#!/usr/bin/env python from gi.repository import GLib, Gio, MessagingMenu mmapp = MessagingMenu.App(desktop_id='evolution.desktop') # make the application appear in the messaging menu. The name and icon are taken from the desktop file above mmapp.register() def source_activated(mmapp, source_id): print('source {} activated'.format(source_id)) # do something when the user clicks on a source. The source will be removed automatically mmapp.connect('activate-source', source_activated) # add a 'source' (a menu item below the application's name) with the name 'Inbox' and a count of 7 icon = Gio.ThemedIcon.new_with_default_fallbacks('my-source-icon') mmapp.append_source_with_count('inbox', icon, 'Inbox', 7) # this is not necessary for gtk applications, which start a mainloop in gtk_main() GLib.MainLoop().run()