path: root/lib/ibus-menu.vala
diff options
authorWilliam Hua <william.hua@canonical.com>2014-02-19 11:10:54 -0500
committerWilliam Hua <william.hua@canonical.com>2014-02-19 11:10:54 -0500
commit0daf660f54acac016d3e58348b2adc6963d141d2 (patch)
tree0ec474fb6081821c452f4a10993dd9243e3c0c15 /lib/ibus-menu.vala
parent1135139ce6ffbdb96d80ab75e4e2acb4b667ab60 (diff)
Implement IBus panel.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ibus-menu.vala')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ibus-menu.vala b/lib/ibus-menu.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96bd40e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ibus-menu.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 Canonical Ltd.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * Authors: William Hua <william.hua@canonical.com>
+ */
+public class Indicator.Keyboard.IBusMenu : MenuModel {
+ private static uint radio_counter = 0;
+ private IBus.PropList? properties;
+ private Menu menu;
+ private SimpleActionGroup? action_group;
+ private string? radio_name;
+ private SimpleAction? radio_action;
+ private Gee.HashMap<string, IBus.Property> radio_properties;
+ private Gee.LinkedList<string> names;
+ public IBusMenu (SimpleActionGroup? action_group = null, IBus.PropList? properties = null) {
+ menu = new Menu ();
+ menu.items_changed.connect ((position, removed, added) => {
+ items_changed (position, removed, added);
+ });
+ names = new Gee.LinkedList<string> ();
+ set_action_group (action_group);
+ set_properties (properties);
+ }
+ ~IBusMenu () {
+ remove_actions ();
+ }
+ public signal void activate (IBus.Property property, IBus.PropState state);
+ private string get_action_name (string key) {
+ if (!action_name_is_valid (key)) {
+ var builder = new StringBuilder.sized (key.length + 1);
+ unichar letter = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+ while (key.get_next_char (ref index, out letter)) {
+ if (letter == '-' || letter == '.' || letter.isalnum ()) {
+ builder.append_unichar (letter);
+ } else {
+ builder.append_c ('-');
+ }
+ }
+ return builder.str;
+ } else {
+ return key;
+ }
+ }
+ private string? get_label (IBus.Property property) {
+ string? label = null;
+ if ((IBus.Text?) property.label != null) {
+ label = property.label.text;
+ }
+ if (label == null && (IBus.Text?) property.symbol != null) {
+ label = property.symbol.text;
+ }
+ return label;
+ }
+ private void append_normal_property (IBus.Property property) {
+ if (property.prop_type == IBus.PropType.NORMAL) {
+ if ((string?) property.key != null) {
+ var name = get_action_name (property.key);
+ if (action_group != null) {
+ var action = new SimpleAction (name, null);
+ action.activate.connect ((parameter) => { activate (property, property.state); });
+ ((!) action_group).add_action (action);
+ names.add (name);
+ }
+ menu.append (get_label (property), @"indicator.$name");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void append_toggle_property (IBus.Property property) {
+ if (property.prop_type == IBus.PropType.TOGGLE) {
+ if ((string?) property.key != null) {
+ var name = get_action_name (property.key);
+ if (action_group != null) {
+ var state = new Variant.boolean (property.state == IBus.PropState.CHECKED);
+ var action = new SimpleAction.stateful (name, null, state);
+ action.activate.connect ((parameter) => {
+ action.change_state (new Variant.boolean (!action.get_state ().get_boolean ()));
+ });
+ action.change_state.connect ((value) => {
+ if (value != null) {
+ activate (property, ((!) value).get_boolean () ? IBus.PropState.CHECKED : IBus.PropState.UNCHECKED);
+ }
+ });
+ ((!) action_group).add_action (action);
+ names.add (name);
+ }
+ menu.append (get_label (property), @"indicator.$name");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void append_radio_property (IBus.Property property) {
+ if (property.prop_type == IBus.PropType.RADIO) {
+ if ((string?) property.key != null) {
