/* Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Charles Kerr This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "device.h" #include "service.h" class DeviceTest : public ::testing::Test { private: guint log_handler_id; int log_count_ipower_actual; static void log_count_func (const gchar * log_domain G_GNUC_UNUSED, GLogLevelFlags log_level G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar * message G_GNUC_UNUSED, gpointer gself) { reinterpret_cast(gself)->log_count_ipower_actual++; } protected: int log_count_ipower_expected; protected: virtual void SetUp() { const GLogLevelFlags flags = GLogLevelFlags(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL|G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); log_handler_id = g_log_set_handler ("Indicator-Power", flags, log_count_func, this); log_count_ipower_expected = 0; log_count_ipower_actual = 0; } virtual void TearDown() { ASSERT_EQ (log_count_ipower_expected, log_count_ipower_actual); g_log_remove_handler ("Indicator-Power", log_handler_id); } protected: void check_icon_names (const IndicatorPowerDevice * device, const char * expected) { char ** names = indicator_power_device_get_icon_names (device); char * str = g_strjoinv (";", names); ASSERT_STREQ (expected, str); g_free (str); g_strfreev (names); } void check_label (const IndicatorPowerDevice * device, const char * expected_label) { char * label = indicator_power_device_get_readable_text (device); EXPECT_STREQ (expected_label, label); g_free (label); } void check_header (const IndicatorPowerDevice * device, const char * expected_time_and_percent, const char * expected_time, const char * expected_percent, const char * expected_a11y) { char * a11y = NULL; char * title = NULL; title = indicator_power_device_get_readable_title (device, true, true); EXPECT_STREQ (expected_time_and_percent, title); g_free (title); title = indicator_power_device_get_readable_title (device, true, false); EXPECT_STREQ (expected_time, title); g_free (title); title = indicator_power_device_get_readable_title (device, false, true); EXPECT_STREQ (expected_percent, title); g_free (title); title = indicator_power_device_get_readable_title (device, false, false); EXPECT_STREQ (NULL, title); g_free (title); a11y = indicator_power_device_get_accessible_title (device, false, false); EXPECT_STREQ (expected_a11y, a11y); g_free (a11y); } }; /*** **** ***/ TEST_F(DeviceTest, GObjectNew) { GObject * o = G_OBJECT (g_object_new (INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TYPE, NULL)); ASSERT_TRUE (o != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (INDICATOR_IS_POWER_DEVICE(o)); g_object_run_dispose (o); // used to get coverage of both branches in the object's dispose func's g_clear_*() calls g_object_unref (o); } TEST_F(DeviceTest, Properties) { int i; gdouble d; GObject * o; gchar * str; guint64 u64; const gchar * key; o = G_OBJECT (g_object_new (INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TYPE, NULL)); ASSERT_TRUE (o != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (INDICATOR_IS_POWER_DEVICE(o)); // Test getting & setting a Device's properties. // KIND key = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND; g_object_set (o, key, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, NULL); g_object_get (o, key, &i, NULL); ASSERT_EQ (i, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY); // STATE key = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE; g_object_set (o, key, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, NULL); g_object_get (o, key, &i, NULL); ASSERT_EQ (i, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING); // OBJECT_PATH key = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_OBJECT_PATH; g_object_set (o, key, "/object/path", NULL); g_object_get (o, key, &str, NULL); ASSERT_STREQ (str, "/object/path"); g_free (str); // PERCENTAGE key = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE; g_object_set (o, key, 50.0, NULL); g_object_get (o, key, &d, NULL); ASSERT_EQ((int)d, 50); // TIME key = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME; g_object_set (o, key, (guint64)30, NULL); g_object_get (o, key, &u64, NULL); ASSERT_EQ(u64, 30); // cleanup g_object_unref (o); } TEST_F(DeviceTest, New) { IndicatorPowerDevice * device = indicator_power_device_new ("/object/path", UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, 50.0, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, 30); ASSERT_TRUE (device != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (INDICATOR_IS_POWER_DEVICE(device)); ASSERT_EQ (indicator_power_device_get_kind(device), UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY); ASSERT_EQ (indicator_power_device_get_state(device), UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING); ASSERT_STREQ (indicator_power_device_get_object_path(device), "/object/path"); ASSERT_EQ ((int)indicator_power_device_get_percentage(device), 50); ASSERT_EQ (indicator_power_device_get_time(device), 30); // cleanup g_object_unref (device); } TEST_F(DeviceTest, NewFromVariant) { GVariant * variant = g_variant_new ("(susdut)", "/object/path", (guint32) UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, "icon", (gdouble) 50.0, (guint32) UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, (guint64) 30); IndicatorPowerDevice * device = indicator_power_device_new_from_variant (variant); ASSERT_TRUE (variant != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (device != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (INDICATOR_IS_POWER_DEVICE(device)); ASSERT_EQ (indicator_power_device_get_kind(device), UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY); ASSERT_EQ (indicator_power_device_get_state(device), UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING); ASSERT_STREQ (indicator_power_device_get_object_path(device), "/object/path"); ASSERT_EQ ((int)indicator_power_device_get_percentage(device), 50); ASSERT_EQ (indicator_power_device_get_time(device), 30); // cleanup g_object_unref (device); g_variant_unref (variant); } TEST_F(DeviceTest, BadAccessors) { // test that these functions can handle being passed NULL pointers IndicatorPowerDevice * device = NULL; indicator_power_device_get_kind (device); indicator_power_device_get_time (device); indicator_power_device_get_state (device); indicator_power_device_get_percentage (device); indicator_power_device_get_object_path (device); log_count_ipower_expected += 5; // test that these functions can handle being passed non-device GObjects device = reinterpret_cast(g_cancellable_new ()); indicator_power_device_get_kind (device); indicator_power_device_get_time (device); indicator_power_device_get_state (device); indicator_power_device_get_percentage (device); indicator_power_device_get_object_path (device); log_count_ipower_expected += 5; g_object_unref (device); } /*** **** ***/ TEST_F(DeviceTest, IconNames) { IndicatorPowerDevice * device = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE (g_object_new (INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TYPE, NULL)); GObject * o = G_OBJECT(device); // bad arguments log_count_ipower_expected++; ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_power_device_get_icon_names (NULL) == NULL); // power g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_LINE_POWER, NULL); check_icon_names (device, "ac-adapter-symbolic;" "ac-adapter"); // monitor g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_MONITOR, NULL); check_icon_names (device, "gpm-monitor-symbolic;" "gpm-monitor"); // devices that hold a charge struct { int kind; const gchar * kind_str; } devices[] = { { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, "battery" }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_UPS, "ups" }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_MOUSE, "mouse" }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_KEYBOARD, "keyboard" }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_PHONE, "phone" } }; GString * expected = g_string_new (NULL); for (int i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(devices); istr); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // charged g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_FULLY_CHARGED, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charged-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charging-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-full;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-100;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charged;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charging", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // charging, 95% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 95.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charging-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-100-charging;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charging", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // charging, 85% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 85.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charging-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-080-charging;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-charging", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // charging, 50% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good-charging-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-060-charging;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good-charging", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // charging, 25% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 25.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-low-charging-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-020-charging;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-low-charging", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // charging, 5% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 5.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-caution-charging-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-000-charging;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-caution-charging", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 95% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 95.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-100;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-100;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 85% g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 85.0, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-080;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-080;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-full", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 50% -- 1 hour left g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, (guint64)(60*60), NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-060;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-060;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 25% -- 1 hour left g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 25.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, (guint64)(60*60), NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-040;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-040;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 25% -- 15 minutes left g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 25.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, (guint64)(60*15), NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-020;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-020;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-low-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-low", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 5% -- 1 hour left g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 5.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, (guint64)(60*60), NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-040;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-040;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-good", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // discharging, 5% -- 15 minutes left g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 5.