/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com> * Ted Gould <ted@canonical.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "config.h" #include <string.h> /* strstr() */ #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <url-dispatcher.h> #include "dbus-shared.h" #include "timezone-file.h" #include "timezone-geoclue.h" #include "service.h" #include "settings-shared.h" #include "utils.h" #define SKEW_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC 10 #define SKEW_DIFF_THRESHOLD_USEC ((SKEW_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC+5) * G_USEC_PER_SEC) G_DEFINE_TYPE (IndicatorDatetimeService, indicator_datetime_service, G_TYPE_OBJECT) enum { SIGNAL_NAME_LOST, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_PLANNER, PROP_LAST }; static GParamSpec * properties[PROP_LAST] = { 0 }; enum { SECTION_HEADER = (1<<0), SECTION_CALENDAR = (1<<1), SECTION_APPOINTMENTS = (1<<2), SECTION_LOCATIONS = (1<<3), SECTION_SETTINGS = (1<<4), }; enum { PROFILE_PHONE, PROFILE_DESKTOP, PROFILE_GREETER, N_PROFILES }; static const char * const menu_names[N_PROFILES] = { "phone", "desktop", "desktop_greeter" }; struct ProfileMenuInfo { /* the root level -- the header is the only child of this */ GMenu * menu; /* parent of the sections. This is the header's submenu */ GMenu * submenu; guint export_id; }; struct _IndicatorDatetimeServicePrivate { GCancellable * cancellable; GSettings * settings; IndicatorDatetimeTimezone * tz_file; IndicatorDatetimeTimezone * tz_geoclue; IndicatorDatetimePlanner * planner; guint own_id; guint actions_export_id; GDBusConnection * conn; guint rebuild_id; int rebuild_flags; struct ProfileMenuInfo menus[N_PROFILES]; GDateTime * skew_time; guint skew_timer; guint header_timer; guint timezone_timer; guint alarm_timer; /* Which year/month to show in the calendar, and which day should get the cursor. This value is reflected in the calendar action's state */ GDateTime * calendar_date; GSimpleActionGroup * actions; GSimpleAction * phone_header_action; GSimpleAction * desktop_header_action; GSimpleAction * calendar_action; GDBusProxy * login1_manager; /* all the appointments in the selected calendar_date's month. Used when populating the 'appointment-days' entry in create_calendar_state() */ GSList * calendar_appointments; /* appointments over the next few weeks. Used when building SECTION_APPOINTMENTS */ GSList * upcoming_appointments; }; typedef IndicatorDatetimeServicePrivate priv_t; /*** **** ***/ static void indicator_clear_timer (guint * tag) { if (*tag) { g_source_remove (*tag); *tag = 0; } } /*** **** ***/ static void rebuild_now (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, int section); static void rebuild_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, int section); static inline void rebuild_header_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { rebuild_soon (self, SECTION_HEADER); } static inline void rebuild_calendar_section_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { rebuild_soon (self, SECTION_CALENDAR); } static inline void rebuild_appointments_section_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { rebuild_soon (self, SECTION_APPOINTMENTS); } static inline void rebuild_locations_section_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { rebuild_soon (self, SECTION_LOCATIONS); } static inline void rebuild_settings_section_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { rebuild_soon (self, SECTION_SETTINGS); } /*** **** TIMEZONE TIMER ***/ /* * Periodically rebuild the sections that have time format strings * that are dependent on the current time: * * 1. appointment menuitems' time format strings depend on the * current time; for example, they don't show the day of week * if the appointment is today. * * 2. location menuitems' time format strings depend on the * current time; for example, they don't show the day of the week * if the local date and location date are the same. * * 3. the "local date" menuitem in the calendar section is, * obviously, dependent on the local time. * * In short, we want to update whenever the number of days between two zone * might have changed. We do that by updating when either zone's day changes. * * Since not all UTC offsets are evenly divisible by hours * (examples: Newfoundland UTC-03:30, Nepal UTC+05:45), refreshing on the hour * is not enough. We need to refresh at HH:00, HH:15, HH:30, and HH:45. */ static guint calculate_seconds_until_next_fifteen_minutes (GDateTime * now) { char * str; gint minute; guint seconds; GTimeSpan diff; GDateTime * next; GDateTime * start_of_next; minute = g_date_time_get_minute (now); minute = 15 - (minute % 15); next = g_date_time_add_minutes (now, minute); start_of_next = g_date_time_new_local (g_date_time_get_year (next), g_date_time_get_month (next), g_date_time_get_day_of_month (next), g_date_time_get_hour (next), g_date_time_get_minute (next), 0.1); str = g_date_time_format (start_of_next, "%F %T"); g_debug ("%s %s the next timestamp rebuild will be at %s", G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC, str); g_free (str); diff = g_date_time_difference (start_of_next, now); seconds = (diff + (G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND-1)) / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; g_date_time_unref (start_of_next); g_date_time_unref (next); return seconds; } static void start_timezone_timer (IndicatorDatetimeService * self); static gboolean on_timezone_timer (gpointer gself) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); rebuild_soon (self, SECTION_CALENDAR | SECTION_APPOINTMENTS | SECTION_LOCATIONS); /* Restarting the timer to recalculate the interval. This helps us to hit our marks despite clock skew, suspend+resume, leap seconds, etc */ start_timezone_timer (self); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void start_timezone_timer (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GDateTime * now; guint seconds; priv_t * p = self->priv; indicator_clear_timer (&p->timezone_timer); now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); seconds = calculate_seconds_until_next_fifteen_minutes (now); p->timezone_timer = g_timeout_add_seconds (seconds, on_timezone_timer, self); g_date_time_unref (now); } /*** **** HEADER TIMER ***/ /* * This is to periodically rebuild the header's action's state. * * If the label shows seconds, update when we reach the next second. * Otherwise, update when we reach the next minute. */ static guint calculate_milliseconds_until_next_minute (GDateTime * now) { GDateTime * next; GDateTime * start_of_next; GTimeSpan interval_usec; guint interval_msec; next = g_date_time_add_minutes (now, 1); start_of_next = g_date_time_new_local (g_date_time_get_year (next), g_date_time_get_month (next), g_date_time_get_day_of_month (next), g_date_time_get_hour (next), g_date_time_get_minute (next), 0.1); interval_usec = g_date_time_difference (start_of_next, now); interval_msec = (interval_usec + 999) / 1000; g_date_time_unref (start_of_next); g_date_time_unref (next); return interval_msec; } static gint calculate_milliseconds_until_next_second (GDateTime * now) { gint