+ if (action_group != null && radio_name == null) {
+ radio_counter++;
+ radio_name = @"-private-$radio_counter";
+ radio_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ((!) radio_name, VariantType.STRING, new Variant.string (""));
+ ((!) radio_action).activate.connect ((parameter) => {
+ ((!) radio_action).change_state (parameter);
+ });
+ ((!) radio_action).change_state.connect ((value) => {
+ if (value != null) {
+ var key = ((!) value).get_string ();
+ if (radio_properties.has_key (key)) {
+ activate (radio_properties[key], IBus.PropState.CHECKED);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ((!) action_group).add_action ((!) radio_action);
+ names.add ((!) radio_name);
+ }
+ radio_properties[property.key] = property;
+ if (property.state == IBus.PropState.CHECKED) {
+ ((!) radio_action).change_state (new Variant.string (property.key));
+ }
+ var item = new MenuItem (get_label (property), null);
+ item.set_action_and_target_value (@"indicator.$((!) radio_name)", new Variant.string (property.key));
+ menu.append_item (item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void append_menu_property (IBus.Property property) {
+ if (property.prop_type == IBus.PropType.MENU) {
+ var submenu = new IBusMenu (action_group, ((!) property).sub_props);
+ submenu.activate.connect ((property, state) => { activate (property, state); });
+ menu.append_submenu (get_label (property), submenu);
+ }
+ }
+ private void append_property (IBus.Property? property) {
+ if (property != null && ((!) property).visible) {
+ switch (((!) property).prop_type) {
+ case IBus.PropType.NORMAL:
+ append_normal_property ((!) property);
+ break;
+ case IBus.PropType.TOGGLE:
+ append_toggle_property ((!) property);
+ break;
+ case IBus.PropType.RADIO:
+ append_radio_property ((!) property);
+ break;
+ case IBus.PropType.MENU:
+ append_menu_property ((!) property);
+ break;
+ case IBus.PropType.SEPARATOR:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void update_menu () {
+ menu.remove_all ();
+ if (properties != null) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < ((!) properties).properties.length; i++) {
+ append_property (((!) properties).get (i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void remove_actions () {
+ radio_action = null;
+ radio_name = null;
+ if (action_group != null) {
+ foreach (var name in names) {
+ ((!) action_group).remove_action (name);
+ }
+ }
+ names.clear ();
+ }
+ public void set_action_group (SimpleActionGroup? action_group) {
+ if (action_group != this.action_group) {
+ remove_actions ();
+ this.action_group = action_group;
+ update_menu ();
+ }
+ }
+ public void set_properties (IBus.PropList? properties) {
+ if (properties != this.properties) {
+ remove_actions ();
+ radio_properties = new Gee.HashMap<string, IBus.Property> ();
+ this.properties = properties;
+ update_menu ();
+ }
+ }
+ public override Variant get_item_attribute_value (int item_index, string attribute, VariantType? expected_type) {
+ return menu.get_item_attribute_value (item_index, attribute, expected_type);
+ }
+ public override void get_item_attributes (int item_index, out HashTable<string, Variant>? attributes) {
+ menu.get_item_attributes (item_index, out attributes);
+ }
+ public override MenuModel get_item_link (int item_index, string link) {
+ return menu.get_item_link (item_index, link);
+ }
+ public override void get_item_links (int item_index, out HashTable<string, MenuModel>? links) {
+ menu.get_item_links (item_index, out links);
+ }
+ public override int get_n_items () {
+ return menu.get_n_items ();
+ }
+ public override bool is_mutable () {
+ return menu.is_mutable ();
+ }
+ public override MenuAttributeIter iterate_item_attributes (int item_index) {
+ return menu.iterate_item_attributes (item_index);
+ }
+ public override MenuLinkIter iterate_item_links (int item_index) {
+ return menu.iterate_item_links (item_index);
+ }