path: root/test/test-client.py
diff options
authorTed Gould <ted@gould.cx>2015-03-06 09:00:05 -0600
committerTed Gould <ted@gould.cx>2015-03-06 09:00:05 -0600
commit8ac8ca2cd9375cc3d9cdf7e50b9f07dad6c4ef8e (patch)
tree99b51735c0d0b1c6c68f76d744e220a08cec82b3 /test/test-client.py
parentdbd3db2c833f9b02fb8e399551e977cf950cf559 (diff)
One test directory to rule them all
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test-client.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/test/test-client.py b/test/test-client.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0dbf868..0000000
--- a/test/test-client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import unittest
-import dbus
-from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
-import dbusmock
-import subprocess
-from gi.repository import GLib, Gio, MessagingMenu
-class MessagingMenuTest(dbusmock.DBusTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(klass):
- klass.start_session_bus()
- klass.bus = klass.get_dbus(False)
- def setUp(self):
- name = 'com.canonical.indicator.messages'
- obj_path = '/com/canonical/indicator/messages/service'
- iface = 'com.canonical.indicator.messages.service'
- self.messaging_service = self.spawn_server(name, obj_path, iface, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- self.mock = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(name, obj_path), dbusmock.MOCK_IFACE)
- self.mock.AddMethod('', 'RegisterApplication', 'so', '', '')
- self.mock.AddMethod('', 'UnregisterApplication', 's', '', '')
- self.mock.AddMethod('', 'ApplicationStoppedRunning', 's', '', '')
- self.mock.AddMethod('', 'SetStatus', 'ss', '', '')
- self.loop = GLib.MainLoop()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.messaging_service.terminate()
- self.messaging_service.wait()
- def assertArgumentsEqual(self, args, *expected_args):
- self.assertEqual(len(args), len(expected_args))
- for i in range(len(args)):
- if expected_args[i]:
- self.assertEqual(args[i], expected_args[i])
- def assertMethodCalled(self, name, *expected_args):
- # set a flag on timeout, assertions don't get bubbled up through c functions
- self.timed_out = False
- def timeout(): self.timed_out = True
- timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, timeout)
- while 1:
- calls = self.mock.GetMethodCalls(name)
- if len(calls) > 0:
- GLib.source_remove(timeout_id)
- self.assertArgumentsEqual(calls[0][1], *expected_args)
- break
- GLib.MainContext.default().iteration(True)
- if self.timed_out:
- raise self.failureException('method %s was not called after 10 seconds' % name)
- def test_registration(self):
- mmapp = MessagingMenu.App.new('test.desktop')
- mmapp.register()
- self.assertMethodCalled('RegisterApplication', 'test.desktop', None)
- mmapp.unregister()
- self.assertMethodCalled('UnregisterApplication', 'test.desktop')
- # ApplicationStoppedRunning is called when the last ref on mmapp is dropped
- # Since mmapp is the only thing holding on to a GDBusConnection, the
- # connection might get freed before it sends the StoppedRunning
- # message. Flush the connection to make sure it is sent.
- bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
- bus.flush_sync(None)
- del mmapp
- self.assertMethodCalled('ApplicationStoppedRunning', 'test.desktop')
- def test_status(self):
- mmapp = MessagingMenu.App.new('test.desktop')
- mmapp.register()
- mmapp.set_status(MessagingMenu.Status.AWAY)
- self.assertMethodCalled('SetStatus', 'test.desktop', 'away')