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, (guint64)(60*15), NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-000;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-000;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-caution-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-caution", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); // state unknown g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, kind, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN, NULL); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-missing-symbolic;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "gpm-%s-missing;", kind_str); g_string_append_printf (expected, "%s-missing", kind_str); check_icon_names (device, expected->str); g_string_truncate (expected, 0); } g_string_free (expected, TRUE); // cleanup g_object_unref(o); } TEST_F(DeviceTest, Labels) { // set our language so that i18n won't break these tests char * real_lang = g_strdup(g_getenv ("LANG")); g_setenv ("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", TRUE); // bad args: NULL device log_count_ipower_expected++; check_label (NULL, NULL); log_count_ipower_expected += 5; check_header (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // bad args: a GObject that isn't a device GObject * o = G_OBJECT(g_cancellable_new()); log_count_ipower_expected++; check_label ((IndicatorPowerDevice*)o, NULL); log_count_ipower_expected += 5; check_header (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (o); /** *** **/ IndicatorPowerDevice * device = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE (g_object_new (INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TYPE, NULL)); o = G_OBJECT(device); // charging g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(60*61), NULL); check_label (device, "Battery (1:01 to charge)"); check_header (device, "(1:01, 50%)", "(1:01)", "(50%)", "Battery (1 hour 1 minute to charge)"); // discharging, < 12 hours left g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(60*61), NULL); check_label (device, "Battery (1:01 left)"); check_header (device, "(1:01, 50%)", "(1:01)", "(50%)", "Battery (1 hour 1 minute left)"); // discharging, > 24 hours left // we don't show the clock time when > 24 hours discharging g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(60*60*25), NULL); check_label (device, "Battery"); check_header (device, "(50%)", NULL, "(50%)", "Battery"); // fully charged g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_FULLY_CHARGED, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 100.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(0), NULL); check_label (device, "Battery (charged)"); check_header (device, "(100%)", NULL, "(100%)", "Battery (charged)"); // percentage but no time estimate g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(0), NULL); check_label (device, "Battery (estimating…)"); check_header (device, "(estimating…, 50%)", "(estimating…)", "(50%)", "Battery (estimating…)"); // no percentage, no time estimate g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 0.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(0), NULL); check_label (device, "Battery"); check_header (device, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Battery"); // power line g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_LINE_POWER, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 0.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(0), NULL); check_label (device, "AC Adapter"); check_header (device, NULL, NULL, NULL, "AC Adapter"); // cleanup g_object_unref(o); g_setenv ("LANG", real_lang, TRUE); g_free (real_lang); } TEST_F(DeviceTest, Inestimable___this_takes_80_seconds) { // set our language so that i18n won't break these tests auto real_lang = g_strdup(g_getenv ("LANG")); g_setenv ("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", true); // set up the main loop auto loop = g_main_loop_new (nullptr, false); auto loop_quit_sourcefunc = [](gpointer l){ g_main_loop_quit(static_cast(l)); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; }; auto device = INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE (g_object_new (INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TYPE, nullptr)); auto o = G_OBJECT(device); // percentage but no time estimate auto timer = g_timer_new (); g_object_set (o, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_KIND, UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, 50.0, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_TIME, guint64(0), nullptr); /* * “estimating…” if the time remaining has been inestimable for * less than 30 seconds; otherwise “unknown” if the time remaining * has been inestimable for between 30 seconds and one minute; * otherwise the empty string. */ for (;;) { g_timeout_add_seconds (1, loop_quit_sourcefunc, loop); g_main_loop_run (loop); const auto elapsed = g_timer_elapsed (timer, nullptr); if (elapsed < 30) { check_label (device, "Battery (estimating…)"); check_header (device, "(estimating…, 50%)", "(estimating…)", "(50%)", "Battery (estimating…)"); } else if (elapsed < 60) { check_label (device, "Battery (unknown)"); check_header (device, "(unknown, 50%)", "(unknown)", "(50%)", "Battery (unknown)"); } else if (elapsed < 80) { check_label (device, "Battery"); check_header (device, "(50%)", NULL, "(50%)", "Battery"); } else { break; } } g_main_loop_unref (loop); // cleanup g_timer_destroy (timer); g_object_unref (o); g_setenv ("LANG", real_lang, TRUE); g_free (real_lang); } /* The menu title should tell you at a glance what you need to know most: what device will lose power soonest (and optionally when), or otherwise which device will take longest to charge (and optionally how long it will take). */ TEST_F(DeviceTest, ChoosePrimary) { GList * device_list; IndicatorPowerDevice * a; IndicatorPowerDevice * b; a = indicator_power_device_new ("/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/mouse", UP_DEVICE_KIND_MOUSE, 0.0, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 0); b = indicator_power_device_new ("/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery", UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, 0.0, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 0); /* device states + time left to {discharge,charge} + % of charge left, sorted in order of preference wrt the spec's criteria. So tests[i] should be picked over any test with an index greater than i */ struct { int kind; int state; guint64 time; double percentage; } tests[] = { { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 49, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 50, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 50, 100.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 51, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, 50, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, 49, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, 49, 100.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, 48, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, UP_DEVICE_STATE_FULLY_CHARGED, 0, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_KEYBOARD, UP_DEVICE_STATE_FULLY_CHARGED, 0, 50.0 }, { UP_DEVICE_KIND_LINE_POWER, UP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, 0.0 } }; device_list = NULL; device_list = g_list_append (device_list, a); device_list = g_list_append (device_list, b); for (int i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(tests); i