/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: * Charles Kerr */ #include "timedated-fixture.h" /*** **** ***/ TEST_F(TimedateFixture, HelloWorld) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, SetLocation) { const std::string tzid = "America/Chicago"; const std::string name = "Oklahoma City"; const std::string expected = tzid + " " + name; EXPECT_NE(expected, m_state->settings->timezone_name.get()); m_actions->set_location(tzid, name); g_main_loop_run(loop); EXPECT_EQ(attempted_tzid, tzid); wait_msec(); EXPECT_EQ(expected, m_state->settings->timezone_name.get()); } /*** **** ***/ TEST_F(TimedateFixture, DesktopOpenAlarmApp) { m_actions->desktop_open_alarm_app(); const std::string expected = "evolution -c calendar"; EXPECT_EQ(expected, m_live_actions->last_cmd); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, DesktopOpenAppointment) { Appointment a; a.uid = "some-uid"; a.begin = DateTime::NowLocal(); m_actions->desktop_open_appointment(a); const std::string expected_substr = "evolution \"calendar:///?startdate="; EXPECT_NE(m_live_actions->last_cmd.find(expected_substr), std::string::npos); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, DesktopOpenCalendarApp) { m_actions->desktop_open_calendar_app(DateTime::NowLocal()); const std::string expected_substr = "evolution \"calendar:///?startdate="; EXPECT_NE(m_live_actions->last_cmd.find(expected_substr), std::string::npos); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, DesktopOpenSettingsApp) { m_actions->desktop_open_settings_app(); const std::string expected_substr = "control-center"; EXPECT_NE(m_live_actions->last_cmd.find(expected_substr), std::string::npos); } /*** **** ***/ namespace { const std::string clock_app_url = "appid://com.ubuntu.clock/clock/current-user-version"; const std::string calendar_app_url = "appid://com.ubuntu.calendar/calendar/current-user-version"; } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, PhoneOpenAlarmApp) { m_actions->phone_open_alarm_app(); EXPECT_EQ(clock_app_url, m_live_actions->last_url); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, PhoneOpenAppointment) { Appointment a; a.uid = "some-uid"; a.begin = DateTime::NowLocal(); a.type = Appointment::EVENT; m_actions->phone_open_appointment(a); EXPECT_EQ(calendar_app_url, m_live_actions->last_url); a.type = Appointment::UBUNTU_ALARM; m_actions->phone_open_appointment(a); EXPECT_EQ(clock_app_url, m_live_actions->last_url); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, PhoneOpenCalendarApp) { m_actions->phone_open_calendar_app(DateTime::NowLocal()); const std::string expected = "appid://com.ubuntu.calendar/calendar/current-user-version"; EXPECT_EQ(expected, m_live_actions->last_url); } TEST_F(TimedateFixture, PhoneOpenSettingsApp) { m_actions->phone_open_settings_app(); const std::string expected = "settings:///system/time-date"; EXPECT_EQ(expected, m_live_actions->last_url); } /*** **** ***/ TEST_F(TimedateFixture, CalendarState) { // init the clock auto now = DateTime::Local(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); m_mock_state->mock_clock->set_localtime (now); m_state->calendar_month->month().set(now); //m_state->planner->time.set(now); /// /// Test the default calendar state. /// auto action_group = m_actions->action_group(); auto calendar_state = g_action_group_get_action_state (action_group, "calendar"); EXPECT_TRUE (calendar_state != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE (g_variant_is_of_type (calendar_state, G_VARIANT_TYPE_DICTIONARY)); // there's nothing in the planner yet, so appointment-days should be an empty array auto v = g_variant_lookup_value (calendar_state, "appointment-days", G_VARIANT_TYPE_ARRAY); EXPECT_TRUE (v != nullptr); EXPECT_EQ (0, g_variant_n_children (v)); g_clear_pointer (&v, g_variant_unref); // calendar-day should be in sync with m_state->calendar_day v = g_variant_lookup_value (calendar_state, "calendar-day", G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64); EXPECT_TRUE (v != nullptr); EXPECT_EQ (m_state->calendar_month->month().get().to_unix(), g_variant_get_int64(v)); g_clear_pointer (&v, g_variant_unref); // show-week-numbers should be false because MockSettings defaults everything to 0 v = g_variant_lookup_value (calendar_state, "show-week-numbers", G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); EXPECT_TRUE (v != nullptr); EXPECT_FALSE (g_variant_get_boolean (v)); g_clear_pointer (&v, g_variant_unref); // cleanup this step g_clear_pointer (&calendar_state, g_variant_unref); /// /// Now add appointments to the planner and confirm that the state keeps in sync /// auto tomorrow = now.add_days(1); auto tomorrow_begin = tomorrow.start_of_day(); auto tomorrow_end = tomorrow.end_of_day(); Appointment a1; a1.color = "green"; a1.summary = "write unit tests"; a1.uid = "D4B57D50247291478ED31DED17FF0A9838DED402"; a1.begin = tomorrow_begin; a1.end = tomorrow_end; auto ubermorgen = now.add_days(2); auto ubermorgen_begin = ubermorgen.start_of_day(); auto ubermorgen_end = ubermorgen.end_of_day(); Appointment a2; a2.color = "orange"; a2.summary = "code review"; a2.uid = "2756ff7de3745bbffd65d2e4779c37c7ca60d843"; a2.begin = ubermorgen_begin; a2.end = ubermorgen_end; m_state->calendar_month->appointments().set(std::vector({a1, a2})); /// /// Now test the calendar state again. /// The this_month field should now contain the appointments we just added. /// calendar_state = g_action_group_get_action_state (action_group, "calendar"); v = g_variant_lookup_value (calendar_state, "appointment-days", G_VARIANT_TYPE_ARRAY); EXPECT_TRUE (v != nullptr); int i; g_variant_get_child (v, 0, "i", &i); EXPECT_EQ (a1.begin.day_of_month(), i); g_variant_get_child (v, 1, "i", &i); EXPECT_EQ (a2.begin.day_of_month(), i); g_clear_pointer(&v, g_variant_unref); g_clear_pointer(&calendar_state, g_variant_unref); /// /// Confirm that the action state's dictionary /// keeps in sync with settings.show_week_numbers /// auto b = m_state->settings->show_week_numbers.get(); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { b = !b; m_state->settings->show_week_numbers.set(b); calendar_state = g_action_group_get_action_state (action_group, "calendar"); v = g_variant_lookup_value (calendar_state, "show-week-numbers", G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); EXPECT_TRUE(v != nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(b, g_variant_get_boolean(v)); g_clear_pointer(&v, g_variant_unref); g_clear_pointer(&calendar_state, g_variant_unref); } }