* Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authors: William Hua
[DBus (name = "com.canonical.indicator.keyboard")]
public class Indicator.Keyboard.Service : Object {
private static IBus.Bus? ibus;
private bool force;
private bool use_gtk;
private bool use_bamf;
private MainLoop? loop;
private Settings indicator_settings;
private Settings source_settings;
private Settings per_window_settings;
private SList users;
private Bamf.Matcher? matcher;
private Gee.HashMap? window_sources;
private Source[]? sources;
private SimpleActionGroup? action_group;
private SimpleAction? indicator_action;
private MenuModel? menu_model;
private Menu? sources_menu;
[DBus (visible = false)]
public Service (ref unowned string[] args) {
force = "--force" in args;
use_gtk = "--use-gtk" in args;
use_bamf = "--use-bamf" in args;
if (use_gtk) {
use_gtk = Gtk.init_check (ref args);
} else {
Gdk.init (ref args);
indicator_settings = new Settings ("com.canonical.indicator.keyboard");
indicator_settings.changed["visible"].connect (handle_changed_visible);
source_settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.input-sources");
source_settings.changed["current"].connect (handle_changed_current);
source_settings.changed["sources"].connect (handle_changed_sources);
per_window_settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.libgnomekbd.desktop");
per_window_settings.changed["group-per-window"].connect (handle_changed_group_per_window);
migrate_keyboard_layouts ();
update_window_sources ();
acquire_bus_name ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private static bool is_login_user () {
return Environment.get_user_name () == "lightdm";
[DBus (visible = false)]
private static IBus.Bus get_ibus () {
if (ibus == null) {
IBus.init ();
ibus = new IBus.Bus ();
return (!) ibus;
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void acquire_bus_name () {
Bus.own_name (BusType.SESSION,
BusNameOwnerFlags.ALLOW_REPLACEMENT | (force ? BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE : 0),
loop = new MainLoop ();
((!) loop).run ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void migrate_keyboard_layouts () {
if (is_login_user ()) {
Act.UserManager manager = Act.UserManager.get_default ();
if (manager.is_loaded) {
users = manager.list_users ();
foreach (var user in users) {
if (user.is_loaded) {
migrate_input_sources ();
} else {
user.notify["is-loaded"].connect ((pspec) => {
if (user.is_loaded) {
migrate_input_sources ();
} else {
manager.notify["is-loaded"].connect ((pspec) => {
if (manager.is_loaded) {
users = manager.list_users ();
foreach (var user in users) {
if (user.is_loaded) {
migrate_input_sources ();
} else {
user.notify["is-loaded"].connect ((pspec) => {
if (user.is_loaded) {
migrate_input_sources ();
} else {
if (!indicator_settings.get_boolean ("migrated")) {
var builder = new VariantBuilder (new VariantType ("a(ss)"));
var length = 0;
var layout_settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard");
var layouts = layout_settings.get_strv ("layouts");
foreach (var layout in layouts) {
var source = layout;
source = source.replace (" ", "+");
source = source.replace ("\t", "+");
builder.add ("(ss)", "xkb", source);
var engines = get_ibus ().list_active_engines ();
foreach (var engine in engines) {
if (length == 0 || engine.name.has_prefix ("xkb")) {
var source = "us";
string? layout = engine.get_layout ();
string? variant = engine.get_layout_variant ();
if (layout != null && ((!) layout).length == 0) {
layout = null;
if (variant != null && ((!) variant).length == 0) {
variant = null;
if (layout != null && variant != null) {
source = @"$((!) layout)+$((!) variant)";
} else if (layout != null) {
source = (!) layout;
builder.add ("(ss)", "xkb", source);
if (!engine.name.has_prefix ("xkb")) {
builder.add ("(ss)", "ibus", engine.name);
source_settings.set_value ("sources", builder.end ());
indicator_settings.set_boolean ("migrated", true);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void migrate_input_sources () {
var list = new Gee.LinkedList ();
var added = new Gee.HashSet ();
foreach (var user in users) {
if (user.is_loaded) {
var sources = user.input_sources;
var layouts = user.xkeyboard_layouts;
VariantIter outer;
VariantIter inner;
sources.get ("aa{ss}", out outer);
