/* An indicator to show information that is in messaging applications that the user is using. Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Ted Gould This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "im-menu-item.h" #include "app-menu-item.h" #include "launcher-menu-item.h" #include "dbus-data.h" #include "dirs.h" static IndicateListener * listener; static GList * serverList = NULL; static GList * launcherList = NULL; static DbusmenuMenuitem * root_menuitem = NULL; static GMainLoop * mainloop = NULL; static void server_count_changed (AppMenuItem * appitem, guint count, gpointer data); static void server_name_changed (AppMenuItem * appitem, gchar * name, gpointer data); static void im_time_changed (ImMenuItem * imitem, glong seconds, gpointer data); static void resort_menu (DbusmenuMenuitem * menushell); static void indicator_removed (IndicateListener * listener, IndicateListenerServer * server, IndicateListenerIndicator * indicator, gchar * type, gpointer data); static void check_eclipses (AppMenuItem * ai); static void remove_eclipses (AppMenuItem * ai); static gboolean build_launcher (gpointer data); static gboolean build_launchers (gpointer data); /* * Server List */ typedef struct _serverList_t serverList_t; struct _serverList_t { IndicateListenerServer * server; AppMenuItem * menuitem; GList * imList; }; static gint serverList_equal (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { serverList_t * pa, * pb; pa = (serverList_t *)a; pb = (serverList_t *)b; const gchar * pas = INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(pa->server); const gchar * pbs = INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(pb->server); return g_strcmp0(pas, pbs); } static gint serverList_sort (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { serverList_t * pa, * pb; pa = (serverList_t *)a; pb = (serverList_t *)b; const gchar * pan = app_menu_item_get_name(pa->menuitem); const gchar * pbn = app_menu_item_get_name(pb->menuitem); return g_strcmp0(pan, pbn); } /* * Item List */ typedef struct _imList_t imList_t; struct _imList_t { IndicateListenerServer * server; IndicateListenerIndicator * indicator; DbusmenuMenuitem * menuitem; gulong timechange_cb; }; static gboolean imList_equal (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { imList_t * pa, * pb; pa = (imList_t *)a; pb = (imList_t *)b; const gchar * pas = INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(pa->server); const gchar * pbs = INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(pb->server); guint pai = INDICATE_LISTENER_INDICATOR_ID(pa->indicator); guint pbi = INDICATE_LISTENER_INDICATOR_ID(pb->indicator); g_debug("\tComparing (%s %d) to (%s %d)", pas, pai, pbs, pbi); return !((!g_strcmp0(pas, pbs)) && (pai == pbi)); } static gint imList_sort (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { imList_t * pa, * pb; pa = (imList_t *)a; pb = (imList_t *)b; return (gint)(im_menu_item_get_seconds(IM_MENU_ITEM(pb->menuitem)) - im_menu_item_get_seconds(IM_MENU_ITEM(pa->menuitem))); } /* * Launcher List */ typedef struct _launcherList_t launcherList_t; struct _launcherList_t { LauncherMenuItem * menuitem; }; static gint launcherList_sort (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { launcherList_t * pa, * pb; pa = (launcherList_t *)a; pb = (launcherList_t *)b; const gchar * pan = launcher_menu_item_get_name(pa->menuitem); const gchar * pbn = launcher_menu_item_get_name(pb->menuitem); return g_strcmp0(pan, pbn); } /* * Black List */ static GHashTable * blacklist = NULL; /* Initialize the black list and start to setup handlers for it. */ static void blacklist_init (gpointer data) { blacklist = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); return; } /* Add a definition file into the black list and eclipse and launchers that have the same file. */ static void blacklist_add (gchar * definition_file) { /* Dump the file */ gchar * desktop; g_file_get_contents(definition_file, &desktop, NULL, NULL); if (desktop == NULL) { g_warning("Couldn't get data out of: %s", definition_file); return; } /* Clean up the data */ gchar * trimdesktop = pango_trim_string(desktop); g_free(desktop); /* Check for conflicts */ gpointer data = g_hash_table_lookup(blacklist, trimdesktop); if (data != NULL) { gchar * oldfile = (gchar *)data; if (!g_strcmp0(oldfile, definition_file)) { g_warning("Already added file '%s'", oldfile); } else { g_warning("Already have desktop file '%s' in blacklist file '%s' not adding from '%s'", trimdesktop, oldfile, definition_file); } g_free(trimdesktop); g_free(definition_file); return; } /* Actually blacklist this thing */ g_hash_table_insert(blacklist, trimdesktop, definition_file); g_debug("Adding Blacklist item '%s' for desktop '%s'", definition_file, trimdesktop); /* Go through and eclipse folks */ GList * launcher; for (launcher = launcherList; launcher != NULL; launcher = launcher->next) { launcherList_t * item = (launcherList_t *)launcher->data; if (!g_strcmp0(trimdesktop, launcher_menu_item_get_desktop(item->menuitem))) { launcher_menu_item_set_eclipsed(item->menuitem, TRUE); } } return; } /* Remove a black list item based on the definition file and uneclipse those launchers blocked by it. */ static void blacklist_remove (const gchar * definition_file) { return; } /* Check to see if a particular desktop file is in the blacklist. */ static gboolean blacklist_check (const gchar * desktop_file) { if (blacklist == NULL) return FALSE; return FALSE; } /* * More code */ static void server_added (IndicateListener * listener, IndicateListenerServer * server, gchar * type, gpointer data) { g_debug("Server Added '%s' of type '%s'.", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(server), type); if (type == NULL) { return; } if (type[0] == '\0') { return; } if (strncmp(type, "message", strlen("message"))) { g_debug("\tServer type '%s' is not a message based type.", type); return; } DbusmenuMenuitem * menushell = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data); if (menushell == NULL) { g_error("\tData in callback is not a menushell"); return; } AppMenuItem * menuitem = app_menu_item_new(listener, server); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), APP_MENU_ITEM_SIGNAL_COUNT_CHANGED, G_CALLBACK(server_count_changed), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), APP_MENU_ITEM_SIGNAL_NAME_CHANGED, G_CALLBACK(server_name_changed), menushell); serverList_t * sl_item = g_new0(serverList_t, 1); sl_item->server = server; sl_item->menuitem = menuitem; sl_item->imList = NULL; /* Incase we got an indicator first */ GList * alreadythere = g_list_find_custom(serverList, sl_item, serverList_equal); if (alreadythere != NULL) { g_free(sl_item); sl_item = (serverList_t *)alreadythere->data; sl_item->menuitem = menuitem; serverList = g_list_sort(serverList, serverList_sort); } else { serverList = g_list_insert_sorted(serverList, sl_item, serverList_sort); } dbusmenu_menuitem_child_append(menushell, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menuitem)); /* Should be prepend ^ */ resort_menu(menushell); return; } static void server_name_changed (AppMenuItem * appitem, gchar * name, gpointer data) { serverList = g_list_sort(serverList, serverList_sort); check_eclipses(appitem); resort_menu(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data)); return; } static void server_count_changed (AppMenuItem * appitem, guint count, gpointer data) { static gboolean showing_new_icon = FALSE; /* Quick check for a common case */ if (count != 0 && showing_new_icon) { return; } /* Odd that we'd get a signal in this case, but let's take it out of the mix too */ if (count == 0 && !showing_new_icon) { return; } if (count != 0) { g_debug("Setting image to 'new'"); showing_new_icon = TRUE; /* gtk_image_set_from_icon_name(GTK_IMAGE(main_image), "indicator-messages-new", DESIGN_TEAM_SIZE); */ return; } /* Okay, now at this point the count is zero and it might result in a switching of the icon back to being the plain one. Let's check. */ gboolean we_have_indicators = FALSE; GList * appitems = serverList; for (; appitems != NULL; appitems = appitems->next) { AppMenuItem * appitem = ((serverList_t *)appitems->data)->menuitem; if (app_menu_item_get_count(appitem) != 0) { we_have_indicators = TRUE; break; } } if (!we_have_indicators) { g_debug("Setting image to boring"); showing_new_icon = FALSE; /* gtk_image_set_from_icon_name(GTK_IMAGE(main_image), "indicator-messages", DESIGN_TEAM_SIZE); */ } return; } static void im_time_changed (ImMenuItem * imitem, glong seconds, gpointer data) { serverList_t * sl = (serverList_t *)data; sl->imList = g_list_sort(sl->imList, imList_sort); resort_menu(root_menuitem); return; } static void server_removed (IndicateListener * listener, IndicateListenerServer * server, gchar * type, gpointer data) { g_debug("Removing server: %s", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(server)); serverList_t slt; slt.server = server; GList * lookup = g_list_find_custom(serverList, &slt, serverList_equal); if (lookup == NULL) { g_debug("\tUnable to find server: %s", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(server)); return; } serverList_t * sltp = (serverList_t *)lookup->data; remove_eclipses(sltp->menuitem); while (sltp->imList) { imList_t * imitem = (imList_t *)sltp->imList->data; indicator_removed(listener, server, imitem->indicator, "message", data); } serverList = g_list_remove(serverList, sltp); if (sltp->menuitem != NULL) { dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(sltp->menuitem), "visibile", "false"); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_delete(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(sltp->menuitem)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(sltp->menuitem)); } g_free(sltp); /* Simulate a server saying zero to recalculate icon */ server_count_changed(NULL, 0, NULL); return; } typedef struct _menushell_location menushell_location_t; struct _menushell_location { const IndicateListenerServer * server; gint position; gboolean found; }; static void menushell_foreach_cb (DbusmenuMenuitem * data_mi, gpointer data_ms) { menushell_location_t * msl = (menushell_location_t *)data_ms; if (msl->found) return; msl->position++; if (!IS_APP_MENU_ITEM(data_mi)) { return; } AppMenuItem * appmenu = APP_MENU_ITEM(data_mi); if (!g_strcmp0(INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME((IndicateListenerServer*)msl->server), INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(app_menu_item_get_server(appmenu)))) { msl->found = TRUE; } return; } static void resort_menu (DbusmenuMenuitem * menushell) { guint position = 0; GList * serverentry; GList * launcherentry = launcherList; g_debug("Reordering Menu:"); for (serverentry = serverList; serverentry != NULL; serverentry = serverentry->next) { serverList_t * si = (serverList_t *)serverentry->data; if (launcherentry != NULL) { launcherList_t * li = (launcherList_t *)launcherentry->data; while (launcherentry != NULL && g_strcmp0(launcher_menu_item_get_name(li->menuitem), app_menu_item_get_name(si->menuitem)) < 0) { g_debug("\tMoving launcher '%s' to position %d", launcher_menu_item_get_name(li->menuitem), position); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_reorder(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menushell), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(li->menuitem), position); position++; launcherentry = launcherentry->next; if (launcherentry != NULL) { li = (launcherList_t *)launcherentry->data; } } } if (si->menuitem != NULL) { g_debug("\tMoving app %s to position %d", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(si->server), position); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_reorder(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menushell), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(si->menuitem), position); position++; } GList * imentry; for (imentry = si->imList; imentry != NULL; imentry = imentry->next) { imList_t * imi = (imList_t *)imentry->data; if (imi->menuitem != NULL) { g_debug("\tMoving indicator on %s id %d to position %d", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(imi->server), INDICATE_LISTENER_INDICATOR_ID(imi->indicator), position); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_reorder(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menushell), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(imi->menuitem), position); position++; } } } while (launcherentry != NULL) { launcherList_t * li = (launcherList_t *)launcherentry->data; g_debug("\tMoving launcher '%s' to position %d", launcher_menu_item_get_name(li->menuitem), position); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_reorder(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menushell), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(li->menuitem), position); position++; launcherentry = launcherentry->next; } return; } static void subtype_cb (IndicateListener * listener, IndicateListenerServer * server, IndicateListenerIndicator * indicator, gchar * property, gchar * propertydata, gpointer data) { DbusmenuMenuitem * menushell = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data); if (menushell == NULL) { g_error("Data in callback is not a menushell"); return; } if (property == NULL || g_strcmp0(property, "subtype")) { /* We should only ever get subtypes, but just in case */ g_warning("Subtype callback got a property '%s'", property); return; } if (propertydata == NULL || propertydata[0] == '\0') { /* It's