interval_usec; guint interval_msec; interval_usec = G_USEC_PER_SEC - g_date_time_get_microsecond (now); interval_msec = (interval_usec + 999) / 1000; return interval_msec; } static void start_header_timer (IndicatorDatetimeService * self); static gboolean on_header_timer (gpointer gself) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); rebuild_now (self, SECTION_HEADER); /* Restarting the timer to recalculate the interval. This helps us to hit our marks despite clock skew, suspend+resume, leap seconds, etc */ start_header_timer (self); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static char * get_header_label_format_string (IndicatorDatetimeService *); static void start_header_timer (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { guint interval_msec; gboolean header_shows_seconds = FALSE; priv_t * p = self->priv; GDateTime * now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); indicator_clear_timer (&p->header_timer); if (g_settings_get_boolean (self->priv->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_CLOCK_S)) { char * fmt = get_header_label_format_string (self); header_shows_seconds = fmt && (strstr(fmt,"%s") || strstr(fmt,"%S") || strstr(fmt,"%T") || strstr(fmt,"%X") || strstr(fmt,"%c")); g_free (fmt); } if (header_shows_seconds) interval_msec = calculate_milliseconds_until_next_second (now); else interval_msec = calculate_milliseconds_until_next_minute (now); interval_msec += 50; /* add a small margin to ensure the callback fires /after/ next is reached */ p->header_timer = g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH, interval_msec, on_header_timer, self, NULL); g_date_time_unref (now); } /*** **** ALARMS ***/ static void set_alarm_timer (IndicatorDatetimeService * self); static gboolean appointment_has_alarm_url (const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt) { return (appt->has_alarms) && (appt->url != NULL) && (g_str_has_prefix (appt->url, "alarm:///")); } static gboolean datetimes_have_the_same_minute (GDateTime * a, GDateTime * b) { int ay, am, ad; int by, bm, bd; g_date_time_get_ymd (a, &ay, &am, &ad); g_date_time_get_ymd (b, &by, &bm, &bd); return (ay == by) && (am == bm) && (ad == bd) && (g_date_time_get_hour (a) == g_date_time_get_hour (b)) && (g_date_time_get_minute (a) == g_date_time_get_minute (b)); } static void dispatch_alarm_url (const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt) { gchar * str; g_return_if_fail (appt != NULL); g_return_if_fail (appointment_has_alarm_url (appt)); str = g_date_time_format (appt->begin, "%F %T"); g_debug ("dispatching url \"%s\" for appointment \"%s\", which begins at %s", appt->url, appt->summary, str); g_free (str); url_dispatch_send (appt->url, NULL, NULL); } /* Check for alarms that start at the current time. If we find any, we dispatch the URL associated with them. */ static void dispatch_alarm_urls (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GDateTime * now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); GSList * l; for (l=self->priv->upcoming_appointments; l!=NULL; l=l->next) { const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt = l->data; if (appointment_has_alarm_url (appt) && datetimes_have_the_same_minute (now, appt->begin)) dispatch_alarm_url (appt); } g_date_time_unref (now); } static void update_appointment_lists (IndicatorDatetimeService * self); static gboolean on_alarm_timer (gpointer self) { dispatch_alarm_urls (self); /* rebuild the alarm list asynchronously. when it's done, set_upcoming_appointments() will update the alarm timer */ update_appointment_lists (self); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } /* if there are upcoming alarms, set the alarm timer to the nearest one. otherwise, unset the alarm timer. */ static void set_alarm_timer (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { priv_t * p; GDateTime * now; GDateTime * alarm_time; GSList * l; p = self->priv; indicator_clear_timer (&p->alarm_timer); now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); /* find the time of the next alarm on our calendar */ alarm_time = NULL; for (l=p->upcoming_appointments; l!=NULL; l=l->next) { const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt = l->data; if (appointment_has_alarm_url (appt)) if (g_date_time_compare (appt->begin, now) > 0) if (!alarm_time || g_date_time_compare (alarm_time, appt->begin) > 0) alarm_time = appt->begin; } /* if there's an upcoming alarm, set a timer to wake up at that time */ if (alarm_time != NULL) { GTimeSpan interval_msec; gchar * str; GDateTime * then; interval_msec = g_date_time_difference (alarm_time, now); interval_msec += G_USEC_PER_SEC; /* fire a moment after alarm_time */ interval_msec /= 1000; /* convert from usec to msec */ str = g_date_time_format (alarm_time, "%F %T"); g_debug ("%s is the next alarm time", str); g_free (str); then = g_date_time_add_seconds (now, interval_msec/1000); str = g_date_time_format (then, "%F %T"); g_debug ("%s is when we'll wake up for it", str); g_free (str); g_date_time_unref (then); p->alarm_timer = g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH, (guint) interval_msec, on_alarm_timer, self, NULL); } g_date_time_unref (now); } /*** **** ***/ /** * General purpose handler for rebuilding sections and restarting their timers * when time jumps for whatever reason: * * - clock skew * - laptop suspend + resume * - geoclue detects that we've changed timezones * - Unity is running inside a TARDIS */ static void on_local_time_jumped (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { g_debug ("%s %s", G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); /* these calls accomplish two things: 1. rebuild the necessary states / menuitems when time jumps 2. restart the timers so their new wait interval is correct */ on_header_timer (self); on_timezone_timer (self); } static gboolean skew_timer_func (gpointer gself) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); GDateTime * now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); priv_t * p = self->priv; /* check for clock skew: has too much time passed since the last check? */ if (p->skew_time != NULL) { const GTimeSpan diff = g_date_time_difference (now, p->skew_time); if (diff > SKEW_DIFF_THRESHOLD_USEC) on_local_time_jumped (self); } g_clear_pointer (&p->skew_time, g_date_time_unref); p->skew_time = now; return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } /*** **** **** HEADER SECTION **** ***/ static gchar * get_header_label_format_string (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { char * fmt; GSettings * s = self->priv->settings; const TimeFormatMode mode = g_settings_get_enum (s, SETTINGS_TIME_FORMAT_S); if (mode == TIME_FORMAT_MODE_CUSTOM) { fmt = g_settings_get_string (s, SETTINGS_CUSTOM_TIME_FORMAT_S); } else { gboolean show_day = g_settings_get_boolean (s, SETTINGS_SHOW_DAY_S); gboolean show_date = g_settings_get_boolean (s, SETTINGS_SHOW_DATE_S); fmt = generate_full_format_string (show_day, show_date, s); } return fmt; } static GVariant * create_desktop_header_state (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GVariantBuilder b; gchar * fmt; gchar * str; gboolean visible; GDateTime * now; const gchar * title = _("Date and Time"); visible = g_settings_get_boolean (self->priv->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_CLOCK_S); /* build the time string for the label & a11y */ fmt = get_header_label_format_string (self); now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); str = g_date_time_format (now, fmt); if (str == NULL) { str = g_strdup_printf (_("Unsupported date format “%s”"), fmt); g_warning ("%s", str); } g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "accessible-desc", g_variant_new_string (str)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "label", g_variant_new_take_string (str)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "title", g_variant_new_string (title)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "visible", g_variant_new_boolean (visible)); /* cleanup */ g_date_time_unref (now); g_free (fmt); return g_variant_builder_end (&b); } static gboolean service_has_alarms (IndicatorDatetimeService * self); static GVariant * create_phone_header_state (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GVariantBuilder b; GDateTime * now; const gchar * fmt; gchar * label; gboolean has_alarms; gchar * a11y; gchar * title; g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT); /* label */ now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); fmt = get_terse_header_time_format_string (); label = g_date_time_format (now, fmt); /* icon */ if ((has_alarms = service_has_alarms (self))) { GIcon * icon; icon = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks ("alarm-symbolic"); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "icon", g_icon_serialize (icon)); g_object_unref (icon); } /* a11y */ if (has_alarms) a11y = g_strdup_printf (_("%s (has alarms)"), label); else a11y = g_strdup (label); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "accessible-desc", g_variant_new_take_string (a11y)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "visible", g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "label", g_variant_new_take_string (label)); /* title is day-of-week */ title = g_date_time_format (now, _("%A")); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "title", g_variant_new_take_string (title)); /* cleanup */ g_date_time_unref (now); return g_variant_builder_end (&b); } /*** **** **** CALENDAR SECTION **** ***/ static GDateTime * get_calendar_date (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GDateTime * date; priv_t * p = self->priv; if (p->calendar_date) date = g_date_time_ref (p->calendar_date); else date = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); return date; } static GVariant * create_calendar_state (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { guint i; const char * key; gboolean days[32] = { 0 }; GVariantBuilder dict_builder; GVariantBuilder day_builder; GDateTime * date; GSList * l; gboolean b; priv_t * p = self->priv; g_variant_builder_init (&dict_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_DICTIONARY); key = "appointment-days"; for (l=p->calendar_appointments; l!=NULL; l=l->next) { const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt = l->data; days[g_date_time_get_day_of_month (appt->begin)] = TRUE; } g_variant_builder_init (&day_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE("ai")); for (i=0; i<G_N_ELEMENTS(days); i++) if (days[i]) g_variant_builder_add (&day_builder, "i", i); g_variant_builder_add (&dict_builder, "{sv}", key, g_variant_builder_end (&day_builder)); key = "calendar-day"; date = get_calendar_date (self); g_variant_builder_add (&dict_builder, "{sv}", key, g_variant_new_int64 (g_date_time_to_unix (date))); g_date_time_unref (date); key = "show-week-numbers"; b = g_settings_get_boolean (p->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS_S); g_variant_builder_add (&dict_builder, "{sv}", key, g_variant_new_boolean (b)); return g_variant_builder_end (&dict_builder); } static void update_calendar_action_state (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { g_simple_action_set_state (self->priv->calendar_action, create_calendar_state (self)); } static void add_localtime_menuitem (GMenu * menu, IndicatorDatetimeService * self, const char * time_format, const char * icon_name) { GDateTime * now; char * label; GMenuItem * menu_item; now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); label = g_date_time_format (now, time_format); menu_item = g_menu_item_new (label, NULL); if (icon_name && *icon_name) g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ICON, "s", icon_name); g_menu_item_set_action_and_target_value (menu_item, "indicator.activate-planner", g_variant_new_int64(0)); g_menu_append_item (menu, menu_item); g_object_unref (menu_item); g_free (label); g_date_time_unref (now); } static void add_calendar_menuitem (GMenu * menu) { GMenuItem * menu_item; menu_item = g_menu_item_new ("[calendar]", NULL); g_menu_item_set_action_and_target_value (menu_item, "indicator.calendar", g_variant_new_int64(0)); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.indicator.calendar"); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "activation-action", "s", "indicator.activate-planner"); g_menu_append_item (menu, menu_item); g_object_unref (menu_item); } static GMenuModel * create_desktop_calendar_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GMenu * menu = g_menu_new (); /* strftime(3) format string to show the day of the week and the date */ add_localtime_menuitem (menu, self, _("%A, %e %B %Y"), "calendar"); if (g_settings_get_boolean (self->priv->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_CALENDAR_S)) add_calendar_menuitem (menu); return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } static GMenuModel * create_phone_calendar_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GMenu * menu = g_menu_new (); /* strftime(3) format string to show date */ add_localtime_menuitem (menu, self, _("%e %B %Y"), "calendar"); return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } /*** **** **** APPOINTMENTS SECTION **** ***/ static gboolean service_has_alarms (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { gboolean has_alarms = FALSE; GSList * appts; GSList * l; appts = self->priv->upcoming_appointments; for (l=appts; l!=NULL; l=l->next) { struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt = l->data; if ((has_alarms = appt->has_alarms)) break; } return has_alarms; } static char * get_appointment_time_format (struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt, GDateTime * now, GSettings * settings, gboolean terse) { char * fmt; gboolean full_day = g_date_time_difference (appt->end, appt->begin) == G_TIME_SPAN_DAY; if (appt->is_daily) { const char * time_fmt = terse ? get_terse_time_format_string (appt->begin) : get_full_time_format_string (settings); fmt = join_date_and_time_format_strings (_("Daily"), time_fmt); } else if (full_day) { /* TRANSLATORS: a strftime(3) format showing full day events. * "%A" means a full text day (Wednesday), "%a" means abbreviated (Wed). */ fmt = g_strdup (_("%A")); } else { fmt = terse ? generate_terse_format_string_at_time (now, appt->begin) : generate_full_format_string_at_time (now, appt->begin, settings); } return fmt; } static void add_appointments (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, GMenu * menu, gboolean phone) { const int MAX_APPTS = 5; GDateTime * now; GHashTable * added; GSList * appts; GSList * l; int i; now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); added = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); /* build appointment menuitems */ appts = self->priv->upcoming_appointments; for (l=appts, i=0; l!