#: ../src/utils.c:353
msgid "Tomorrow %H:%M"
msgstr "Imorgon  %H:%M"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 24-hour clock, events/appointments that happen this week.
#. (Note: the space between the day and the time is an em space (unicode character 2003), which is
#. slightly wider than a normal space.)
#. en_US example: "%a %H:%M" --> "Fri 13:00"
#: ../src/utils.c:362
msgid "%a %H:%M"
msgstr "%a %H:%M"

#. Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
#. This format string is used for showing, on a 24-hour clock, events/appointments that happen over a week from now.
#. (Note: the space between the day and the time is an em space (unicode character 2003), which is
#. slightly wider than a normal space.)
#. en_US example: "%a %d %b %H:%M" --> "Fri Oct 31 13:00"
#. en_GB example: "%a %b %d %H:%M" --> "Fri 31 Oct 13:00"
#: ../src/utils.c:372
msgid "%a %d %b %H:%M"
msgstr "%a %d %b %H:%M"

#~ msgid "Error getting time"
#~ msgstr "Ett fel uppstod då tid hämtades"

#~ msgid "%d%d:%d%d AM"
#~ msgstr "%d%d:%d%d FM"

#~ msgid "%d%d:%d%d PM"
#~ msgstr "%d%d:%d%d EM"

#~ msgid "Open Calendar"
#~ msgstr "Öppna kalender"