while (outer.next ("a{ss}", out inner)) {
unowned string key;
unowned string source;
while (inner.next ("{&s&s}", out key, out source)) {
if (key == "xkb") {
if (!added.contains (source)) {
list.add (source);
added.add (source);
foreach (var layout in layouts) {
var source = layout;
source = source.replace (" ", "+");
source = source.replace ("\t", "+");
if (!added.contains (source)) {
list.add (source);
added.add (source);
var builder = new VariantBuilder (new VariantType ("a(ss)"));
foreach (var layout in list) {
builder.add ("(ss)", "xkb", layout);
source_settings.set_value ("sources", builder.end ());
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void update_login_layout () {
unowned List layouts = LightDM.get_layouts ();
var current = source_settings.get_uint ("current");
if (current < get_sources ().length) {
var source = get_sources ()[current];
string? name = null;
if (source.layout != null && source.variant != null) {
name = @"$((!) source.layout)\t$((!) source.variant)";
} else if (source.layout != null) {
name = source.layout;
if (name != null) {
foreach (var layout in layouts) {
if (layout.name == (!) name) {
LightDM.set_layout (layout);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void update_window_sources () {
if (use_bamf && !is_login_user ()) {
var group_per_window = per_window_settings.get_boolean ("group-per-window");
if (group_per_window != (window_sources != null)) {
if (group_per_window) {
window_sources = new Gee.HashMap ();
matcher = Bamf.Matcher.get_default ();
((!) matcher).active_window_changed.connect (handle_active_window_changed);
} else {
((!) matcher).active_window_changed.disconnect (handle_active_window_changed);
matcher = null;
window_sources = null;
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_changed_group_per_window (string key) {
update_window_sources ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_active_window_changed (Bamf.View? old_view, Bamf.View? new_view) {
if (old_view != null) {
((!) window_sources)[((!) old_view).path] = source_settings.get_uint ("current");
if (new_view != null) {
if (!((!) window_sources).has_key (((!) new_view).path)) {
var default_group = per_window_settings.get_int ("default-group");
if (default_group >= 0) {
source_settings.set_uint ("current", (uint) default_group);
} else {
source_settings.set_uint ("current", ((!) window_sources)[((!) new_view).path]);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private Source[] get_sources () {
if (sources == null) {
var array = source_settings.get_value ("sources");
sources = new Source[array.n_children ()];
for (var i = 0; i < ((!) sources).length; i++) {
sources[i] = new Source(array.get_child_value (i), use_gtk);
sources[i].show_subscript = false;
sources[i].subscript = 1;
for (var j = (int) i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if ((!) sources[j].short_name == (!) sources[i].short_name) {
sources[i].subscript = sources[j].subscript + 1;
sources[i].show_subscript = true;
sources[j].show_subscript = true;
return (!) sources;
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void update_indicator_action () {
var visible = indicator_settings.get_boolean ("visible");
var current = source_settings.get_uint ("current");
var icon = get_sources ()[current].icon;
Variant state;
if (icon != null) {
state = new Variant.parsed ("{ 'visible' : <%b>, 'icon' : %v }", visible, ((!) icon).serialize ());
} else {
state = new Variant.parsed ("{ 'visible' : <%b> }", visible);
get_indicator_action ().set_state (state);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private SimpleAction get_indicator_action () {
if (indicator_action == null) {
var state = new Variant.parsed ("{ 'visible' : }");
indicator_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("indicator", null, state);
update_indicator_action ();
return (!) indicator_action;
[DBus (visible = false)]
protected virtual SimpleActionGroup create_action_group (Action root_action) {
var group = new SimpleActionGroup ();
group.insert (root_action);
group.insert (source_settings.create_action ("current"));
var action = new SimpleAction ("map", null);
action.activate.connect (handle_activate_map);
group.insert (action);
action = new SimpleAction ("chart", null);
action.activate.connect (handle_activate_chart);
