Format: Upstream-Name: indicator-session Upstream-Contact: Ted Gould Source: Files: * Copyright: 2009-2011 Ted Gould , Canonical Ltd. License: GPL-3 Files: gconf-helper.* Copyright: 2009-2011 Christoph Korn License: GPL-3 Files: gtk-logout-helper.c Copyright: 2009-2011 Ted Gould , Canonical Ltd. 2009-2011 Christoph Korn License: GPL-3 Files: session-service.c Copyright: 2009-2011 Ted Gould , Canonical Ltd. 2009-2011 Christoph Korn 2009-2011 Cody Russell , Canonical Ltd. License: GPL-3 Files: users-service-dbus.* Copyright: 2009-2011 Cody Russell , Canonical Ltd. License: GPL-3 Files: debian/* Copyright: 2011 Evgeni Golov 2009-2011 Ted Gould , Canonical Ltd. 2009-2011 Sebastien Bacher 2009-2011 Ken VanDine 2009-2011 Martin Pitt License: GPL-3 License: GPL-3 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.