path: root/lib/source.vala
diff options
authorMike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>2017-10-26 19:17:41 +0200
committerMike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>2017-10-26 19:28:18 +0200
commitd5277646dbe9a88d32c42187c9c3701a7c57a469 (patch)
tree21f8115516693217895e0242afb990ef28c14013 /lib/source.vala
parentbca2db6d064187ecfa2bd9668a88b1b745683e1d (diff)
Fork from Ubuntu's indicator-keyboard.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/source.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 487 deletions
diff --git a/lib/source.vala b/lib/source.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index b7d7a971..00000000
--- a/lib/source.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors: William Hua <william.hua@canonical.com>
- */
-public class Indicator.Keyboard.Source : Object {
- private static Gnome.XkbInfo? xkb_info;
- private static IBus.Bus? ibus_bus;
- private static Fcitx.InputMethod? fcitx_proxy;
- private string? xkb;
- private string? ibus;
- private string? fcitx;
- private string? _name;
- private string? _short_name;
- private string? _layout;
- private string? _variant;
- private Icon? _icon;
- private uint _subscript;
- private bool _show_subscript;
- private bool _use_gtk;
- public string? name {
- get { if (_name == null) { _name = _get_name (); } return _name; }
- }
- public string? short_name {
- get { if (_short_name == null) { _short_name = _get_short_name (); } return _short_name; }
- }
- public string? layout {
- get { if (_layout == null) { _layout = _get_layout (); } return _layout; }
- }
- public string? variant {
- get { if (_variant == null) { _variant = _get_variant (); } return _variant; }
- }
- public Icon? icon {
- get { if (_icon == null) { _icon = _get_icon (); } return _icon; }
- set { _icon = value; }
- }
- public uint subscript {
- get { return _subscript; }
- set { _subscript = value; icon = null; }
- }
- public bool show_subscript {
- get { return _show_subscript; }
- set { _show_subscript = value; icon = null; }
- }
- public bool use_gtk {
- get { return _use_gtk; }
- construct set { _use_gtk = value; icon = null; }
- }
- public bool is_xkb {
- get { return xkb != null; }
- }
- public bool is_ibus {
- get { return ibus != null; }
- }
- public bool is_fcitx {
- get { return fcitx != null; }
- }
- public Source (Variant variant, bool use_gtk = false) {
- Object (use_gtk: use_gtk);
- if (variant.is_of_type (new VariantType ("(ss)"))) {
- unowned string type;
- unowned string name;
- variant.get ("(&s&s)", out type, out name);
- if (type == "xkb") {
- xkb = name;
- } else if (type == "ibus") {
- ibus = name;
- } else if (type == "fcitx") {
- fcitx = name;
- }
- } else if (variant.is_of_type (new VariantType ("a{ss}"))) {
- foreach (var pair in variant) {
- unowned string key;
- unowned string value;
- ((!) pair).get ("{&s&s}", out key, out value);
- if (key == "xkb") {
- xkb = value;
- } else if (key == "ibus") {
- ibus = value;
- } else if (key == "fcitx") {
- fcitx = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static Gnome.XkbInfo get_xkb_info () {
- if (xkb_info == null) {
- xkb_info = new Gnome.XkbInfo ();
- }
- return (!) xkb_info;
- }
- private static IBus.Bus get_ibus_bus () {
- if (ibus_bus == null) {
- IBus.init ();
- ibus_bus = new IBus.Bus ();
- }
- return (!) ibus_bus;
- }
- private static Fcitx.InputMethod get_fcitx_proxy () throws Error {
- if (fcitx_proxy == null) {
- fcitx_proxy = new Fcitx.InputMethod (BusType.SESSION, DBusProxyFlags.NONE, 0);
- }
- return (!) fcitx_proxy;
- }
- private IBus.EngineDesc? get_engine () {
- IBus.EngineDesc? engine = null;
- if (ibus != null) {
- var names = new string[2];
- names[0] = (!) ibus;
- var engines = get_ibus_bus ().get_engines_by_names (names);
- if (engines.length > 0) {
- engine = engines[0];
- }
- }
- return engine;
- }
- protected virtual string? _get_name () {
- string? name = null;
- if (xkb != null) {
- string? display_name = null;
- string? layout = null;
- get_xkb_info ().get_layout_info ((!) xkb, out display_name, null, out layout, null);
- var has_display_name = display_name != null && ((!) display_name).get_char () != '\0';