possible that this message didn't have a subtype. That's * okay, but we don't want to display those */ g_debug("No subtype"); return; } g_debug("Message subtype: %s", propertydata); if (!g_strcmp0(propertydata, "im") || !g_strcmp0(propertydata, "login")) { imList_t * listItem = g_new0(imList_t, 1); listItem->server = server; listItem->indicator = indicator; g_debug("Building IM Item"); ImMenuItem * menuitem = im_menu_item_new(listener, server, indicator, !g_strcmp0(propertydata, "im")); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(menuitem)); listItem->menuitem = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menuitem); g_debug("Finding the server entry"); serverList_t sl_item_local; serverList_t * sl_item = NULL; sl_item_local.server = server; GList * serverentry = g_list_find_custom(serverList, &sl_item_local, serverList_equal); if (serverentry == NULL) { /* This sucks, we got an indicator before the server. I guess that's the joy of being asynchronous */ serverList_t * sl_item = g_new0(serverList_t, 1); sl_item->server = server; sl_item->menuitem = NULL; sl_item->imList = NULL; serverList = g_list_insert_sorted(serverList, sl_item, serverList_sort); } else { sl_item = (serverList_t *)serverentry->data; } g_debug("Adding to IM List"); sl_item->imList = g_list_insert_sorted(sl_item->imList, listItem, imList_sort); listItem->timechange_cb = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), IM_MENU_ITEM_SIGNAL_TIME_CHANGED, G_CALLBACK(im_time_changed), sl_item); g_debug("Placing in Shell"); menushell_location_t msl; msl.found = FALSE; msl.position = 0; msl.server = server; dbusmenu_menuitem_foreach(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menushell), menushell_foreach_cb, &msl); if (msl.found) { dbusmenu_menuitem_child_add_position(menushell, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menuitem), msl.position); } else { g_warning("Unable to find server menu item"); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_append(menushell, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(menuitem)); } } return; } static void indicator_added (IndicateListener * listener, IndicateListenerServer * server, IndicateListenerIndicator * indicator, gchar * type, gpointer data) { if (type == NULL || g_strcmp0(type, "message")) { /* We only care about message type indicators all of the others can go to the bit bucket */ g_debug("Ignoreing indicator of type '%s'", type); return; } g_debug("Got a message"); indicate_listener_get_property(listener, server, indicator, "subtype", subtype_cb, data); return; } static void indicator_removed (IndicateListener * listener, IndicateListenerServer * server, IndicateListenerIndicator * indicator, gchar * type, gpointer data) { g_debug("Removing %s %d", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(server), INDICATE_LISTENER_INDICATOR_ID(indicator)); if (type == NULL || g_strcmp0(type, "message")) { /* We only care about message type indicators all of the others can go to the bit bucket */ g_debug("Ignoreing indicator of type '%s'", type); return; } gboolean removed = FALSE; serverList_t sl_item_local; serverList_t * sl_item = NULL; sl_item_local.server = server; GList * serverentry = g_list_find_custom(serverList, &sl_item_local, serverList_equal); if (serverentry == NULL) { return; } sl_item = (serverList_t *)serverentry->data; /* Look in the IM Hash Table */ imList_t listData; listData.server = server; listData.indicator = indicator; GList * listItem = g_list_find_custom(sl_item->imList, &listData, imList_equal); DbusmenuMenuitem * menuitem = NULL; imList_t * ilt = NULL; if (listItem != NULL) { ilt = (imList_t *)listItem->data; menuitem = ilt->menuitem; } if (!removed && menuitem != NULL) { sl_item->imList = g_list_remove(sl_item->imList, ilt); g_signal_handler_disconnect(menuitem, ilt->timechange_cb); g_free(ilt); dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set(menuitem, "visibile", "false"); dbusmenu_menuitem_child_delete(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data), menuitem); removed = TRUE; } if (!removed) { g_warning("We were asked to remove %s %d but we didn't.", INDICATE_LISTENER_SERVER_DBUS_NAME(server), INDICATE_LISTENER_INDICATOR_ID(indicator)); } return; } /* Check to see if a new desktop file causes any of the launchers to be eclipsed by a running process */ static void check_eclipses (AppMenuItem * ai) { g_debug("Checking eclipsing"); const gchar * aidesktop = app_menu_item_get_desktop(ai); if (aidesktop == NULL) return; g_debug("\tApp desktop: %s", aidesktop); GList * llitem; for (llitem = launcherList; llitem != NULL; llitem = llitem->next) { launcherList_t * ll = (launcherList_t *)llitem->data; const gchar * lidesktop = launcher_menu_item_get_desktop(ll->menuitem); g_debug("\tLauncher desktop: %s", lidesktop); if (!g_strcmp0(aidesktop, lidesktop)) { launcher_menu_item_set_eclipsed(ll->menuitem, TRUE); break; } } return; } /* Remove any eclipses that might have been caused by this app item that is now retiring */ static void remove_eclipses (AppMenuItem * ai) { const gchar * aidesktop = app_menu_item_get_desktop(ai); if (aidesktop == NULL) return; if (blacklist_check(aidesktop)) return; GList * llitem; for (llitem = launcherList; llitem != NULL; llitem = llitem->next) { launcherList_t * ll = (launcherList_t *)llitem->data; const gchar * lidesktop = launcher_menu_item_get_desktop(ll->menuitem); if (!g_strcmp0(aidesktop, lidesktop)) { launcher_menu_item_set_eclipsed(ll->menuitem, FALSE); break; } } return; } /* This function turns a specific file into a menu item and registers it appropriately with everyone */ static gboolean build_launcher (gpointer data) { /* Read the file get the data */ gchar * path = (gchar *)data; g_debug("\tpath: %s", path); gchar * desktop = NULL; g_file_get_contents(path, &desktop, NULL, NULL); g_free(path); if (desktop == NULL) { return FALSE; } gchar * trimdesktop = pango_trim_string(desktop); g_free(desktop); g_debug("\tcontents: %s", trimdesktop); /* Build the item */ launcherList_t * ll = g_new0(launcherList_t, 1); ll->menuitem = launcher_menu_item_new(trimdesktop); g_free(trimdesktop); /* Add it to the list */ launcherList = g_list_insert_sorted(launcherList, ll, launcherList_sort); /* Add it to the menu */ dbusmenu_menuitem_child_append(root_menuitem, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(ll->menuitem)); resort_menu(root_menuitem); if (blacklist_check(trimdesktop)) { launcher_menu_item_set_eclipsed(ll->menuitem, TRUE); } return FALSE; } /* This function goes through all the launchers that we're supposed to be grabbing and decides to show turn them into menu items or not. It doens't do the work, but it makes the decision. */ static gboolean build_launchers (gpointer data) { if (!g_file_test(SYSTEM_APPS_DIR, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { return FALSE; } GError * error = NULL; GDir * dir = g_dir_open(SYSTEM_APPS_DIR, 0, &error); if (dir == NULL) { g_warning("Unable to open system apps directory: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); return FALSE; } const gchar * filename = NULL; while ((filename = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) { g_debug("Found file: %s", filename); gchar * path = g_build_filename(SYSTEM_APPS_DIR, filename, NULL); g_idle_add(build_launcher, path); } g_dir_close(dir); launcherList = g_list_sort(launcherList, launcherList_sort); return FALSE; } /* Oh, if you don't know what main() is for we really shouldn't be talking. */ int main (int argc, char ** argv) { g_type_init(); DBusGConnection * connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL); DBusGProxy * bus_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(connection, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS, DBUS_PATH_DBUS, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS); GError * error = NULL; guint nameret = 0; if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_request_name(bus_proxy, INDICATOR_MESSAGES_DBUS_NAME, 0, &nameret, &error)) { g_error("Unable to call to request name"); return 1; } if (nameret != DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER) { g_error("Unable to get name"); return 1; } listener = indicate_listener_ref_default(); serverList = NULL; root_menuitem = dbusmenu_menuitem_new(); DbusmenuServer * server = dbusmenu_server_new(INDICATOR_MESSAGES_DBUS_OBJECT); dbusmenu_server_set_root(server, root_menuitem); g_signal_connect(listener, INDICATE_LISTENER_SIGNAL_INDICATOR_ADDED, G_CALLBACK(indicator_added), root_menuitem); g_signal_connect(listener, INDICATE_LISTENER_SIGNAL_INDICATOR_REMOVED, G_CALLBACK(indicator_removed), root_menuitem); g_signal_connect(listener, INDICATE_LISTENER_SIGNAL_SERVER_ADDED, G_CALLBACK(server_added), root_menuitem); g_signal_connect(listener, INDICATE_LISTENER_SIGNAL_SERVER_REMOVED, G_CALLBACK(server_removed), root_menuitem); g_idle_add(build_launchers, NULL); mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_main_loop_run(mainloop); return 0; }