Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.1.2

  - service.c: Drop indicator settings items.
  - Translation updates.

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.1.1

  - Do not call the power settings handler if the command is unknown.
    Fixes crash after zenity dialog call.
  - Fix deprecations and other build warnings.
  - DEB packaging: Break: and Replace: indicator-power.
  - Translation updates.

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.1.0

  - Rename 'x-canonical-type' attribute to 'x-ayatana-type'
    (and others) to allow using system indicators from
    Ayatana Indicators on Ubuntu.
  - Start the indicator with the ayatana-indicators.target.
  - Drop upstart support.
  - Flashlight improvements ported from UBports.
  - Translation updates.

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.0.95

    - Allow one to disable unit tests at build time.
    - Drop workaround for missing libexec dir on Debian.
    - Translation updates. (Cudos to Hosted Weblate and
      all its translators).

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.0.94

    - Add basic flash light support. (Ported from
    - Ignore "batt_therm" devices. (Ported from
    - Add warning to avoid overheating of the LED. (Ported
      from UBports).
    - Add XFCE desktop detection support.
    - Plenty translation updates. Thanks to translators
      on hosted.weblate.org.

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.0.93

    - Take more advantage of cmake-extras (intltool,
      coverage, gmock).
    - Add fallback mode if we don't know how to launch
      a certain desktop tool (requires zenity).
    - Fix random FTBFSs in unit tests.
    - Add Lithuanian translation. THANKS to
      'Moo' on hosted Weblate!
    - Optionally support URL dispatcher again.

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.0.92

    - Fix broken i18n support.
    - Plenty translation updates. Thanks to translators
      on hosted.weblate.org.

Overview of changes in ayatana-indicator-power 2.0.91

    - Fork from Ubuntu's Power Indicator.