=NULL && i<MAX_APPTS; l=l->next, i++) { struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt = l->data; char * fmt; gint64 unix_time; GMenuItem * menu_item; if (g_hash_table_contains (added, appt->uid)) continue; g_hash_table_add (added, appt->uid); fmt = get_appointment_time_format (appt, now, self->priv->settings, phone); unix_time = g_date_time_to_unix (appt->begin); menu_item = g_menu_item_new (appt->summary, NULL); if (appt->color && !appt->has_alarms) g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-color", "s", appt->color); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-time", "x", unix_time); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-time-format", "s", fmt); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-type", "s", appt->has_alarms ? "com.canonical.indicator.alarm" : "com.canonical.indicator.appointment"); if (phone) g_menu_item_set_action_and_target_value (menu_item, "indicator.activate-appointment", g_variant_new_string (appt->uid)); else g_menu_item_set_action_and_target_value (menu_item, "indicator.activate-planner", g_variant_new_int64 (unix_time)); g_menu_append_item (menu, menu_item); g_object_unref (menu_item); g_free (fmt); } /* cleanup */ g_hash_table_unref (added); g_date_time_unref (now); } static GMenuModel * create_phone_appointments_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GMenu * menu = g_menu_new (); GMenuItem * menu_item; menu_item = g_menu_item_new (_("Clock"), NULL); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ICON, "s", "clock"); g_menu_append_item (menu, menu_item); g_object_unref (menu_item); add_appointments (self, menu, TRUE); return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } static GMenuModel * create_desktop_appointments_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GMenu * menu = g_menu_new (); if (g_settings_get_boolean (self->priv->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_EVENTS_S)) { GMenuItem * menu_item; add_appointments (self, menu, FALSE); /* add the 'Add Event…' menuitem */ menu_item = g_menu_item_new (_("Add Event…"), NULL); g_menu_item_set_action_and_target_value (menu_item, "indicator.activate-planner", g_variant_new_int64 (0)); g_menu_append_item (menu, menu_item); g_object_unref (menu_item); } return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } /*** **** **** LOCATIONS SECTION **** ***/ static void on_current_timezone_changed (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { on_local_time_jumped (self); } /* When the 'auto-detect timezone' boolean setting changes, start or stop watching geoclue and /etc/timezone */ static void set_detect_location_enabled (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, gboolean enabled) { gboolean changed = FALSE; priv_t * p = self->priv; /* geoclue */ if (!p->tz_geoclue && enabled) { p->tz_geoclue = indicator_datetime_timezone_geoclue_new (); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->tz_geoclue, "notify::timezone", G_CALLBACK(on_current_timezone_changed), self); changed = TRUE; } else if (p->tz_geoclue && !enabled) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (p->tz_geoclue, on_current_timezone_changed, self); g_clear_object (&p->tz_geoclue); changed = TRUE; } /* timezone file */ if (!p->tz_file && enabled) { p->tz_file = indicator_datetime_timezone_file_new (TIMEZONE_FILE); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->tz_file, "notify::timezone", G_CALLBACK(on_current_timezone_changed), self); changed = TRUE; } else if (p->tz_file && !enabled) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (p->tz_file, on_current_timezone_changed, self); g_clear_object (&p->tz_file); changed = TRUE; } if (changed) on_current_timezone_changed (self); } /* A temp struct used by create_locations_section() for pruning duplicates and sorting. */ struct TimeLocation { GTimeSpan offset; gchar * zone; gchar * name; gboolean visible; GDateTime * local_time; }; static void time_location_free (struct TimeLocation * loc) { g_date_time_unref (loc->local_time); g_free (loc->name); g_free (loc->zone); g_slice_free (struct TimeLocation, loc); } static struct TimeLocation* time_location_new (const char * zone, const char * name, gboolean visible) { struct TimeLocation * loc = g_slice_new (struct TimeLocation); GTimeZone * tz = g_time_zone_new (zone); loc->zone = g_strdup (zone); loc->name = g_strdup (name); loc->visible = visible; loc->local_time = g_date_time_new_now (tz); loc->offset = g_date_time_get_utc_offset (loc->local_time); g_time_zone_unref (tz); return loc; } static int time_location_compare (const struct TimeLocation * a, const struct TimeLocation * b) { int ret = 0; if (!ret && (a->offset != b->offset)) /* primary key */ ret = (a->offset < b->offset) ? -1 : 1; if (!ret) ret = g_strcmp0 (a->name, b->name); /* secondary key */ if (!ret) ret = a->visible - b->visible; /* tertiary key */ return ret; } static GSList* locations_add (GSList * locations, const char * zone, const char * name, gboolean visible) { struct TimeLocation * loc = time_location_new (zone, name, visible); if (g_slist_find_custom (locations, loc, (GCompareFunc)time_location_compare)) { g_debug("%s Skipping duplicate zone '%s' name '%s'", G_STRLOC, zone, name); time_location_free (loc); } else { g_debug ("%s Adding zone '%s', name '%s'", G_STRLOC, zone, name); locations = g_slist_append (locations, loc); } return locations; } static GMenuModel * create_locations_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { guint i; GMenu * menu; GSList * l; GSList * locations = NULL; gchar ** user_locations; gboolean visible; IndicatorDatetimeTimezone * detected_timezones[2]; priv_t * p = self->priv; GDateTime * now = indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (self); set_detect_location_enabled (self, g_settings_get_boolean (p->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_DETECTED_S)); menu = g_menu_new (); /*** **** Build a list of locations to add: use geo_timezone, **** current_timezone, and SETTINGS_LOCATIONS_S, but omit duplicates. ***/ /* maybe add the auto-detected timezones */ detected_timezones[0] = p->tz_geoclue; detected_timezones[1] = p->tz_file; visible = g_settings_get_boolean (p->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_DETECTED_S); for (i=0; i<G_N_ELEMENTS(detected_timezones); i++) { if (detected_timezones[i] != NULL) { const char * tz = indicator_datetime_timezone_get_timezone (detected_timezones[i]); if (tz && *tz) { gchar * name = get_current_zone_name (tz, p->settings); locations = locations_add (locations, tz, name, visible); g_free (name); } } } /* maybe add the user-specified locations */ user_locations = g_settings_get_strv (p->settings, SETTINGS_LOCATIONS_S); if (user_locations != NULL) { visible = g_settings_get_boolean (p->settings, SETTINGS_SHOW_LOCATIONS_S); for (i=0; user_locations[i] != NULL; i++) { gchar * zone; gchar * name; split_settings_location (user_locations[i], &zone, &name); locations = locations_add (locations, zone, name, visible); g_free (name); g_free (zone); } g_strfreev (user_locations); user_locations = NULL; } /* now build menuitems for all the locations */ for (l=locations; l!