/* * Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: * Charles Kerr */ #include #include #include #include // mkdtemp class AdbdClientFixture: public TestDBusFixture { private: typedef TestDBusFixture super; protected: std::string m_tmpdir; void SetUp() { super::SetUp(); char tmpl[] {"adb-client-test-XXXXXX"}; m_tmpdir = mkdtemp(tmpl); g_message("using tmpdir '%s'", m_tmpdir.c_str()); } void TearDown() { g_rmdir(m_tmpdir.c_str()); super::TearDown(); } }; TEST_F(AdbdClientFixture, SocketPlumbing) { struct { const std::string request; const std::string expected_pk; AdbdClient::PKResponse response; const std::string expected_response; } tests[] = { { "PKHelloWorld", "HelloWorld", AdbdClient::PKResponse::ALLOW, "OK" }, { "PKHelloWorld", "HelloWorld", AdbdClient::PKResponse::DENY, "NO" }, { "PKFooBar", "FooBar", AdbdClient::PKResponse::ALLOW, "OK" }, { "PK", "", AdbdClient::PKResponse::DENY, "NO" } }; const auto main_thread = g_thread_self(); const auto socket_path = m_tmpdir + "/test-socket-plumbing"; g_message("socket_path is %s", socket_path.c_str()); for (const auto& test : tests) { // start an AdbdClient that listens for PKRequests std::string pk; auto adbd_client = std::make_shared(socket_path); adbd_client->on_pk_request().connect([&pk, main_thread, test](const AdbdClient::PKRequest& req){ EXPECT_EQ(main_thread, g_thread_self()); g_message("in on_pk_request with %s", req.public_key.c_str()); pk = req.public_key; req.respond(test.response); }); // start a mock AdbdServer with to fire test key requests and wait for a response auto adbd_server = std::make_shared(socket_path, std::vector{test.request}); wait_for([adbd_server](){return !adbd_server->m_responses.empty();}, 2000); EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_pk, pk); ASSERT_EQ(1, adbd_server->m_responses.size()); EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_response, adbd_server->m_responses.front()); // cleanup adbd_client.reset(); adbd_server.reset(); g_unlink(socket_path.c_str()); } }