#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* GStuff */ #include #include #include /* Indicator Stuff */ #include #include #define INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE (indicator_datetime_get_type ()) #define INDICATOR_DATETIME(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE, IndicatorDatetime)) #define INDICATOR_DATETIME_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE, IndicatorDatetimeClass)) #define IS_INDICATOR_DATETIME(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE)) #define IS_INDICATOR_DATETIME_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE)) #define INDICATOR_DATETIME_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE, IndicatorDatetimeClass)) typedef struct _IndicatorDatetime IndicatorDatetime; typedef struct _IndicatorDatetimeClass IndicatorDatetimeClass; typedef struct _IndicatorDatetimePrivate IndicatorDatetimePrivate; struct _IndicatorDatetimeClass { IndicatorObjectClass parent_class; }; struct _IndicatorDatetime { IndicatorObject parent; IndicatorDatetimePrivate * priv; }; struct _IndicatorDatetimePrivate { GtkLabel * label; guint timer; }; #define INDICATOR_DATETIME_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE, IndicatorDatetimePrivate)) GType indicator_datetime_get_type (void); static void indicator_datetime_class_init (IndicatorDatetimeClass *klass); static void indicator_datetime_init (IndicatorDatetime *self); static void indicator_datetime_dispose (GObject *object); static void indicator_datetime_finalize (GObject *object); static GtkLabel * get_label (IndicatorObject * io); /* Indicator Module Config */ INDICATOR_SET_VERSION INDICATOR_SET_TYPE(INDICATOR_DATETIME_TYPE) G_DEFINE_TYPE (IndicatorDatetime, indicator_datetime, INDICATOR_OBJECT_TYPE); static void indicator_datetime_class_init (IndicatorDatetimeClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (IndicatorDatetimePrivate)); object_class->dispose = indicator_datetime_dispose; object_class->finalize = indicator_datetime_finalize; IndicatorObjectClass * io_class = INDICATOR_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); io_class->get_label = get_label; return; } static void indicator_datetime_init (IndicatorDatetime *self) { self->priv = INDICATOR_DATETIME_GET_PRIVATE(self); self->priv->label = NULL; self->priv->timer = 0; return; } static void indicator_datetime_dispose (GObject *object) { IndicatorDatetime * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME(object); if (self->priv->label != NULL) { g_object_unref(self->priv->label); self->priv->label = NULL; } if (self->priv->timer != 0) { g_source_remove(self->priv->timer); self->priv->timer = 0; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (indicator_datetime_parent_class)->dispose (object); return; } static void indicator_datetime_finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (indicator_datetime_parent_class)->finalize (object); return; } /* Updates the label to be the current time. */ static void update_label (GtkLabel * label) { if (label == NULL) return; gchar longstr[128]; time_t t; struct tm *ltime; t = time(NULL); ltime = localtime(&t); if (ltime == NULL) { g_debug("Error getting local time"); gtk_label_set_label(label, _("Error getting time")); return; } strftime(longstr, 128, "%I:%M %p", ltime); gchar * utf8 = g_locale_to_utf8(longstr, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); gtk_label_set_label(label, utf8); g_free(utf8); return; } /* Runs every minute and updates the time */ gboolean minute_timer_func (gpointer user_data) { IndicatorDatetime * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME(user_data); if (self->priv->label != NULL) { update_label(self->priv->label); return TRUE; } else { self->priv->timer = 0; return FALSE; } return FALSE; } /* Grabs the label. Creates it if it doesn't exist already */ static GtkLabel * get_label (IndicatorObject * io) { IndicatorDatetime * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME(io); /* If there's not a label, we'll build ourselves one */ if (self->priv->label == NULL) { self->priv->label = GTK_LABEL(gtk_label_new("Time")); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(self->priv->label)); update_label(self->priv->label); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(self->priv->label)); } if (self->priv->timer == 0) { self->priv->timer = g_timeout_add_seconds(60, minute_timer_func, self); } return self->priv->label; }