Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 24.7.0 - src/keyboard-x11.c: Amend file permissions (a-x). - src/keyboard-x11.c: Add ',' and '0-9' as allowed characters to regexp for XkbVariant. - src/keyboard-x11.c: Add ',' and '0-9' as allowed characters to regexp for XkbLayout. - Fix integration with Lomiri session. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 24.5.0 - data/ayatana-indicator-keyboard.service.in: Become part of lomiri-indicators.target. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 24.2.0 - data/org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard.AccountsService.policy: Fix policy message text - Create a set of hicolor icons with improved visibility - contrib/ayatana-indicator-keyboard-icon-generator.py: Update and improve the script Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 23.10.2 - src/keyboard-x11.c: Also parse /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf for system layout. - Add missing icons. - src/languages.h: Update language list. - Translation update. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 23.10.1 - Skip AccountsService operations for all prefixed users. - Check if layout array is null before iterating it. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 23.10.0 - Add high contrast icons. - src/keyboard-x11.c: Set up D-Bus connection with Arctica Greeter. - Update language list and icons. - Add layout display section. - data/org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard: In greeter mode, move the keyboard indicator between a11y indicator and network indicator (so second from the left). - src/service.c: Switch to execute_command_warn. - CMakeLists.txt: Require libayatana-common >= 0.9.9. - src/keyboard-x11.c: Define new D-Bus name and path for greeter. - CMakeLists.txt: Drop test options. - Add PolicyKit .rules file - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 22.9.1 - src/languages.h: Update the layout list + rewrite the code to use a struct instead of two lists. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 22.9.0 - Add tooltip support. - Make it configurable whether to show the current layout's language icon, or whether to show a generic keyboard icon. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 22.2.3 - src/service.c: Use 'input-keyboard' (symbolic) icon as indicator icon on Lomiri. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 22.2.2 - data/CMakeLists.txt: create accountsservice/interfaces datadir subdirectory before trying to create a symlink into it. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 22.2.1 - Add AccountsService support. - src/keyboard-lomiri.c: Add as much functionality to Lomiri as currently possible. - Read layout information using libxkbcommon. - Relax build-requirements of libX11 to 1.6.5 and libxklavier to 5.3. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 22.2.0 - Upstream version bump to new release versioning scheme: .., where . will be bumped in Ayatana Indicators bundle releases and gets incremented with minor changeset releases. - src/languages.h: Add additional layouts. - Drop pkglibexecdir and use native CMake file configuration. - Merge icon generators + add some tweakability. - Clean up compilation flags. - Try to dlopen .so.0 instead of .so. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 0.9.0 - Add settings handler for Lomiri. - Add Lomiri icon generator and move both generators to /contrib. - Split X11 and Lomiri backends. - Replace local code with libayatana-common. - Add documentation and build instructions. - Add Travis CI configuration. - src/keyboard.c: Get languages via lookupLanguage(). - data/icons/scalable/status: Use an improved icon set. - data/ayatana-indicator-keyboard-icon-generator: Use a predefined abbreviation list. - Translation updates. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 0.7.901 - Do not update icon cache from CMake. - Tripledot (...) → ellipsis (…). - Translation updates. - src/keyboard.c: Test if layout variant is null before checking length. Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-keyboard 0.7.900 - Rewrite of Ubuntu's original keyboard indicator in plan C. Dropping various features that need to be ported over.