Test-case indicator-power/unity7-items-check
	<dt>Log in to a Unity 7 user session</dt>
	<dt>Go to the panel and click on the Power indicator</dt>
		<dd>Ensure there are items in the menu</dd>

Test-case indicator-power/unity7-greeter-items-check
	<dt>Start a system and wait for the greeter or logout of the current user session</dt>
	<dt>Go to the panel and click on the Power indicator</dt>
		<dd>Ensure there are items in the menu</dd>

Test-case indicator-power/unity8-items-check
	<dt>Login to a user session running Unity 8</dt>
	<dt>Pull down the top panel until it sticks open</dt>
	<dt>Navigate through the tabs until "Battery" is shown</dt>
		<dd>Battery is at the top of the menu</dd>
		<dd>The menu is populated with items</dd>

Test-case indicator-power/low-battery-popups
	<dt>Open a terminal</dt>
	<dt>Stop the currently-running power indicator: "stop indicator-power"</dt>
	<dt>Start the fake battery harness in the tests/build/ directory: "indicator-power-service-cmdline-battery"</dt>
		<dd>Battery indicator should update, showing a discharging battery with a 50% charge</dd>
	<dt>Type: "10" (no quotes) and press Enter</dt>
		<dd>A popup should appear saying 'Battery low - 10% charge remaining'</dd>
		<dd>Battery indicator's icon should show a low charge</dd>
		<dd>Battery indicator's "Charge level" menuitem should show a 10% charge</dd>
	<dt>Type: "9" (no quotes) and press Enter</dt>
		<dd>The 'Battery low' popup should NOT appear, since we've already been notified</dd>
		<dd>Battery indicator's "Charge level" menuitem should show a 9% charge</dd>
	<dt>Type: "5" (no quotes) and press Enter</dt>
		<dd>No 'Battery low' popup SHOULD appear, since 5% is the next warning threshold</dd>
		<dd>Battery indicator's "Charge level" menuitem should show a 5% charge</dd>