group.insert (action);
action = new SimpleAction ("settings", null);
action.activate.connect (handle_activate_settings);
group.insert (action);
return group;
[DBus (visible = false)]
public SimpleActionGroup get_action_group () {
if (action_group == null) {
action_group = create_action_group (get_indicator_action ());
return (!) action_group;
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void update_sources_menu () {
if (sources_menu != null) {
var menu = get_sources_menu ();
while (menu.get_n_items () > 0)
menu.remove (0);
var sources = get_sources ();
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
var item = new MenuItem (sources[i].name, "indicator.current");
item.set_attribute (Menu.ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, "u", i);
var icon = sources[i].icon;
if (icon != null) {
item.set_icon ((!) icon);
menu.append_item (item);
} else {
get_sources_menu ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private Menu get_sources_menu () {
if (sources_menu == null) {
sources_menu = new Menu ();
update_sources_menu ();
return (!) sources_menu;
[DBus (visible = false)]
protected virtual MenuModel create_menu_model (MenuModel section_menu) {
var menu = new Menu ();
var submenu = new Menu ();
submenu.append_section (null, section_menu);
if (!is_login_user ()) {
var section = new Menu ();
section.append (_ ("Character Map"), "indicator.map");
section.append (_ ("Keyboard Layout Chart"), "indicator.chart");
section.append (_ ("Text Entry Settings..."), "indicator.settings");
submenu.append_section (null, section);
var indicator = new MenuItem.submenu ("x", submenu);
indicator.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.indicator.root");
indicator.set_detailed_action ("indicator.indicator");
menu.append_item (indicator);
return menu;
[DBus (visible = false)]
public MenuModel get_menu_model () {
if (menu_model == null) {
menu_model = create_menu_model (get_sources_menu ());
return (!) menu_model;
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_changed_visible (string key) {
update_indicator_action ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_changed_current (string key) {
update_indicator_action ();
update_login_layout ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_changed_sources (string key) {
sources = null;
update_sources_menu ();
update_indicator_action ();
update_login_layout ();
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_activate_map (Variant? parameter) {
try {
Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gucharmap");
} catch (SpawnError error) {
warning ("error: %s", error.message);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_activate_chart (Variant? parameter) {
string? layout = "us";
string? variant = null;
var sources = get_sources ();
var current = source_settings.get_uint ("current");
if (current < sources.length) {
layout = sources[current].layout;
variant = sources[current].variant;
var has_layout = layout != null && ((!) layout).get_char () != '\0';
var has_variant = variant != null && ((!) variant).get_char () != '\0';
try {
string command;
if (has_layout && has_variant) {
command = @"gkbd-keyboard-display -l \"$((!) layout)\t$((!) variant)\"";
} else if (has_layout) {
command = @"gkbd-keyboard-display -l $((!) layout)";
} else {
command = @"gkbd-keyboard-display -l us";
Process.spawn_command_line_async (command);
} catch (SpawnError error) {
warning ("error: %s", error.message);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_activate_settings (Variant? parameter) {
try {
Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center region layouts");
} catch (SpawnError error) {
warning ("error: %s", error.message);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_bus_acquired (DBusConnection connection, string name) {
try {
connection.export_action_group ("/com/canonical/indicator/keyboard", get_action_group ());
connection.export_menu_model ("/com/canonical/indicator/keyboard/desktop", get_menu_model ());
} catch (Error error) {
warning ("error: %s", error.message);
[DBus (visible = false)]
private void handle_name_lost (DBusConnection? connection, string name) {
((!) loop).quit ();
loop = null;
[DBus (visible = false)]
public static int main (string[] args) {
new Service (ref args);
return 0;