=NULL; l=l->next) { struct TimeLocation * loc = l->data; if (loc->visible) { char * detailed_action; char * fmt; GMenuItem * menu_item; detailed_action = g_strdup_printf ("indicator.set-location::%s %s", loc->zone, loc->name); fmt = generate_full_format_string_at_time (now, loc->local_time, p->settings); menu_item = g_menu_item_new (loc->name, detailed_action); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.indicator.location"); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-timezone", "s", loc->zone); g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-canonical-time-format", "s", fmt); g_menu_append_item (menu, menu_item); g_object_unref (menu_item); g_free (fmt); g_free (detailed_action); } } g_date_time_unref (now); g_slist_free_full (locations, (GDestroyNotify)time_location_free); return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } /*** **** SET LOCATION ***/ struct setlocation_data { IndicatorDatetimeService * service; char * timezone_id; char * name; }; static void setlocation_data_free (struct setlocation_data * data) { g_free (data->timezone_id); g_free (data->name); g_slice_free (struct setlocation_data, data); } static void on_datetime1_set_timezone_response (GObject * object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gdata) { GError * err; GVariant * answers; struct setlocation_data * data = gdata; err = NULL; answers = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY(object), res, &err); if (err != NULL) { if (!g_error_matches (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("Could not set new timezone: %s", err->message); g_error_free (err); } else { char * timezone_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", data->timezone_id, data->name); g_settings_set_string (data->service->priv->settings, SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_NAME_S, timezone_name); g_free (timezone_name); g_variant_unref (answers); } setlocation_data_free (data); } static void on_datetime1_proxy_ready (GObject * object G_GNUC_UNUSED, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gdata) { GError * err; GDBusProxy * proxy; struct setlocation_data * data = gdata; err = NULL; proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &err); if (err != NULL) { if (!g_error_matches (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("Could not grab DBus proxy for timedated: %s", err->message); g_error_free (err); setlocation_data_free (data); } else { g_dbus_proxy_call (proxy, "SetTimezone", g_variant_new ("(sb)", data->timezone_id, TRUE), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, data->service->priv->cancellable, on_datetime1_set_timezone_response, data); g_object_unref (proxy); } } static void indicator_datetime_service_set_location (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, const char * timezone_id, const char * name) { priv_t * p = self->priv; struct setlocation_data * data; g_return_if_fail (INDICATOR_IS_DATETIME_SERVICE (self)); g_return_if_fail (name && *name); g_return_if_fail (timezone_id && *timezone_id); data = g_slice_new0 (struct setlocation_data); data->timezone_id = g_strdup (timezone_id); data->name = g_strdup (name); data->service = self; g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "/org/freedesktop/timedate1", "org.freedesktop.timedate1", p->cancellable, on_datetime1_proxy_ready, data); } static void on_set_location (GSimpleAction * a G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant * param, gpointer gself) { char * zone; char * name; IndicatorDatetimeService * self; self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); split_settings_location (g_variant_get_string (param, NULL), &zone, &name); indicator_datetime_service_set_location (self, zone, name); g_free (name); g_free (zone); } /*** **** ***/ static GMenuModel * create_desktop_settings_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GMenu * menu = g_menu_new (); g_menu_append (menu, _("Date & Time Settings…"), "indicator.activate-desktop-settings"); return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } static GMenuModel * create_phone_settings_section (IndicatorDatetimeService * self G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GMenu * menu = g_menu_new (); g_menu_append (menu, _("Time & Date settings…"), "indicator.activate-phone-settings"); return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); } static void create_menu (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, int profile) { GMenu * menu; GMenu * submenu; GMenuItem * header; GMenuModel * sections[16]; const gchar * header_action; int i; int n = 0; g_assert (0<=profile && profile<N_PROFILES); g_assert (self->priv->menus[profile].menu == NULL); switch (profile) { case PROFILE_PHONE: sections[n++] = create_phone_calendar_section (self); sections[n++] = create_phone_appointments_section (self); sections[n++] = create_phone_settings_section (self); header_action = "indicator.phone-header"; break; case PROFILE_DESKTOP: sections[n++] = create_desktop_calendar_section (self); sections[n++] = create_desktop_appointments_section (self); sections[n++] = create_locations_section (self); sections[n++] = create_desktop_settings_section (self); header_action = "indicator.desktop-header"; break; case PROFILE_GREETER: sections[n++] = create_desktop_calendar_section (self); header_action = "indicator.desktop-header"; break; } /* add sections to the submenu */ submenu = g_menu_new (); for (i=0; i<n; ++i) { g_menu_append_section (submenu, NULL, sections[i]); g_object_unref (sections[i]); } /* add submenu to the header */ header = g_menu_item_new (NULL, header_action); g_menu_item_set_attribute (header, "x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.indicator.root"); g_menu_item_set_submenu (header, G_MENU_MODEL (submenu)); g_object_unref (submenu); /* add header to the menu */ menu = g_menu_new (); g_menu_append_item (menu, header); g_object_unref (header); self->priv->menus[profile].menu = menu; self->priv->menus[profile].submenu = submenu; } /*** **** GActions ***/ /* Run a particular program based on an activation */ static void execute_command (const gchar * cmd) { GError * err = NULL; g_debug ("Issuing command '%s'", cmd); if (!g_spawn_command_line_async (cmd, &err)) { g_warning ("Unable to start \"%s\": %s", cmd, err->message); g_error_free (err); } } static void on_desktop_settings_activated (GSimpleAction * a G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant * param G_GNUC_UNUSED, gpointer gself G_GNUC_UNUSED) { #ifdef HAVE_CCPANEL execute_command ("gnome-control-center