/* * Copyright 2014 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com> */ #include "glib-fixture.h" #include "dbus-shared.h" #include "device.h" #include "notifier.h" #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <libdbustest/dbus-test.h> #include <libnotify/notify.h> #include <glib.h> #include <gio/gio.h> /*** **** ***/ class NotifyFixture: public GlibFixture { private: typedef GlibFixture super; static constexpr char const * NOTIFY_BUSNAME {"org.freedesktop.Notifications"}; static constexpr char const * NOTIFY_INTERFACE {"org.freedesktop.Notifications"}; static constexpr char const * NOTIFY_PATH {"/org/freedesktop/Notifications"}; protected: DbusTestService * service = nullptr; DbusTestDbusMock * mock = nullptr; DbusTestDbusMockObject * obj = nullptr; GDBusConnection * bus = nullptr; static constexpr int FIRST_NOTIFY_ID {1234}; static constexpr int NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_EXPIRED {1}; static constexpr int NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_DISMISSED {2}; static constexpr int NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_API {3}; static constexpr int NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_UNDEFINED {4}; static constexpr char const * APP_NAME {"ayatana-indicator-power-service"}; static constexpr char const * METHOD_CLOSE {"CloseNotification"}; static constexpr char const * METHOD_NOTIFY {"Notify"}; static constexpr char const * METHOD_GET_CAPS {"GetCapabilities"}; static constexpr char const * METHOD_GET_INFO {"GetServerInformation"}; static constexpr char const * SIGNAL_CLOSED {"NotificationClosed"}; static constexpr char const * HINT_TIMEOUT {"x-canonical-snap-decisions-timeout"}; protected: void SetUp() { super::SetUp(); // init DBusMock / dbus-test-runner service = dbus_test_service_new(nullptr); GError * error = nullptr; mock = dbus_test_dbus_mock_new(NOTIFY_BUSNAME); obj = dbus_test_dbus_mock_get_object(mock, NOTIFY_PATH, NOTIFY_INTERFACE, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); // METHOD_GET_INFO dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, obj, METHOD_GET_INFO, nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(ssss)"), "ret = ('mock-notify', 'test vendor', '1.0', '1.1')", &error); g_assert_no_error (error); // METHOD_NOTIFY auto str = g_strdup_printf("try:\n" " self.NextNotifyId\n" "except AttributeError:\n" " self.NextNotifyId = %d\n" "ret = self.NextNotifyId\n" "self.NextNotifyId += 1\n", FIRST_NOTIFY_ID); dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, obj, METHOD_NOTIFY, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(susssasa{sv}i)"), G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32, str, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_free (str); // METHOD_CLOSE str = g_strdup_printf("self.EmitSignal('%s', '%s', 'uu', [ args[0], %d ])", NOTIFY_INTERFACE, SIGNAL_CLOSED, NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_API); dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, obj, METHOD_CLOSE, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(u)"), nullptr, str, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_free (str); dbus_test_service_add_task(service, DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock)); dbus_test_service_start_tasks(service); bus = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, nullptr, nullptr); g_dbus_connection_set_exit_on_close(bus, FALSE); g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(bus), reinterpret_cast<gpointer*>(&bus)); notify_init(APP_NAME); } virtual void TearDown() { notify_uninit(); g_clear_object(&mock); g_clear_object(&service); g_object_unref(bus); // wait a little while for the scaffolding to shut down, // but don't block on it forever... unsigned int cleartry = 0; while ((bus != nullptr) && (cleartry < 50)) { g_usleep(100000); while (g_main_context_pending(NULL)) g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); cleartry++; } super::TearDown(); } }; /*** **** ***/ // simple test to confirm the NotifyFixture plumbing all works TEST_F(NotifyFixture, HelloWorld) { } /*** **** ***/ namespace { static constexpr double percent_critical {2.0}; static constexpr double percent_very_low {5.0}; static constexpr double percent_low {10.0}; void set_battery_percentage (IndicatorPowerDevice * battery, gdouble p) { g_object_set (battery, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_PERCENTAGE, p, nullptr); } } TEST_F(NotifyFixture, PercentageToLevel) { auto battery = indicator_power_device_new ("/object/path", UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, 50.0, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 30, TRUE); // confirm that the power levels trigger at the right percentages for (int i=100; i>=0; --i) { set_battery_percentage (battery, i); const auto level = indicator_power_notifier_get_power_level(battery); if (i <= percent_critical) EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_CRITICAL, level); else if (i <= percent_very_low) EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_VERY_LOW, level); else if (i <= percent_low) EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_LOW, level); else EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_OK, level); } g_object_unref (battery); } /*** **** ***/ // scaffolding to monitor PropertyChanged signals namespace { enum { FIELD_POWER_LEVEL = (1<<0), FIELD_IS_WARNING = (1<<1) }; struct ChangedParams { std::string power_level = POWER_LEVEL_STR_OK; bool is_warning = false; uint32_t fields = 0; }; void on_battery_property_changed (GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *signal_name G_GNUC_UNUSED, GVariant *parameters, gpointer gchanged_params) { g_return_if_fail (g_variant_n_children (parameters) == 3); auto dict = g_variant_get_child_value (parameters, 1); g_return_if_fail (g_variant_is_of_type (dict, G_VARIANT_TYPE_DICTIONARY)); auto changed_params = static_cast<ChangedParams*>(gchanged_params); const char * power_level; if (g_variant_lookup (dict, "PowerLevel", "&s", &power_level, nullptr)) { changed_params->power_level = power_level; changed_params->fields |= FIELD_POWER_LEVEL; } gboolean is_warning; if (g_variant_lookup (dict, "IsWarning", "b", &is_warning, nullptr)) { changed_params->is_warning = is_warning; changed_params->fields |= FIELD_IS_WARNING; } g_variant_unref (dict); } } TEST_F(NotifyFixture, LevelsDuringBatteryDrain) { auto battery = indicator_power_device_new ("/object/path", UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, 50.0, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 30, TRUE); // set up a notifier and give it the battery so changing the battery's // charge should show up on the bus. auto notifier = indicator_power_notifier_new (); indicator_power_notifier_set_battery (notifier, battery); indicator_power_notifier_set_bus (notifier, bus); wait_msec(); ChangedParams changed_params; auto sub_tag = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (bus, nullptr, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", BUS_PATH"/Battery", nullptr, G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE, on_battery_property_changed, &changed_params, nullptr); // confirm that draining the battery puts // the power_level change through its paces for (int i=100; i>=0; --i) { changed_params = ChangedParams(); EXPECT_TRUE (changed_params.fields == 0); const auto old_level = indicator_power_notifier_get_power_level(battery); set_battery_percentage (battery, i); const auto new_level = indicator_power_notifier_get_power_level(battery); wait_msec(); if (old_level == new_level) { EXPECT_EQ (0, (changed_params.fields & FIELD_POWER_LEVEL)); } else { EXPECT_EQ (FIELD_POWER_LEVEL, (changed_params.fields & FIELD_POWER_LEVEL)); EXPECT_EQ (new_level, changed_params.power_level); } } // cleanup g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (bus, sub_tag); g_object_unref (notifier); g_object_unref (battery); } /*** **** ***/ TEST_F(NotifyFixture, EventsThatChangeNotifications) { // GetCapabilities returns an array containing 'actions', so that we'll // get snap decisions and the 'IsWarning' property GError * error = nullptr; dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method (mock, obj, METHOD_GET_CAPS, nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY, "ret = ['actions', 'body']", &error); g_assert_no_error (error); auto battery = indicator_power_device_new ("/object/path", UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, percent_low + 1.0, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, 30, TRUE); // set up a notifier and give it the battery so changing the battery's // charge should show up on the bus. auto notifier = indicator_power_notifier_new (); indicator_power_notifier_set_battery (notifier, battery); indicator_power_notifier_set_bus (notifier, bus); ChangedParams changed_params; auto sub_tag = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (bus, nullptr, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", BUS_PATH"/Battery", nullptr, G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE, on_battery_property_changed, &changed_params, nullptr); // test setup case wait_msec(); EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_OK, changed_params.power_level.c_str()); // change the percent past the 'low' threshold and confirm that // a) the power level changes // b) we get a notification changed_params = ChangedParams(); set_battery_percentage (battery, percent_low); wait_msec(); EXPECT_EQ (FIELD_POWER_LEVEL|FIELD_IS_WARNING, changed_params.fields); EXPECT_EQ (indicator_power_notifier_get_power_level(battery), changed_params.power_level); EXPECT_TRUE (changed_params.is_warning); // now test that the warning changes if the level goes down even lower... changed_params = ChangedParams(); set_battery_percentage (battery, percent_very_low); wait_msec(); EXPECT_EQ (FIELD_POWER_LEVEL, changed_params.fields); EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_VERY_LOW, changed_params.power_level.c_str()); // ...and that the warning is taken down if the battery is plugged back in... changed_params = ChangedParams(); g_object_set (battery, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING, nullptr); wait_msec(); EXPECT_EQ (FIELD_IS_WARNING, changed_params.fields); EXPECT_FALSE (changed_params.is_warning); // ...and that it comes back if we unplug again... changed_params = ChangedParams(); g_object_set (battery, INDICATOR_POWER_DEVICE_STATE, UP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING, nullptr); wait_msec(); EXPECT_EQ (FIELD_IS_WARNING, changed_params.fields); EXPECT_TRUE (changed_params.is_warning); // ...and that it's taken down if the power level is OK changed_params = ChangedParams(); set_battery_percentage (battery, percent_low+1); wait_msec(); EXPECT_EQ (FIELD_POWER_LEVEL|FIELD_IS_WARNING, changed_params.fields); EXPECT_STREQ (POWER_LEVEL_STR_OK, changed_params.power_level.c_str()); EXPECT_FALSE (changed_params.is_warning); // cleanup g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (bus, sub_tag); g_object_unref (notifier); g_object_unref (battery); }