/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "glib-fixture.h" #include <datetime/clock-mock.h> #include <datetime/formatter.h> #include <datetime/settings.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <langinfo.h> #include <locale.h> using namespace ayatana::indicator::datetime; /*** **** ***/ class FormatterFixture: public GlibFixture { private: typedef GlibFixture super; gchar* m_original_locale = nullptr; protected: std::shared_ptr<Settings> m_settings; void SetUp() override { super::SetUp(); m_settings.reset(new Settings); m_original_locale = g_strdup(setlocale(LC_TIME, nullptr)); } void TearDown() override { m_settings.reset(); setlocale(LC_TIME, m_original_locale); g_clear_pointer(&m_original_locale, g_free); super::TearDown(); } bool SetLocale(const char* expected_locale, const char* name) { setlocale(LC_TIME, expected_locale); const auto actual_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME, nullptr); if (!g_strcmp0(expected_locale, actual_locale)) { return true; } else { g_message("Unable to set locale to %s, actual locale is %s; skipping %s locale tests.", expected_locale, actual_locale, name); return false; } } inline bool Set24hLocale() { return SetLocale("C", "24h"); } inline bool Set12hLocale() { return SetLocale("en_US.UTF-8", "12h"); } }; /** * Test the phone header format */ TEST_F(FormatterFixture, TestPhoneHeader) { auto now = DateTime::Local(2020, 10, 31, 18, 30, 59); auto clock = std::make_shared<MockClock>(now); // test the default value in a 24h locale if(Set24hLocale()) { PhoneFormatter formatter(clock); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("%H:%M"), formatter.header_format.get()); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("18:30"), formatter.header.get()); } // test the default value in a 12h locale if(Set12hLocale()) { PhoneFormatter formatter(clock); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("%l:%M %p"), formatter.header_format.get()); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(" 6:30 PM"), formatter.header.get()); } } #define EM_SPACE "\u2003" /** * Test the default values of the desktop header format */ TEST_F(FormatterFixture, TestDesktopHeader) { struct { bool is_12h; bool show_day; bool show_date; bool show_year; const char* expected_format_string; } test_cases[] = { { false, false, false, false, "%H:%M" }, { false, false, false, true, "%H:%M" }, // show_year is ignored iff show_date is false { false, false, true, false, "%b %e" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { false, false, true, true, "%b %e %Y" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { false, true, false, false, "%a" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { false, true, false, true, "%a" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, // show_year is ignored iff show_date is false { false, true, true, false, "%a %b %e" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { false, true, true, true, "%a %b %e %Y" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { true, false, false, false, "%l:%M %p" }, { true, false, false, true, "%l:%M %p" }, // show_year is ignored iff show_date is false { true, false, true, false, "%b %e" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, { true, false, true, true, "%b %e %Y" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, { true, true, false, false, "%a" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, { true, true, false, true, "%a" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, // show_year is ignored iff show_date is false { true, true, true, false, "%a %b %e" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, { true, true, true, true, "%a %b %e %Y" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" } }; auto now = DateTime::Local(2020, 10, 31, 18, 30, 59); auto clock = std::make_shared<MockClock>(now); bool locale_set = false; for(const auto& test_case : test_cases) { test_case.is_12h ? locale_set = Set12hLocale() : locale_set = Set24hLocale(); DesktopFormatter f(clock, m_settings); m_settings->show_day.set(test_case.show_day); m_settings->show_date.set(test_case.show_date); m_settings->show_year.set(test_case.show_year); if (locale_set) { ASSERT_STREQ(test_case.expected_format_string, f.header_format.get().c_str()); } else { g_message("Ignoring test (expected: %s, probably flawed test result: %s).", test_case.expected_format_string, f.header_format.get().c_str()); } } } /** * Test the default values of the desktop header format */ TEST_F(FormatterFixture, TestUpcomingTimes) { auto a = DateTime::Local(2020, 10, 31, 18, 30, 59); struct { gboolean is_12h; DateTime now; DateTime then; const char* expected_format_string; } test_cases[] = { { true, a, a, "%l:%M %p" }, // identical time { true, a, a.add_full(0,0,0,1,0,0), "%l:%M %p" }, // later today { true, a, a.add_days(1), "Tomorrow" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, // tomorrow { true, a, a.add_days(2), "%a" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, { true, a, a.add_days(6), "%a" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, { true, a, a.add_days(7), "%a %d %b" EM_SPACE "%l:%M %p" }, // over one week away { false, a, a, "%H:%M" }, // identical time { false, a, a.add_full(0,0,0,1,0,0), "%H:%M" }, // later today { false, a, a.add_days(1), "Tomorrow" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, // tomorrow { false, a, a.add_days(2), "%a" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { false, a, a.add_days(6), "%a" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" }, { false, a, a.add_days(7), "%a %d %b" EM_SPACE "%H:%M" } // over one week away }; for(const auto& test_case : test_cases) { if (test_case.is_12h ? Set12hLocale() : Set24hLocale()) { auto clock = std::make_shared<MockClock>(test_case.now); DesktopFormatter f(clock, m_settings); const auto fmt = f.relative_format(test_case.then.get()); ASSERT_EQ(test_case.expected_format_string, fmt); } } } /** * Test the default values of the desktop header format */ TEST_F(FormatterFixture, TestEventTimes) { auto day = DateTime::Local(2013, 1, 1, 13, 0, 0); auto day_begin = DateTime::Local(2013, 1, 1, 13, 0, 0); auto day_end = day_begin.add_days(1); auto tomorrow_begin = day_begin.add_days(1); auto tomorrow_end = tomorrow_begin.add_days(1); struct { bool is_12h; DateTime now; DateTime then; DateTime then_end; const char* expected_format_string; } test_cases[] = { { false, day, day_begin, day_end, _("Today") }, { true, day, day_begin, day_end, _("Today") }, { false, day, tomorrow_begin, tomorrow_end, _("Tomorrow") }, { true, day, tomorrow_begin, tomorrow_end, _("Tomorrow") } }; for(const auto& test_case : test_cases) { if (test_case.is_12h ? Set12hLocale() : Set24hLocale()) { auto clock = std::make_shared<MockClock>(test_case.now); DesktopFormatter f(clock, m_settings); const auto fmt = f.relative_format(test_case.then.get(), test_case.then_end.get()); ASSERT_STREQ(test_case.expected_format_string, fmt.c_str()); } } }