/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Authors: William Hua <william.hua@canonical.com> */ int main (string[] args) { var force = false; var width = 22.0; var height = 22.0; var icon_width = 20.0; var icon_height = 20.0; var radius = 2.0; var colour = "black"; var font = "Ubuntu"; var weight = 500; var layout_size = 12; var subscript_size = 8; string? output_path = null; string? no_subscript_path = null; string? with_subscript_path = null; OptionEntry[] options = new OptionEntry[15]; options[0] = { "force", 'f', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref force, "Overwrite existing files" }; options[1] = { "width", 'w', 0, OptionArg.DOUBLE, ref width, "Template width", "DOUBLE" }; options[2] = { "height", 'h', 0, OptionArg.DOUBLE, ref height, "Template height", "DOUBLE" }; options[3] = { "icon-width", 'W', 0, OptionArg.DOUBLE, ref icon_width, "Icon width", "DOUBLE" }; options[4] = { "icon-height", 'H', 0, OptionArg.DOUBLE, ref icon_height, "Icon height", "DOUBLE" }; options[5] = { "radius", 'r', 0, OptionArg.DOUBLE, ref radius, "Icon radius", "DOUBLE" }; options[6] = { "colour", 'c', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref colour, "Icon colour", "COLOUR" }; options[7] = { "font", 'F', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref font, "Font family", "NAME" }; options[8] = { "weight", 'G', 0, OptionArg.INT, ref weight, "Font weight (100 to 1000)", "INT" }; options[9] = { "layout-size", 's', 0, OptionArg.INT, ref layout_size, "Layout font size", "INT" }; options[10] = { "subscript-size", 'S', 0, OptionArg.INT, ref subscript_size, "Subscript font size", "INT" }; options[11] = { "output", 'o', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME, ref output_path, "Output directory", "PATH" }; options[12] = { "no-subscript", 'i', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME, ref no_subscript_path, "Icon template", "PATH" }; options[13] = { "with-subscript", 'I', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME, ref with_subscript_path, "Subscript icon template", "PATH" }; options[14] = { }; try { var context = new OptionContext ("- generate keyboard layout icons"); context.add_main_entries (options, null); context.set_help_enabled (true); context.parse (ref args); } catch (OptionError error) { GLib.error ("error: %s", error.message); } if (no_subscript_path == null && with_subscript_path == null) { error ("error: No icon template"); } else if (no_subscript_path == null) { no_subscript_path = with_subscript_path; } else if (with_subscript_path == null) { with_subscript_path = no_subscript_path; } if (output_path != null) { var file = File.new_for_path ((!) output_path); if (!file.query_exists (null)) { try { file.make_directory_with_parents (null); } catch (Error error) { GLib.error ("error: %s", error.message); } } } else { output_path = "."; } Gtk.init (ref args); var info = new Gnome.XkbInfo (); var layouts = info.get_all_layouts (); var occurrences = new Gee.HashMap<string, int> (); layouts.foreach ((name) => { string? short_name; info.get_layout_info (name, null, out short_name, null, null); var abbreviation = abbreviate (short_name); var has_abbreviation = abbreviation != null && ((!) abbreviation).get_char () != '\0'; if (has_abbreviation) { if (!occurrences.has_key ((!) abbreviation)) { occurrences[(!) abbreviation] = 1; } else { occurrences[(!) abbreviation] = occurrences[(!) abbreviation] + 1; } } }); string no_subscript_data; string with_subscript_data; try { uint8[] contents; var icon_x = 0.5 * (width - icon_width); var icon_y = 0.5 * (height - icon_height); var layout_font = @"font-family:$font;font-weight:$weight;font-size:$layout_size"; var subscript_font = @"font-family:$font;font-weight:$weight;font-size:$subscript_size"; File.new_for_path ((!) no_subscript_path).load_contents (null, out contents, null); no_subscript_data = (string) contents; no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@WIDTH@", @"$width"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@HEIGHT@", @"$height"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_X@", @"$icon_x"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_Y@", @"$icon_y"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_WIDTH@", @"$icon_width"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_HEIGHT@", @"$icon_height"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@RADIUS@", @"$radius"); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@COLOUR@", colour); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_FONT@", layout_font); no_subscript_data = no_subscript_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT_FONT@", subscript_font); File.new_for_path ((!) with_subscript_path).load_contents (null, out