indicator-datetime"); #else execute_command ("gnome-control-center datetime"); #endif } static void on_phone_settings_activated (GSimpleAction * a G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant * param G_GNUC_UNUSED, gpointer gself G_GNUC_UNUSED) { url_dispatch_send ("settings:///system/time-date", NULL, NULL); } static void on_activate_appointment (GSimpleAction * a G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant * param, gpointer gself) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE(gself)->priv; const gchar * uid = g_variant_get_string (param, NULL); if (uid != NULL) { const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * appt; GSList * l; /* find the appointment that matches that uid */ for (l=p->upcoming_appointments, appt=NULL; l && !appt; l=l->next) { const struct IndicatorDatetimeAppt * tmp = l->data; if (!g_strcmp0 (uid, tmp->uid)) appt = tmp; } /* if that appointment's an alarm, dispatch its url */ g_debug ("%s: uri '%s'; matching appt is %p", G_STRFUNC, uid, appt); if (appt && appointment_has_alarm_url (appt)) dispatch_alarm_url (appt); } } static void on_activate_planner (GSimpleAction * a G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant * param, gpointer gself) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE(gself)->priv; if (p->planner != NULL) { const gint64 t = g_variant_get_int64 (param); if (t) { GDateTime * date_time = g_date_time_new_from_unix_local (t); indicator_datetime_planner_activate_time (p->planner, date_time); g_date_time_unref (date_time); } else /* no time specified... */ { indicator_datetime_planner_activate (p->planner); } } } static void on_calendar_action_activated (GSimpleAction * action G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant * state, gpointer gself) { gint64 unix_time; IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); if ((unix_time = g_variant_get_int64 (state))) { GDateTime * date = g_date_time_new_from_unix_local (unix_time); indicator_datetime_service_set_calendar_date (self, date); g_date_time_unref (date); } else /* unset */ { indicator_datetime_service_set_calendar_date (self, NULL); } } static void init_gactions (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { GSimpleAction * a; priv_t * p = self->priv; GActionEntry entries[] = { { "activate-desktop-settings", on_desktop_settings_activated }, { "activate-phone-settings", on_phone_settings_activated }, { "activate-planner", on_activate_planner, "x", NULL }, { "activate-appointment", on_activate_appointment, "s", NULL }, { "set-location", on_set_location, "s" } }; p->actions = g_simple_action_group_new (); g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP(p->actions), entries, G_N_ELEMENTS(entries), self); /* add the header actions */ a = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("desktop-header", NULL, create_desktop_header_state (self)); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP(p->actions), G_ACTION(a)); p->desktop_header_action = a; a = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("phone-header", NULL, create_phone_header_state (self)); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP(p->actions), G_ACTION(a)); p->phone_header_action = a; /* add the calendar action */ a = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("calendar", G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64, create_calendar_state (self)); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP(p->actions), G_ACTION(a)); g_signal_connect (a, "activate", G_CALLBACK(on_calendar_action_activated), self); p->calendar_action = a; rebuild_now (self, SECTION_HEADER); } /*** **** ***/ /** * A small helper function for rebuild_now(). * - removes the previous section * - adds and unrefs the new section */ static void rebuild_section (GMenu * parent, int pos, GMenuModel * new_section) { g_menu_remove (parent, pos); g_menu_insert_section (parent, pos, NULL, new_section); g_object_unref (new_section); } static void rebuild_now (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, int sections) { priv_t * p = self->priv; struct ProfileMenuInfo * phone = &p->menus[PROFILE_PHONE]; struct ProfileMenuInfo * desktop = &p->menus[PROFILE_DESKTOP]; struct ProfileMenuInfo * greeter = &p->menus[PROFILE_GREETER]; if (sections & SECTION_HEADER) { g_simple_action_set_state (p->desktop_header_action, create_desktop_header_state (self)); g_simple_action_set_state (p->phone_header_action, create_phone_header_state (self)); } if (sections & SECTION_CALENDAR) { rebuild_section (phone->submenu, 0, create_phone_calendar_section (self)); rebuild_section (desktop->submenu, 0, create_desktop_calendar_section (self)); rebuild_section (greeter->submenu, 0, create_desktop_calendar_section (self)); } if (sections & SECTION_APPOINTMENTS) { rebuild_section (phone->submenu, 1, create_phone_appointments_section (self)); rebuild_section (desktop->submenu, 1, create_desktop_appointments_section (self)); } if (sections & SECTION_LOCATIONS) { rebuild_section (desktop->submenu, 2, create_locations_section (self)); } if (sections & SECTION_SETTINGS) { rebuild_section (phone->submenu, 2, create_phone_settings_section (self)); rebuild_section (desktop->submenu, 3, create_desktop_settings_section (self)); } } static int rebuild_timeout_func (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { priv_t * p = self->priv; rebuild_now (self, p->rebuild_flags); p->rebuild_flags = 0; p->rebuild_id = 0; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void rebuild_soon (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, int section) { priv_t * p = self->priv; p->rebuild_flags |= section; if (p->rebuild_id == 0) { /* Change events seem to come over the bus in small bursts. This msec value is an arbitrary number that tries to be large enough to fold multiple events into a single rebuild, but small enough that the user won't notice any lag. */ static const int REBUILD_INTERVAL_MSEC = 500; p->rebuild_id = g_timeout_add (REBUILD_INTERVAL_MSEC, (GSourceFunc)rebuild_timeout_func, self); } } /*** **** org.freedesktop.login1.Manager ***/ static void on_login1_manager_signal (GDBusProxy * proxy G_GNUC_UNUSED, gchar * sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED, gchar * signal_name, GVariant * parameters, gpointer gself) { if (!g_strcmp0 (signal_name, "PrepareForSleep")) { gboolean sleeping = FALSE; g_variant_get (parameters, "(b)", &sleeping); if (!sleeping) on_local_time_jumped (INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself)); } } static void on_login1_manager_proxy_ready (GObject * object G_GNUC_UNUSED, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { GError * err; GDBusProxy * proxy; err = NULL; proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &err); if (err != NULL) { if (!g_error_matches (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("Could not grab DBus proxy for logind: %s", err->message); g_error_free (err); } else { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); self->priv->login1_manager = proxy; g_signal_connect (proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK(on_login1_manager_signal), self); } } /*** **** Appointments ***/ static void set_calendar_appointments (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, GSList * appointments) { priv_t * p = self->priv; /* repopulate the list */ indicator_datetime_planner_free_appointments (p->calendar_appointments); p->calendar_appointments = appointments; /* sync the menus/actions */ update_calendar_action_state (self); rebuild_calendar_section_soon (self); } static void on_calendar_appointments_ready (GObject * source, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer self) { IndicatorDatetimePlanner * planner; GError * error; GSList * appointments; planner = INDICATOR_DATETIME_PLANNER (source); error = NULL; appointments = indicator_datetime_planner_get_appointments_finish (planner, res, &error); if (error != NULL) { if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("can't get this month's appointments: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { set_calendar_appointments (INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (self), appointments); } } static void set_upcoming_appointments (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, GSList * appointments) { priv_t * p = self->priv; /* repopulate the list */ indicator_datetime_planner_free_appointments (p->upcoming_appointments); p->upcoming_appointments = appointments; /* sync the menus/actions */ rebuild_appointments_section_soon (self); /* alarm timer is keyed off of the next alarm time, so it needs to be rebuilt when tehe appointment list changes */ set_alarm_timer (self); } static void on_upcoming_appointments_ready (GObject * source, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer self) { IndicatorDatetimePlanner * planner; GError * error; GSList * appointments; planner = INDICATOR_DATETIME_PLANNER (source); error = NULL; appointments = indicator_datetime_planner_get_appointments_finish (planner, res, &error); if (error != NULL) { if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("can't get upcoming appointments: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { set_upcoming_appointments (INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (self), appointments); } } static void update_appointment_lists (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { IndicatorDatetimePlanner * planner; GDateTime * calendar_date; GDateTime * begin; GDateTime * end; int y, m, d; planner = self->priv->planner; calendar_date = get_calendar_date (self); /* get all the appointments in the calendar month */ g_date_time_get_ymd (calendar_date, &y, &m, &d); begin = g_date_time_new_local (y, m, 1, 0, 0, 0.1); end = g_date_time_new_local (y, m, g_date_get_days_in_month(m,y), 23, 59, 59.9); if (begin && end) indicator_datetime_planner_get_appointments (planner, begin, end, on_calendar_appointments_ready, self); g_clear_pointer (&begin, g_date_time_unref); g_clear_pointer (&end, g_date_time_unref); /* get the upcoming appointments */ begin = g_date_time_ref (calendar_date); end = g_date_time_add_months (begin, 1); if (begin && end) indicator_datetime_planner_get_appointments (planner, begin, end, on_upcoming_appointments_ready, self); g_clear_pointer (&begin, g_date_time_unref); g_clear_pointer (&end, g_date_time_unref); g_clear_pointer (&calendar_date, g_date_time_unref); } /*** **** GDBus ***/ static void on_bus_acquired (GDBusConnection * connection, const gchar * name, gpointer gself) { int i; guint id; GError * err = NULL; IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE(gself); priv_t * p = self->priv; g_debug ("bus acquired: %s", name); p->conn = g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (connection)); /* export the actions */ if ((id = g_dbus_connection_export_action_group (connection, BUS_PATH, G_ACTION_GROUP (p->actions), &err))) { p->actions_export_id = id; } else { g_warning ("cannot export action group: %s", err->message); g_clear_error (&err); } /* export the menus */ for (i=0; i<N_PROFILES; ++i) { char * path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", BUS_PATH, menu_names[i]); struct ProfileMenuInfo * menu = &p->menus[i]; if ((id = g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model (connection, path, G_MENU_MODEL (menu->menu), &err))) { menu->export_id = id; } else { g_warning ("cannot export %s menu: %s", menu_names[i], err->message); g_clear_error (&err); } g_free (path); } } static void unexport (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { int i; priv_t * p = self->priv; /* unexport the menus */ for (i=0; i<N_PROFILES; ++i) { guint * id = &self->priv->menus[i].export_id; if (*id) { g_dbus_connection_unexport_menu_model (p->conn, *id); *id = 0; } } /* unexport the actions */ if (p->actions_export_id) { g_dbus_connection_unexport_action_group (p->conn, p->actions_export_id); p->actions_export_id = 0; } } static void on_name_lost (GDBusConnection * connection G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar * name, gpointer gself) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (gself); if (connection == NULL) g_error ("Unable to get bus connection to own name '%s'", name); g_debug ("%s %s name lost %s", G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC, name); unexport (self); g_signal_emit (self, signals[SIGNAL_NAME_LOST], 0, NULL); } /*** **** GObject virtual functions ***/ static void my_get_property (GObject * o, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (o); switch (property_id) { case PROP_PLANNER: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->planner); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (o, property_id, pspec); } } static void my_set_property (GObject * o, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (o); switch (property_id) { case PROP_PLANNER: indicator_datetime_service_set_planner (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (o, property_id, pspec); } } static void my_dispose (GObject * o) { int i; IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE(o); priv_t * p = self->priv; if (p->own_id) { g_bus_unown_name (p->own_id); p->own_id = 0; } unexport (self); if (p->cancellable != NULL) { g_cancellable_cancel (p->cancellable); g_clear_object (&p->cancellable); } set_detect_location_enabled (self, FALSE); indicator_datetime_service_set_planner (self, NULL); if (p->login1_manager != NULL) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->login1_manager, self); g_clear_object (&p->login1_manager); } indicator_clear_timer (&p->skew_timer); indicator_clear_timer (&p->rebuild_id); indicator_clear_timer (&p->timezone_timer); indicator_clear_timer (&p->header_timer); indicator_clear_timer (&p->alarm_timer); if (p->settings != NULL) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->settings, self); g_clear_object (&p->settings); } g_clear_object (&p->actions); for (i=0; i<N_PROFILES; ++i) g_clear_object (&p->menus[i].menu); g_clear_object (&p->calendar_action); g_clear_object (&p->desktop_header_action); g_clear_object (&p->phone_header_action); g_clear_object (&p->conn); G_OBJECT_CLASS (indicator_datetime_service_parent_class)->dispose (o); } static void my_finalize (GObject * o) { IndicatorDatetimeService * self = INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE(o); priv_t * p = self->priv; g_clear_pointer (&p->skew_time, g_date_time_unref); g_clear_pointer (&p->calendar_date, g_date_time_unref); G_OBJECT_CLASS (indicator_datetime_service_parent_class)->finalize (o); } /*** **** Instantiation ***/ static void indicator_datetime_service_init (IndicatorDatetimeService * self) { guint i, n; priv_t * p; GString * gstr = g_string_new (NULL); /* these are the settings that affect the contents of the respective sections */ const char * const header_settings[] = { SETTINGS_SHOW_CLOCK_S, SETTINGS_TIME_FORMAT_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_SECONDS_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_DAY_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_DATE_S, SETTINGS_CUSTOM_TIME_FORMAT_S }; const char * const calendar_settings[] = { SETTINGS_SHOW_CALENDAR_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS_S }; const char * const appointment_settings[] = { SETTINGS_SHOW_EVENTS_S, SETTINGS_TIME_FORMAT_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_SECONDS_S }; const char * const location_settings[] = { SETTINGS_TIME_FORMAT_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_SECONDS_S, SETTINGS_CUSTOM_TIME_FORMAT_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_LOCATIONS_S, SETTINGS_LOCATIONS_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_DETECTED_S, SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_NAME_S }; const char * const time_format_string_settings[] = { SETTINGS_TIME_FORMAT_S, SETTINGS_SHOW_SECONDS_S, SETTINGS_CUSTOM_TIME_FORMAT_S }; /* init the priv pointer */ p = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, INDICATOR_TYPE_DATETIME_SERVICE, IndicatorDatetimeServicePrivate); self->priv = p; p->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); /*** **** Create the settings object and listen for changes ***/ p->settings = g_settings_new (SETTINGS_INTERFACE); for (i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(header_settings); i<n; i++) { g_string_printf (gstr, "changed::%s", header_settings[i]); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->settings, gstr->str, G_CALLBACK(rebuild_header_soon), self); } for (i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(calendar_settings); i<n; i++) { g_string_printf (gstr, "changed::%s", calendar_settings[i]); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->settings, gstr->str, G_CALLBACK(rebuild_calendar_section_soon), self); } for (i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(appointment_settings); i<n; i++) { g_string_printf (gstr, "changed::%s", appointment_settings[i]); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->settings, gstr->str, G_CALLBACK(rebuild_appointments_section_soon), self); } for (i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(location_settings); i<n; i++) { g_string_printf (gstr, "changed::%s", location_settings[i]); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->settings, gstr->str, G_CALLBACK(rebuild_locations_section_soon), self); } /* The keys in time_format_string_settings affect the time format strings we build. When these change, we need to rebuild everything that has a time format string. */ for (i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(time_format_string_settings); i<n; i++) { g_string_printf (gstr, "changed::%s", time_format_string_settings[i]); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->settings, gstr->str, G_CALLBACK(on_local_time_jumped), self); } init_gactions (self); g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.freedesktop.login1", "/org/freedesktop/login1", "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager", p->cancellable, on_login1_manager_proxy_ready, self); p->skew_timer = g_timeout_add_seconds (SKEW_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC, skew_timer_func, self); p->own_id = g_bus_own_name (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, BUS_NAME, G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, on_bus_acquired, NULL, on_name_lost, self, NULL); on_local_time_jumped (self); set_alarm_timer (self); for (i=0; i<N_PROFILES; ++i) create_menu (self, i); g_string_free (gstr, TRUE); } static void indicator_datetime_service_class_init (IndicatorDatetimeServiceClass * klass) { GObjectClass * object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); const GParamFlags flags = G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS; object_class->dispose = my_dispose; object_class->finalize = my_finalize; object_class->get_property = my_get_property; object_class->set_property = my_set_property; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (IndicatorDatetimeServicePrivate)); signals[SIGNAL_NAME_LOST] = g_signal_new ( INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE_SIGNAL_NAME_LOST, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (IndicatorDatetimeServiceClass, name_lost), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /* install properties */ properties[PROP_0] = NULL; properties[PROP_PLANNER] = g_param_spec_object ("planner", "Planner", "The appointment provider", INDICATOR_TYPE_DATETIME_PLANNER, flags); g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, PROP_LAST, properties); } /*** **** Public API ***/ IndicatorDatetimeService * indicator_datetime_service_new (IndicatorDatetimePlanner * planner) { GObject * o = g_object_new (INDICATOR_TYPE_DATETIME_SERVICE, "planner", planner, NULL); return INDICATOR_DATETIME_SERVICE (o); } /* This currently just returns the system time, As we add test coverage, we'll need this to bypass the system time. */ GDateTime * indicator_datetime_service_get_localtime (IndicatorDatetimeService * self G_GNUC_UNUSED) { return g_date_time_new_now_local (); } void indicator_datetime_service_set_calendar_date (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, GDateTime * date) { gboolean dirty; priv_t * p = self->priv; dirty = !date || !p->calendar_date || g_date_time_compare (date, p->calendar_date); /* update calendar_date */ g_clear_pointer (&p->calendar_date, g_date_time_unref); if (date != NULL) p->calendar_date = g_date_time_ref (date); /* sync the menuitems and action states */ if (dirty) update_appointment_lists (self); } void indicator_datetime_service_set_planner (IndicatorDatetimeService * self, IndicatorDatetimePlanner * planner) { priv_t * p; g_return_if_fail (INDICATOR_IS_DATETIME_SERVICE (self)); g_return_if_fail (INDICATOR_IS_DATETIME_PLANNER (planner)); p = self->priv; /* clear the old planner & appointments */ if (p->planner != NULL) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->planner, self); g_clear_object (&p->planner); } g_clear_pointer (&p->upcoming_appointments, indicator_datetime_planner_free_appointments); g_clear_pointer (&p->calendar_appointments, indicator_datetime_planner_free_appointments); /* set the new planner & begin fetching appointments from it */ if (planner != NULL) { p->planner = g_object_ref (planner); g_signal_connect_swapped (p->planner, "appointments-changed", G_CALLBACK(update_appointment_lists), self); update_appointment_lists (self); } }