- var has_layout = layout != null && ((!) layout).get_char () != '\0';
- if (has_display_name) {
- name = display_name;
- } else if (has_layout) {
- string? language = Xkl.get_language_name ((!) layout);
- string? country = Xkl.get_country_name ((!) layout);
- var has_language = language != null && ((!) language).get_char () != '\0';
- var has_country = country != null && ((!) country).get_char () != '\0';
- if (has_language && has_country) {
- name = @"$((!) language) ($((!) country))";
- } else if (has_language) {
- name = language;
- } else if (has_country) {
- name = country;
- }
- }
- if (name == null || ((!) name).get_char () == '\0') {
- name = xkb;
- }
- } else if (ibus != null) {
- var engine = get_engine ();
- if (engine != null) {
- string? language = ((!) engine).get_language ();
- string? display_name = ((!) engine).get_longname ();
- var has_language = language != null && ((!) language).get_char () != '\0';
- var has_display_name = display_name != null && ((!) display_name).get_char () != '\0';
- if (has_language) {
- language = Xkl.get_language_name ((!) language);
- has_language = language != null && ((!) language).get_char () != '\0';
- }
- if (has_language && has_display_name) {
- name = @"$((!) language) ($((!) display_name))";
- } else if (has_language) {
- name = language;
- } else if (has_display_name) {
- name = display_name;
- }
- }
- if (name == null || ((!) name).get_char () == '\0') {
- name = ibus;
- }
- } else if (fcitx != null) {
- try {
- var input_methods = get_fcitx_proxy ().get_imlist_nofree ();
- for (var i = 0; i < input_methods.length; i++) {
- if (input_methods.get (i).unique_name == (!) fcitx) {
- name = input_methods.get (i).name;
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (Error error) {
- warning ("error: %s", error.message);
- }
- if (name == null || ((!) name).get_char () == '\0') {
- name = fcitx;
- }
- }
- return name;
- }
- protected virtual string? _get_short_name () {
- string? short_name = null;
- if (xkb != null) {
- get_xkb_info ().get_layout_info ((!) xkb, null, out short_name, null, null);
- if (short_name == null || ((!) short_name).get_char () == '\0') {
- short_name = xkb;
- }
- } else if (ibus != null) {
- var engine = get_engine ();
- if (engine != null) {
- short_name = ((!) engine).get_name ();
- }
- if (short_name == null || ((!) short_name).get_char () == '\0') {
- short_name = ibus;
- }
- } else if (fcitx != null) {
- try {
- var input_methods = get_fcitx_proxy ().get_imlist_nofree ();
- for (var i = 0; i < input_methods.length; i++) {
- if (input_methods.get (i).unique_name == (!) fcitx) {
- short_name = input_methods.get (i).langcode;
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (Error error) {
- warning ("error: %s", error.message);
- }
- if (short_name == null || ((!) short_name).get_char () == '\0') {
- short_name = fcitx;
- }
- }
- return abbreviate (short_name);
- }
- protected virtual string? _get_layout () {
- string? layout = null;
- if (xkb != null) {
- get_xkb_info ().get_layout_info ((!) xkb, null, null, out layout, null);
- }
- var has_layout = layout != null && ((!) layout).get_char () != '\0';
- if (!has_layout) {
- var engine = get_engine ();
- if (engine != null) {
- layout = ((!) engine).get_layout ();
- }
- }
- if (layout == null || ((!) layout).get_char () == '\0') {
- layout = xkb;
- }
- return layout;
- }
- protected virtual string? _get_variant () {
- string? variant = null;
- if (xkb != null) {
- get_xkb_info ().get_layout_info ((!) xkb, null, null, null, out variant);
- }
- var has_variant = variant != null && ((!) variant).get_char () != '\0';
- if (!has_variant) {
- var engine = get_engine ();
- if (engine != null) {
- variant = ((!) engine).get_layout_variant ();
- }
- }
- if (variant == null || ((!) variant).get_char () == '\0') {
- variant = null;
- }
- return variant;
- }
- private Gtk.StyleContext? get_style_context () {
- Gtk.StyleContext? context = null;
- if (_use_gtk) {
- Gdk.Screen? screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default ();
- if (screen != null) {
- var style_context = new Gtk.StyleContext ();
- style_context.set_screen ((!) screen);
- var path = new Gtk.WidgetPath ();
