Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-display 0.9.0 - Rename Lomiri-specific properties to x-lomiri. - Rename com.ubuntu.touch.system to com.lomiri.touch.system. - Rename x-canonical properties to x-ayatana. - tests/CMakeFiles.txt: Suppress some cppchecks. - tests/integration/usb-manager-test.cpp: Fix cppcheck test in Ubuntu 20.04. Mark unused adbd_server and usb_manager as such. - po/CMakeLists.txt: Don't touch .pot file during builds. - Add info and install instructions. - Only create UsbManager instance if ADBD socket is available. (Allows running this indicator on systems without ADBD support). - Add XDG autostart stuff. - Use -no-pie build flag for tests only. - Fix rotation lock switch display. - Create desktop profile. Allows using this indicator on systems that are not phones. - tests/test-dbus-fixture.h: Turn TestDBusFixture::TestDBusFixture into an explicitly declared constructor. - src/adbd-client.cpp: Fix several type warnings. - Drop all references to upstart. - Replace x-canonical attributes. - Start indicator in systemd when ayatana-indicators.target is started. - Add Travis CI configuration. - Translation updates. - Fork from Ubuntus' indicator-display project.