/* * Copyright 2014 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com> */ #include <datetime/planner-range.h> namespace ayatana { namespace indicator { namespace datetime { /*** **** ***/ SimpleRangePlanner::SimpleRangePlanner(const std::shared_ptr<Engine>& engine, const std::shared_ptr<Timezone>& timezone): m_engine(engine), m_timezone(timezone), m_range(std::pair<DateTime,DateTime>(DateTime::NowLocal(), DateTime::NowLocal())) { engine->changed().connect([this](){ g_debug("RangePlanner %p rebuilding soon because Engine %p emitted 'changed' signal", this, m_engine.get()); rebuild_soon(); }); m_timezone->timezone.changed().connect([this](const std::string& s){ g_debug("RangePlanner %p rebuilding soon because the timezone changed to '%s'", this, s.c_str()); rebuild_soon(); }); range().changed().connect([this](const std::pair<DateTime,DateTime>&){ g_debug("rebuilding because the date range changed"); rebuild_soon(); }); } SimpleRangePlanner::~SimpleRangePlanner() { if (m_rebuild_tag) g_source_remove(m_rebuild_tag); } /*** **** ***/ void SimpleRangePlanner::rebuild_now() { const auto& r = range().get(); auto on_appointments_fetched = [this](const std::vector<Appointment>& a){ g_debug("RangePlanner %p got %zu appointments", this, a.size()); appointments().set(a); }; m_engine->get_appointments(r.first, r.second, *m_timezone.get(), on_appointments_fetched); } void SimpleRangePlanner::rebuild_soon() { static const int ARBITRARY_BATCH_MSEC = 200; if (m_rebuild_tag == 0) m_rebuild_tag = g_timeout_add(ARBITRARY_BATCH_MSEC, rebuild_now_static, this); } gboolean SimpleRangePlanner::rebuild_now_static(gpointer gself) { auto self = static_cast<SimpleRangePlanner*>(gself); self->m_rebuild_tag = 0; self->rebuild_now(); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } /*** **** ***/ core::Property<std::vector<Appointment>>& SimpleRangePlanner::appointments() { return m_appointments; } core::Property<std::pair<DateTime,DateTime>>& SimpleRangePlanner::range() { return m_range; } /*** **** ***/ } // namespace datetime } // namespace indicator } // namespace ayatana