# Gaelic; Scottish translation for indicator-session
# Copyright (c) 2011 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2011
# This file is distributed under the same license as the indicator-session package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: indicator-session\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-28 20:19+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-01 11:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>\n"
"Language-Team: Gaelic <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/ayatana-"
"Language: gd\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : "
"(n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 2.20-dev\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-09-27 15:12+0000\n"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:1
msgid "Suppress the dialog to confirm logout, restart and shutdown action"
msgstr ""
"Mùch a' co-abairt son dearbhadh gnìomh log a-mach, ath-tòisich agus dùin sìos"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:2
msgid ""
"Whether or not to show confirmation dialogs for logout, restart and shutdown "
msgstr ""
"Foillsich no falaich?co-abairt son dearbhadh gnìomh log a-mach, ath-tòisich "
"agus dùin sìos."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:3
msgid "Remove the Log Out item from the session menu"
msgstr "Gluais a ni Log a-mach bhon Clàr-iùil an t-seisein"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:4
msgid "Makes it so that the logout button doesn’t show in the session menu."
msgstr ""
"Dèan e mar nach nochd am putan log a-mach anns a'chlar-iùil an t-seisean."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:5
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove the Restart item from the session menu."
msgstr "Gluais a ni ath-tòisich bhon Clàr-iùil an t-seisein"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:6
msgid "Makes it so that the restart button doesn’t show in the session menu."
msgstr ""
"Dèan e mar nach nochd am putan ath-thòisich anns a'chlar-iùil an t-seisean."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove the shutdown item from the session menu."
msgstr "Gluais a ni dùin sìos bhon Clàr-iùil an t-seisein"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.session.gschema.xml.in:8
msgid "Makes it so that the shutdown button doesn’t show in the session menu."
msgstr ""
"Dèan e mar nach nochd am putan dùin-sios anns a'chlar-iùil an t-seisean."

#. Translators: the name of the menu ("System"), then the user's name
#: ../src/service.c:187
#, c-format
msgid "System, %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:191
msgid "System"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:325
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Aoigh"

#: ../src/service.c:343
#, c-format
msgid "%s Desktop Help"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:344
#, c-format
msgid "%s Help"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:346
msgid "About This Computer"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:351
msgid "Report a Bug…"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:362
msgid "System Settings…"
msgstr "Suidheachaidhean Siostam…"

#: ../src/service.c:364
msgid "Online Accounts…"
msgstr "Cunntasan Air Loidhne…"

#: ../src/service.c:567
msgid "Start Screen Saver"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:575 ../src/service.c:591
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch Account…"
msgstr "Suidse Cunntas Cleachdaiche..."

#: ../src/service.c:576 ../src/service.c:592
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch Account"
msgstr "Suidse Cunntas Cleachdaiche..."

#: ../src/service.c:588
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lock/Switch Account…"
msgstr "Suidse Cunntas Cleachdaiche..."

#: ../src/service.c:589
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lock/Switch Account"
msgstr "Suidse Cunntas Cleachdaiche..."

#: ../src/service.c:595
msgid "Lock"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/service.c:620
msgid "Guest Session"
msgstr "Seisean Aoigheachd"

#: ../src/service.c:697
msgid "Log Out…"
msgstr "Log a-mach…"

#: ../src/service.c:697 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:895
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:897
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Log a-mach"

#: ../src/service.c:715
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Cuir air thaobh"

#: ../src/service.c:718
msgid "Hibernate"
msgstr "Cadal-gheamhraidh"

#: ../src/service.c:723
msgid "Restart…"
msgstr "Ath-tòisich…"

#: ../src/service.c:723 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:936
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:938
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Ath-tòisich"

#: ../src/service.c:730
msgid "Shut Down…"
msgstr "Dùin Sìos…"

#: ../src/service.c:730 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:973
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:975
msgid "Shut Down"
msgstr "Dùin sìos"

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:801 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1038
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1043 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1059
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1114 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1132
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1154
msgid "Warning"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:802
msgid ""
"The operating system's bug tracker needs to be accessed with\n"
"a web browser.\n"
"The Ayatana Session Indicator could not find any web\n"
"browser on your computer."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:889
#, fuzzy
msgid "Are you sure you want to close all programs and log out?"
msgstr ""
"Cinnteach gu bheil thu ag iarraidh dùnadh na prògraman gu lèir agus log a-"
"mach don coimpiutair?"

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:890
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Some software updates won't be applied until the computer next restarts."
msgstr ""
"Tha cuid ùrachadh bathar-bòg nach d'thig gu buil gus a' coimpiutair ath-"
"thòiseachadh  a-rithist."

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:898 ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:939
#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:976
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Sguir"

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:937
msgid "Are you sure you want to close all programs and restart the computer?"
msgstr ""
"Cinnteach gu bheil thu ag iarraidh dùnadh na prògraman gu lèir agus  ath-"
"thòiseachadh a choimpiutair?"

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:974
msgid "Are you sure you want to close all programs and shut down the computer?"
msgstr ""
"Cinnteach gu bheil thu ag iarraidh dùnadh na prògraman gu lèir agus dùinadh "
"sìos a choimpiutair?"