contents, null); with_subscript_data = (string) contents; with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@WIDTH@", @"$width"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@HEIGHT@", @"$height"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_X@", @"$icon_x"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_Y@", @"$icon_y"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_WIDTH@", @"$icon_width"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@ICON_HEIGHT@", @"$icon_height"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@RADIUS@", @"$radius"); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@COLOUR@", colour); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_FONT@", layout_font); with_subscript_data = with_subscript_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT_FONT@", subscript_font); } catch (Error error) { GLib.error ("error: %s", error.message); } var font_map = new PangoFT2.FontMap (); var layout_layout = new Pango.Layout (font_map.create_context ()); var subscript_layout = new Pango.Layout (font_map.create_context ()); var font_description = new Pango.FontDescription (); font_description.set_family (font); font_description.set_weight ((Pango.Weight) weight); font_description.set_size (layout_size * Pango.SCALE); layout_layout.set_font_description (font_description); font_description = new Pango.FontDescription (); font_description.set_family (font); font_description.set_weight ((Pango.Weight) weight); font_description.set_size (subscript_size * Pango.SCALE); subscript_layout.set_font_description (font_description); foreach (var entry in occurrences.entries) { var layout = entry.key; var count = entry.value; var file = File.new_for_path (@"$((!) output_path)/indicator-keyboard-$layout.svg"); if (force || !file.query_exists (null)) { int layout_width; int layout_height; layout_layout.set_text (layout, -1); layout_layout.get_size (out layout_width, out layout_height); var layout_baseline = layout_layout.get_baseline (); var layout_x = 0.5 * (width - 1.0 * layout_width / Pango.SCALE); var layout_y = 0.5 * (height - 1.0 * layout_height / Pango.SCALE) + 1.0 * layout_baseline / Pango.SCALE; var output_data = no_subscript_data; output_data = output_data.replace ("@LAYOUT@", layout); output_data = output_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_X@", @"$layout_x"); output_data = output_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_Y@", @"$layout_y"); output_data = output_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT@", ""); output_data = output_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT_X@", "0"); output_data = output_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT_Y@", "0"); try { file.replace_contents (output_data.data, null, false, FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION, null, null); } catch (Error error) { GLib.error ("error: %s", error.message); } } if (count > 1) { int layout_width; int layout_height; layout_layout.set_text (layout, -1); layout_layout.get_size (out layout_width, out layout_height); var layout_baseline = layout_layout.get_baseline (); var layout_y = 0.5 * (height - 1.0 * layout_height / Pango.SCALE) + 1.0 * layout_baseline / Pango.SCALE; var partial_data = with_subscript_data; partial_data = partial_data.replace ("@LAYOUT@", layout); partial_data = partial_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_Y@", @"$layout_y"); for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++) { file = File.new_for_path (@"$((!) output_path)/indicator-keyboard-$layout-$i.svg"); if (force || !file.query_exists (null)) { var subscript = @"$i"; int subscript_width; int subscript_height; subscript_layout.set_text (subscript, -1); subscript_layout.get_size (out subscript_width, out subscript_height); var subscript_baseline = subscript_layout.get_baseline (); var layout_x = 0.5 * (width - 1.0 * (layout_width + subscript_width) / Pango.SCALE); var subscript_x = layout_x + 1.0 * layout_width / Pango.SCALE; var subscript_y = layout_y - 0.5 * subscript_height / Pango.SCALE + 1.0 * subscript_baseline / Pango.SCALE; var output_data = partial_data; output_data = output_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_X@", @"$layout_x"); output_data = output_data.replace ("@LAYOUT_Y@", @"$layout_y"); output_data = output_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT@", subscript); output_data = output_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT_X@", @"$subscript_x"); output_data = output_data.replace ("@SUBSCRIPT_Y@", @"$subscript_y"); try { file.replace_contents (output_data.data, null, false, FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION, null, null); } catch (Error error) { GLib.error ("error: %s", error.message); } } } } } return 0; }