- path.append_type (typeof (Gtk.MenuItem));
- style_context.set_path (path);
- context = style_context;
- }
- }
- return context;
- }
- protected virtual Icon? create_icon () {
- Icon? icon = null;
- var style = get_style_context ();
- if (style != null) {
- const int W = 22;
- const int H = 22;
- const int w = 20;
- const int h = 20;
- const double R = 2.0;
- const double TEXT_SIZE = 12.0;
- const double SUBSCRIPT_SIZE = 8.0;
- Pango.FontDescription description;
- var colour = ((!) style).get_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
- colour = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
- ((!) style).get (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gtk.STYLE_PROPERTY_FONT, out description);
- var surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, W, H);
- var context = new Cairo.Context (surface);
- context.translate (0.5 * (W - w), 0.5 * (H - h));
- context.new_sub_path ();
- context.arc (R, R, R, Math.PI, -0.5 * Math.PI);
- context.arc (w - R, R, R, -0.5 * Math.PI, 0);
- context.arc (w - R, h - R, R, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI);
- context.arc (R, h - R, R, 0.5 * Math.PI, Math.PI);
- context.close_path ();
- context.set_source_rgba (colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue, colour.alpha);
- context.fill ();
- context.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.CLEAR);
- if (short_name != null) {
- var text_layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout (context);
- text_layout.set_alignment (Pango.Alignment.CENTER);
- description.set_absolute_size (Pango.units_from_double (TEXT_SIZE));
- text_layout.set_font_description (description);
- text_layout.set_text ((!) short_name, -1);
- Pango.cairo_update_layout (context, text_layout);
- int text_width;
- int text_height;
- text_layout.get_pixel_size (out text_width, out text_height);
- if (_show_subscript) {
- var subscript_layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout (context);
- subscript_layout.set_alignment (Pango.Alignment.CENTER);
- description.set_absolute_size (Pango.units_from_double (SUBSCRIPT_SIZE));
- subscript_layout.set_font_description (description);
- subscript_layout.set_text (@"$_subscript", -1);
- Pango.cairo_update_layout (context, subscript_layout);
- int subscript_width;
- int subscript_height;
- subscript_layout.get_pixel_size (out subscript_width, out subscript_height);
- context.save ();
- context.translate ((w - (text_width + subscript_width)) / 2, (h - text_height) / 2);
- Pango.cairo_layout_path (context, text_layout);
- context.fill ();
- context.restore ();
- context.save ();
- context.translate ((w + (text_width - subscript_width)) / 2, (h + text_height) / 2 - subscript_height);
- Pango.cairo_layout_path (context, subscript_layout);
- context.fill ();
- context.restore ();
- } else {
- context.save ();
- context.translate ((w - text_width) / 2, (h - text_height) / 2);
- Pango.cairo_layout_path (context, text_layout);
- context.fill ();
- context.restore ();
- }
- }
- var buffer = new ByteArray ();
- surface.write_to_png_stream ((data) => {
- buffer.append (data);
- return Cairo.Status.SUCCESS;
- });
- icon = new BytesIcon (ByteArray.free_to_bytes ((owned) buffer));
- }
- return icon;
- }
- private Icon? _get_icon () {
- Icon? icon = null;
- var engine = get_engine ();
- if (engine != null) {
- string? icon_name = ((!) engine).get_icon ();
- var has_icon_name = icon_name != null && ((!) icon_name).get_char () != '\0';
- if (has_icon_name) {
- try {
- icon = Icon.new_for_string ((!) icon_name);
- } catch (Error error) {
- warning ("error: %s", error.message);
- }
- }
- }
- if (icon == null && short_name != null) {
- string icon_name;
- if (_show_subscript) {
- icon_name = @"indicator-keyboard-$((!) short_name)-$_subscript";
- } else {
- icon_name = @"indicator-keyboard-$((!) short_name)";
- }
- if (_use_gtk) {
- var icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
- Gtk.IconInfo? icon_info = icon_theme.lookup_icon (icon_name, 22, 0);
- if (icon_info != null) {
- icon = new ThemedIcon (icon_name);
- }
- } else {
- icon = new ThemedIcon (icon_name);
- }
- }
- if (icon == null) {
- icon = create_icon ();
- }
- return icon;
- }