/* * Copyright 2021-2024 Robert Tari * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "languages.h" #include "keyboard.h" enum { LAYOUT_CHANGED, CONFIG_CHANGED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint m_lSignals[LAST_SIGNAL]; struct _KeyboardPrivate { GHashTable *lLayouts; guint nLayout; GSList *lLayoutRec; GSList *lUsers; GSettings *pSettings; }; typedef KeyboardPrivate priv_t; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(Keyboard, keyboard, G_TYPE_OBJECT) typedef struct _Layout { gchar *sId; gchar *sLanguage; gchar *sDescription; } Layout; static int emitDelayedSignal(Keyboard *pKeyboard) { g_signal_emit(pKeyboard, m_lSignals[CONFIG_CHANGED], 0); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static gboolean isGreeter() { const char *sUser = g_get_user_name(); return g_str_equal(sUser, "lightdm"); } static void getAccountsService(Keyboard *pKeyboard) { gboolean bChanged = FALSE; for (GSList *lUser = pKeyboard->pPrivate->lUsers; lUser; lUser = lUser->next) { ActUser *pUser = lUser->data; gboolean bIsUserLoaded = act_user_is_loaded(pUser); if (bIsUserLoaded) { gint nUid = act_user_get_uid(pUser); gchar *sPath = g_strdup_printf("/org/freedesktop/Accounts/User%i", nUid); GDBusConnection *pConnection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL); GDBusProxy *pProxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync(pConnection, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.freedesktop.Accounts", sPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL, NULL); GVariant *pValue = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(pProxy, "Get", g_variant_new("(ss)", "org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard.AccountsService", "Layouts"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL); GVariant *pChild0 = g_variant_get_child_value(pValue, 0); GVariant *pChild1 = g_variant_get_child_value(pChild0, 0); GVariantIter *pIter; g_variant_get(pChild1, "as", &pIter); gchar *sLayout; while (g_variant_iter_loop(pIter, "s", &sLayout)) { if (g_slist_find_custom(pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, sLayout, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0) == NULL) { pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec = g_slist_append(pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, g_strdup(sLayout)); bChanged = TRUE; } } g_variant_iter_free(pIter); g_variant_unref(pChild1); g_variant_unref(pChild0); g_variant_unref(pValue); g_object_unref(pConnection); g_free(sPath); } } if (bChanged == TRUE) { g_timeout_add(500, (GSourceFunc)emitDelayedSignal, pKeyboard); } } static void onUserLoaded(Keyboard *pKeyboard, ActUser *pUser) { gboolean bIsUserLoaded = act_user_is_loaded(pUser); if (bIsUserLoaded) { getAccountsService(pKeyboard); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(pUser), G_CALLBACK(onUserLoaded), pKeyboard); } } static void onManagerLoaded(Keyboard *pKeyboard) { ActUserManager *pManager = act_user_manager_get_default(); gboolean bIsLoaded; g_object_get(pManager, "is-loaded", &bIsLoaded, NULL); if (bIsLoaded) { pKeyboard->pPrivate->lUsers = act_user_manager_list_users(pManager); for (GSList *lUser = pKeyboard->pPrivate->lUsers; lUser; lUser = lUser->next) { ActUser *pUser = lUser->data; gboolean bIsUserLoaded = act_user_is_loaded(pUser); if (bIsUserLoaded) { getAccountsService(pKeyboard); } else { g_signal_connect_swapped(pUser, "notify::is-loaded", G_CALLBACK(onUserLoaded), pKeyboard); } } } } static void freeLayout(gpointer pData) { Layout *pLayout = pData; g_return_if_fail(pLayout != NULL); g_free(pLayout->sId); g_free(pLayout->sLanguage); g_free(pLayout->sDescription); g_slice_free(Layout, pLayout); } void keyboard_AddSource(Keyboard *pKeyboard) { return; } guint keyboard_GetNumLayouts(Keyboard *pKeyboard) { return g_slist_length (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec); } guint keyboard_GetLayoutIndex (Keyboard *pKeyboard) { return pKeyboard->pPrivate->nLayout; } void keyboard_GetLayout(Keyboard *pKeyboard, gint nLayout, gchar **pLanguage, gchar **pDescription) { if (nLayout == -1) { nLayout = pKeyboard->pPrivate->nLayout; } gchar *sLayout = g_slist_nth_data (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, nLayout); const Layout *pLayout; g_hash_table_lookup_extended(pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayouts, sLayout, NULL, (gpointer*)&pLayout); if (pLanguage != NULL) { *pLanguage = g_strdup(pLayout->sLanguage); } if (pDescription != NULL) { *pDescription = g_strdup(pLayout->sDescription); } } void keyboard_SetLayout(Keyboard *pKeyboard, gint nLayout) { if (isGreeter() == FALSE) { gchar *sId = g_slist_nth_data (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, nLayout); GVariantBuilder cSettingsBuilder; g_variant_builder_init (&cSettingsBuilder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(ss)")); g_variant_builder_add (&cSettingsBuilder, "(ss)", "xkb", sId); GVariantBuilder cAccountsBuilder; g_variant_builder_init (&cAccountsBuilder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aa{ss}")); GVariantBuilder cDictBuilder; g_variant_builder_init (&cDictBuilder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{ss}")); g_variant_builder_add (&cDictBuilder, "{ss}", "xkb", sId); GVariant *pDict = g_variant_builder_end (&cDictBuilder); g_variant_builder_add_value (&cAccountsBuilder, pDict); guint nSources = g_slist_length (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec); for (guint nSource = 0; nSource < nSources; nSource++) { if (nSource != nLayout) { gchar *sId = g_slist_nth_data (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, nSource); g_variant_builder_add (&cSettingsBuilder, "(ss)", "xkb", sId); GVariantBuilder cDictBuilder; g_variant_builder_init (&cDictBuilder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{ss}")); g_variant_builder_add (&cDictBuilder, "{ss}", "xkb", sId); GVariant *pDict = g_variant_builder_end (&cDictBuilder); g_variant_builder_add_value (&cAccountsBuilder, pDict); } } GVariant *pSettingsSources = g_variant_builder_end (&cSettingsBuilder); g_settings_set_value (pKeyboard->pPrivate->pSettings, "sources", pSettingsSources); GDBusConnection *pConnection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL); gint nUid = geteuid (); gchar *sPath = g_strdup_printf ("/org/freedesktop/Accounts/User%i", nUid); GDBusProxy *pProxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (pConnection, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.freedesktop.Accounts", sPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL, NULL); g_free (sPath); GVariant *pAccountsSources = g_variant_builder_end (&cAccountsBuilder); #ifdef ENABLE_UBUNTU_ACCOUNTSSERVICE gchar *sInterface = "org.freedesktop.Accounts.User"; #else gchar *sInterface = "com.lomiri.shell.AccountsService"; #endif GVariant *pRet = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (pProxy, "Set", g_variant_new ("(ssv)", sInterface, "InputSources", pAccountsSources), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL); g_variant_unref (pRet); g_object_unref (pConnection); } else { // TODO gchar *sCommand; gchar *sId = g_slist_nth_data(pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, nLayout); gchar **lParamas = g_strsplit(sId, "+", -1); guint nParams = g_strv_length(lParamas); if (nParams == 1) { sCommand = g_strdup_printf("setxkbmap -layout %s", lParamas[0]); } else { sCommand = g_strdup_printf("setxkbmap -layout %s -variant %s", lParamas[0], lParamas[1]); } g_strfreev(lParamas); gchar *sOutput = NULL; GError *pError = NULL; gboolean bResult = g_spawn_command_line_sync(sCommand, &sOutput, NULL, NULL, &pError); g_free(sCommand); if (bResult == FALSE) { g_message("COMMAND 01 %s: %s", sOutput, pError->message); return; } pKeyboard->pPrivate->nLayout = nLayout; g_signal_emit(pKeyboard, m_lSignals[LAYOUT_CHANGED], 0); } } static void onDispose(GObject *pObject) { Keyboard *self = G_KEYBOARD(pObject); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (self->pPrivate->pSettings, self); g_clear_object (&self->pPrivate->pSettings); if (self->pPrivate->lLayouts) { g_hash_table_destroy(self->pPrivate->lLayouts); } if (self->pPrivate->lLayoutRec) { g_slist_free_full(self->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, g_free); } if (self->pPrivate->lUsers) { g_slist_free(self->pPrivate->lUsers); } G_OBJECT_CLASS(keyboard_parent_class)->dispose(pObject); } static void keyboard_class_init(KeyboardClass *klass) { GObjectClass *pClass = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); pClass->dispose = onDispose; m_lSignals[LAYOUT_CHANGED] = g_signal_new(KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_CHANGED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); m_lSignals[CONFIG_CHANGED] = g_signal_new(KEYBOARD_CONFIG_CHANGED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } Keyboard* keyboard_new() { GObject *pObject = g_object_new(G_TYPE_KEYBOARD, NULL); return G_KEYBOARD(pObject); } static void onSourcesChanged (GSettings *pSettings, const gchar *sKey, gpointer pData) { Keyboard *pKeyboard = G_KEYBOARD (pData); gboolean bsignal = FALSE; if (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec) { g_slist_free_full (g_steal_pointer (&pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec), g_free); bsignal = TRUE; } GVariant *pList = g_settings_get_value (pSettings, "sources"); gsize nSources = g_variant_n_children (pList); if (nSources) { GVariantIter cIter; g_variant_iter_init (&cIter, pList); gchar *sLayout = NULL; while (g_variant_iter_loop (&cIter, "(ss)", NULL, &sLayout)) { pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec = g_slist_append (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, g_strdup (sLayout)); } } else { pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec = g_slist_append (pKeyboard->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, g_strdup ("us")); } g_variant_unref (pList); if (bsignal) { g_signal_emit (pKeyboard, m_lSignals[CONFIG_CHANGED], 0); g_signal_emit (pKeyboard, m_lSignals[LAYOUT_CHANGED], 0); } } static void keyboard_init(Keyboard *self) { self->pPrivate = keyboard_get_instance_private(self); self->pPrivate->lLayouts = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, freeLayout); // Read all available layouts struct rxkb_context *pContext = rxkb_context_new(RXKB_CONTEXT_LOAD_EXOTIC_RULES); g_assert(pContext); if (!rxkb_context_include_path_append_default(pContext)) { g_warning("Failed to include default paths"); } if (!rxkb_context_parse(pContext, "evdev")) { g_warning("Failed to parse XKB descriptions"); } struct rxkb_layout *pRxkbLayout = rxkb_layout_first(pContext); while (pRxkbLayout != NULL) { const gchar *sLayout = rxkb_layout_get_name(pRxkbLayout); const gchar *sVariant = rxkb_layout_get_variant(pRxkbLayout); const gchar *sDescription = rxkb_layout_get_description(pRxkbLayout); const gchar *sTranslated = g_dgettext("xkeyboard-config", sDescription); sDescription = sTranslated; Layout *pLayout = g_slice_new0(Layout); if (sVariant != NULL && strlen(sVariant) > 0) { pLayout->sId = g_strjoin("+", sLayout, sVariant, NULL); pLayout->sLanguage = g_strdup(lookupLanguage(pLayout->sId)); pLayout->sDescription = g_strdup(sDescription); } else { pLayout->sId = g_strdup(sLayout); pLayout->sLanguage = g_strdup(lookupLanguage(pLayout->sId)); pLayout->sDescription = g_strdup(sDescription); } g_hash_table_replace(self->pPrivate->lLayouts, pLayout->sId, pLayout); pRxkbLayout = rxkb_layout_next(pRxkbLayout); } rxkb_context_unref(pContext); if (isGreeter() == FALSE) { self->pPrivate->nLayout = 0; GSettingsSchemaSource *pSource = g_settings_schema_source_get_default (); GSettingsSchema *pSchema = NULL; if (pSource) { pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (pSource, "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources", FALSE); if (pSchema) { g_settings_schema_unref (pSchema); self->pPrivate->pSettings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.desktop.input-sources"); g_signal_connect (self->pPrivate->pSettings, "changed::sources", G_CALLBACK (onSourcesChanged), self); onSourcesChanged (self->pPrivate->pSettings, "sources", self); } else { g_error ("Panic: no org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema found"); } } } else { // Get system layouts gboolean bDefaultLocation = g_file_test ("/etc/default/keyboard", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS); gchar *sLocation = NULL; if (bDefaultLocation) { sLocation = "/etc/default/keyboard"; } else { sLocation = "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf"; } gchar *sFile = NULL; GError *pError = NULL; g_file_get_contents (sLocation, &sFile, NULL, &pError); GStrv lLayouts = NULL; GStrv lVariants = NULL; if (!pError) { GRegex *pRegex = NULL; if (bDefaultLocation) { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0) pRegex = g_regex_new (" *XKBLAYOUT *= *\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError); #else pRegex = g_regex_new (" *XKBLAYOUT *= *\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError); #endif } else { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0) pRegex = g_regex_new (" *Option +\"*XkbLayout\"* +\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError); #else pRegex = g_regex_new (" *Option +\"*XkbLayout\"* +\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError); #endif } if (!pError) { GMatchInfo *pMatchInfo = NULL; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0) gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pMatchInfo); #else gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pMatchInfo); #endif if (bMatch) { gchar *sLayouts = g_match_info_fetch (pMatchInfo, 1); lLayouts = g_strsplit (sLayouts, ",", -1); g_free (sLayouts); } else { g_error ("PANIC: No system XkbLayout found"); } g_match_info_free (pMatchInfo); g_regex_unref (pRegex); } else { g_error ("PANIC: Failed to compile regex: %s", pError->message); g_error_free (pError); } if (bDefaultLocation) { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0) pRegex = g_regex_new (" *XKBVARIANT *= *\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError); #else pRegex = g_regex_new (" *XKBVARIANT *= *\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError); #endif } else { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0) pRegex = g_regex_new (" *Option +\"*XkbVariant\"* +\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError); #else pRegex = g_regex_new (" *Option +\"*XkbVariant\"* +\"*([,a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"*", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError); #endif } if (!pError) { GMatchInfo *pMatchInfo = NULL; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0) gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pMatchInfo); #else gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pMatchInfo); #endif if (bMatch) { gchar *sVariants = g_match_info_fetch (pMatchInfo, 1); lVariants = g_strsplit (sVariants, ",", -1); g_free (sVariants); } g_match_info_free (pMatchInfo); g_regex_unref (pRegex); } else { g_error ("PANIC: Failed to compile regex: %s", pError->message); g_error_free (pError); } g_free(sFile); } else { g_error ("PANIC: Failed to get %s contents: %s", sLocation, pError->message); g_error_free (pError); } guint nLayouts = g_strv_length (lLayouts); for (guint nLayout = 0; nLayout < nLayouts; nLayout++) { gchar *sId = NULL; guint nVariantLength = 0; if (lVariants && lVariants[nLayout]) { nVariantLength = strlen (lVariants[nLayout]); } if (nVariantLength) { sId = g_strconcat (lLayouts[nLayout], "+", lVariants[nLayout], NULL); } else { sId = g_strdup (lLayouts[nLayout]); } self->pPrivate->lLayoutRec = g_slist_append (self->pPrivate->lLayoutRec, sId); } g_strfreev (lLayouts); g_strfreev (lVariants); self->pPrivate->nLayout = 0; //~ Get system layouts ActUserManager *pManager = act_user_manager_get_default(); gboolean bIsLoaded; g_object_get(pManager, "is-loaded", &bIsLoaded, NULL); if (bIsLoaded) { self->pPrivate->lUsers = act_user_manager_list_users(pManager); for (GSList *lUser = self->pPrivate->lUsers; lUser; lUser = lUser->next) { ActUser *pUser = lUser->data; gboolean bIsUserLoaded = act_user_is_loaded(pUser); if (bIsUserLoaded) { getAccountsService(self); } else { g_signal_connect_swapped(pUser, "notify::is-loaded", G_CALLBACK(onUserLoaded), self); } } } else { g_signal_connect_object(pManager, "notify::is-loaded", G_CALLBACK(onManagerLoaded), self, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); } } }