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1039
msgid ""
"The XFCE desktop's user guide needs to be accessed with\n"
"a web browser.\n"
"The Ayatana Session Indicator could not find any web\n"
"browser on your computer."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1044
msgid ""
"The Ayatana Session Indicator does not know yet, how to show\n"
"the currently running desktop's user guide or help center.\n"
"Please report this to the developers at:\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1060
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Displaying information on %s  requires\n"
"a web browser.\n"
"The Ayatana Session Indicator could not find any web\n"
"browser on your computer."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1115
msgid ""
"The Ayatana Session Indicator does not support evoking the system\n"
"settings application for your desktop environment, yet.\n"
"Please report this to the developers at:\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1133
msgid ""
"The Ayatana Session Indicator does not support password changes\n"
"for your desktop environment, yet.\n"
"Please report this to the developers at:\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/backend-dbus/actions.c:1155
msgid ""
"The Ayatana Session Indicator does not know yet, how to show\n"
"information of the currently running desktop environment.\n"
"Please report this to the developers at:\n"
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Classic Guest Session"
#~ msgstr "Seasan Aoigheachd Clasaigeach"

#~ msgid "Start a guest session using the classic desktop"
#~ msgstr "Tòisich seasan aoigheachd cleachdadh bàrr-deasc clasaigeach"

#~ msgid "Lock Screen"
#~ msgstr "Glais  Sgrìn"

#~ msgctxt "title"
#~ msgid "Log Out"
#~ msgstr "Log a-mach"

#~ msgctxt "title"
#~ msgid "Restart"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich"

#~ msgctxt "title"
#~ msgid "Shut Down"
#~ msgstr "Dùin sìos"

#~ msgctxt "button"
#~ msgid "Log Out"
#~ msgstr "Log a-mach"

#~ msgctxt "button"
#~ msgid "Restart"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich"

#~ msgctxt "button"
#~ msgid "Shut Down"
#~ msgstr "Dùin sìos"

#~ msgctxt "button auth"
#~ msgid "Log Out"
#~ msgstr "Log a-mach"

#~ msgctxt "button auth"
#~ msgid "Restart…"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich..."

#~ msgctxt "button auth"
#~ msgid "Shut Down…"
#~ msgstr "Dùin Sìos..."

#~ msgid "Restart Instead"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich an àite"

#~ msgid "Restart Instead…"
#~ msgstr "Ath-thòisich an àite..."

#~ msgid "Some software updates won’t apply until the computer next restarts."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cha bhuilich cuid ùrachaidhean bathar-bog gus ath thòiseachadh a' "
#~ "choimpiutar a-rithist."

#~ msgctxt "session_menu:switchfrom"
#~ msgid "1"
#~ msgstr "1"

#~ msgid "Switch From %s…"
#~ msgstr "Suidse Bhon %s…"

#~ msgid "Software Up to Date"
#~ msgstr "Bathar-bog a dh'ionnsaigh an là"

#~ msgid "Updates Available…"
#~ msgstr "Ùrachaidhean ri làimh..."

#~ msgid "Updates Installing…"
#~ msgstr "Ùrachaidhean stàlachadh..."

#~ msgid "Restart to Complete Updates…"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich gu crìochnaich ùrachaidhean..."

#~ msgid "Displays…"
#~ msgstr "Clàran taisbeanaidh..."

#~ msgid "Startup Applications…"
#~ msgstr "Prògraman tòiseachadh"

#~ msgid "Attached Devices"
#~ msgstr "Innleachdan Ceangailte"

#~ msgid "Printers"
#~ msgstr "Clò-bhualadairean"

#~ msgid "Scanners"
#~ msgstr "Sganairean"

#~ msgid "Webcam"
#~ msgstr "Cam-lìon"

#~ msgid "User Accounts…"
#~ msgstr "Cunntasan Cleachdaiche..."

#~ msgid "%s Webcam"
#~ msgstr "%s Lìoncam"

#~ msgid "Scanner"
#~ msgstr "Sganair"

#~ msgid "%s Scanner"
#~ msgstr "%s Sganair"

#~ msgid "Makes it so that the logout button doesn't show in the session menu."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dèanamh e mar nach bi a' putan log a-mach nochdadh  anns a' clàr-iùil an "
#~ "t-seisein."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Makes it so that the restart button doesn't show in the session menu."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dèanamh e mar nach bi a' putan ath-tòisich nochdadh  anns a' clàr-iùil an "
#~ "t-seisein."

#~ msgid "Shut Down..."
#~ msgstr "Dùin sìos..."

#~ msgid "Restart..."
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich..."

#~ msgid "Log Out..."
#~ msgstr "Log a-mach..."

#~ msgid "Restart Instead..."
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich an àite..."

#~ msgctxt "button auth"
#~ msgid "Shut Down..."
#~ msgstr "Dùin sìos..."

#~ msgctxt "button auth"
#~ msgid "Restart..."
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich..."

#~ msgid "Switch User..."
#~ msgstr "Suidse Cleachdaiche..."

#~ msgid "Session"
#~ msgstr "Seisean"

#~ msgid "Switch From %s..."
#~ msgstr "Suidse bhon %s..."

#~ msgid "Restart to Complete Update…"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich son crìochnachadh ùrachadh..."

#~ msgid "Restart to Complete Update"
#~ msgstr "Ath-tòisich son crìochnachadh ùrachadh"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Makes it so that the shutdown button doesn't show in the session menu."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dèanamh e mar nach bi a' putan dùin sìos nochdadh  anns a' clàr-iùil an t-"
#~ "seisein."