/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "dbus-end-session-dialog.h" #include "dbus-login1-manager.h" #include "dbus-webcredentials.h" #include "gnome-screen-saver.h" #include "gnome-session-manager.h" #include "actions.h" enum { END_SESSION_TYPE_LOGOUT = 0, END_SESSION_TYPE_SHUTDOWN, END_SESSION_TYPE_REBOOT }; struct _IndicatorSessionActionsDbusPriv { GCancellable * cancellable; GSettings * lockdown_settings; GnomeScreenSaver * screen_saver; GnomeSessionManager * session_manager; Login1Manager * login1_manager; Login1Seat * login1_seat; DisplayManagerSeat * dm_seat; Webcredentials * webcredentials; EndSessionDialog * end_session_dialog; gboolean can_suspend; gboolean can_hibernate; gboolean seat_allows_activation; }; typedef IndicatorSessionActionsDbusPriv priv_t; G_DEFINE_TYPE (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus, indicator_session_actions_dbus, INDICATOR_TYPE_SESSION_ACTIONS) /*** **** ***/ static void log_and_clear_error (GError ** err, const char * loc, const char * func) { if (*err) { if (!g_error_matches (*err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("%s %s: %s", loc, func, (*err)->message); g_clear_error (err); } } /*** **** ***/ static void on_seat_notify_multi_session (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self) { priv_t * p = self->priv; gboolean b; b = login1_seat_get_can_multi_session (p->login1_seat); if (p->seat_allows_activation != b) { p->seat_allows_activation = b; indicator_session_actions_notify_can_switch (INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS(self)); } } static void set_login1_seat (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self, Login1Seat * seat) { priv_t * p = self->priv; if (p->login1_seat != NULL) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->login1_seat, self); g_clear_object (&p->login1_seat); } if (seat != NULL) { p->login1_seat = g_object_ref (seat); g_signal_connect_swapped (seat, "notify::can-multi-session", G_CALLBACK(on_seat_notify_multi_session), self); } } /*** **** ***/ static void set_dm_seat (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self, DisplayManagerSeat * seat) { priv_t * p = self->priv; if (p->dm_seat != NULL) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->dm_seat, self); g_clear_object (&p->dm_seat); } if (seat != NULL) { p->dm_seat = g_object_ref (seat); /*g_signal_connect (seat, "notify::has-actions-account", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_has_actions_account), self);*/ } } static void on_screensaver_proxy_ready (GObject * o G_GNUC_UNUSED, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { GError * err; GnomeScreenSaver * ss; err = NULL; ss = gnome_screen_saver_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &err); if (err == NULL) { INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(gself)->priv->screen_saver = ss; } log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void on_can_suspend_ready (GObject * o, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { char * str; GError * err; str = NULL; err = NULL; login1_manager_call_can_suspend_finish (LOGIN1_MANAGER(o), &str, res, &err); if (err == NULL) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(gself)->priv; const gboolean b = !g_strcmp0 (str, "yes"); if (p->can_suspend != b) { p->can_suspend = b; indicator_session_actions_notify_can_suspend (gself); } g_free (str); } log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void on_can_hibernate_ready (GObject * o, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { gchar * str; GError * err; str = NULL; err = NULL; login1_manager_call_can_hibernate_finish (LOGIN1_MANAGER(o), &str, res, &err); if (err == NULL) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(gself)->priv; const gboolean b = !g_strcmp0 (str, "yes"); if (p->can_hibernate != b) { p->can_hibernate = b; indicator_session_actions_notify_can_hibernate (gself); } g_free (str); } log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void set_login1_manager (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self, Login1Manager * login1_manager) { priv_t * p = self->priv; g_clear_object (&p->login1_manager); if (login1_manager != NULL) { p->login1_manager = g_object_ref (login1_manager); login1_manager_call_can_suspend (p->login1_manager, p->cancellable, on_can_suspend_ready, self); login1_manager_call_can_hibernate (p->login1_manager, p->cancellable, on_can_hibernate_ready, self); } } static void on_session_manager_proxy_ready (GObject * o G_GNUC_UNUSED, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { GError * err; GnomeSessionManager * sm; err = NULL; sm = gnome_session_manager_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &err); if (err == NULL) { INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(gself)->priv->session_manager = sm; } log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void on_webcredentials_proxy_ready (GObject * o G_GNUC_UNUSED, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { GError * err; Webcredentials * webcredentials; err = NULL; webcredentials = webcredentials_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &err); if (err == NULL) { INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(gself)->priv->webcredentials = webcredentials; g_signal_connect_swapped (webcredentials, "notify::error-status", G_CALLBACK(indicator_session_actions_notify_has_online_account_error), gself); } log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void on_end_session_dialog_proxy_ready (GObject * o G_GNUC_UNUSED, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself) { GError * err; EndSessionDialog * end_session_dialog; err = NULL; end_session_dialog = end_session_dialog_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &err); if (err == NULL) { INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(gself)->priv->end_session_dialog = end_session_dialog; indicator_session_actions_notify_can_prompt (INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS(gself)); } log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } /*** **** Virtual Functions ***/ static gboolean my_can_lock (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; return !g_settings_get_boolean (p->lockdown_settings, "disable-lock-screen"); } static gboolean my_can_logout (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; return !g_settings_get_boolean (p->lockdown_settings, "disable-log-out"); } static gboolean my_can_switch (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { const priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; return p->seat_allows_activation && !g_settings_get_boolean (p->lockdown_settings, "disable-user-switching"); } static gboolean my_can_suspend (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { const priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; return p && p->can_suspend; } static gboolean my_can_hibernate (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { const priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; return p && p->can_hibernate; } static gboolean my_can_prompt (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { gboolean can_prompt = FALSE; const priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; if (p && p->end_session_dialog) { GDBusProxy * proxy = G_DBUS_PROXY (p->end_session_dialog); char * name = g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner (proxy); can_prompt = name != NULL; g_free (name); } return can_prompt; } static gboolean my_has_online_account_error (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { const priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; return p && (p->webcredentials) && (webcredentials_get_error_status (p->webcredentials)); } static void my_suspend (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->login1_manager != NULL); login1_manager_call_suspend (p->login1_manager, FALSE, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void my_hibernate (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->login1_manager != NULL); login1_manager_call_hibernate (p->login1_manager, FALSE, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } /*** **** End Session Dialog ***/ static void logout_now (IndicatorSessionActions * self, gboolean try_to_prompt) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; const int type = try_to_prompt ? 0 : 1; g_return_if_fail (p->session_manager != NULL); gnome_session_manager_call_logout (p->session_manager, type, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void logout_now_with_prompt (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { logout_now (self, TRUE); } static void logout_now_quietly (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { logout_now (self, FALSE); } static void reboot_now (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->login1_manager != NULL); login1_manager_call_reboot (p->login1_manager, FALSE, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void power_off_now (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->login1_manager != NULL); login1_manager_call_power_off (p->login1_manager, FALSE, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void stop_listening_to_dialog (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (self->priv->end_session_dialog, self); } static void on_end_session_dialog_canceled (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self) { stop_listening_to_dialog (self); } static void on_end_session_dialog_closed (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self) { stop_listening_to_dialog (self); } static void on_open_end_session_dialog_ready (GObject * o, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer gself G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GError * err = NULL; end_session_dialog_call_open_finish (END_SESSION_DIALOG(o), res, &err); log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void show_end_session_dialog (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self, int type) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; gpointer o = p->end_session_dialog; const char * inhibitor_paths[] = { NULL }; g_assert (o != NULL); g_signal_connect_swapped (o, "confirmed-logout", G_CALLBACK(logout_now_quietly), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (o, "confirmed-reboot", G_CALLBACK(reboot_now), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (o, "confirmed-shutdown", G_CALLBACK(power_off_now), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (o, "canceled", G_CALLBACK(on_end_session_dialog_canceled), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (o, "closed", G_CALLBACK(on_end_session_dialog_closed), self); end_session_dialog_call_open (p->end_session_dialog, type, 0, 0, inhibitor_paths, p->cancellable, on_open_end_session_dialog_ready, self); } static void my_logout (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { if (my_can_prompt (self)) show_end_session_dialog (INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self), END_SESSION_TYPE_LOGOUT); else logout_now_with_prompt (self); } static void my_reboot (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { if (my_can_prompt (self)) show_end_session_dialog (INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self), END_SESSION_TYPE_REBOOT); else reboot_now (self); } static void my_power_off (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { /* NB: TYPE_REBOOT instead of TYPE_SHUTDOWN because the latter adds lock & logout options in Unity... */ if (my_can_prompt (self)) show_end_session_dialog (INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self), END_SESSION_TYPE_REBOOT); else power_off_now (self); } /*** **** ***/ static void run_outside_app (const char * cmd) { GError * err = NULL; g_debug ("%s calling \"%s\"", G_STRFUNC, cmd); g_spawn_command_line_async (cmd, &err); log_and_clear_error (&err, G_STRLOC, G_STRFUNC); } static void my_help (IndicatorSessionActions * self G_GNUC_UNUSED) { run_outside_app ("yelp"); } static void my_settings (IndicatorSessionActions * self G_GNUC_UNUSED) { run_outside_app ("gnome-control-center"); } static void my_about (IndicatorSessionActions * self G_GNUC_UNUSED) { run_outside_app ("gnome-control-center info"); } /*** **** ***/ static void my_switch_to_screensaver (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->screen_saver != NULL); gnome_screen_saver_call_lock (p->screen_saver, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void my_switch_to_greeter (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->dm_seat != NULL); display_manager_seat_call_switch_to_greeter (p->dm_seat, p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void my_switch_to_guest (IndicatorSessionActions * self) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->dm_seat != NULL); display_manager_seat_call_switch_to_guest (p->dm_seat, "", p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void my_switch_to_username (IndicatorSessionActions * self, const char * username) { priv_t * p = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)->priv; g_return_if_fail (p->dm_seat != NULL); display_manager_seat_call_switch_to_user (p->dm_seat, username, "", p->cancellable, NULL, NULL); } static void my_dispose (GObject * o) { IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS (o); priv_t * p = self->priv; if (p->cancellable != NULL) { g_cancellable_cancel (p->cancellable); g_clear_object (&p->cancellable); } g_clear_object (&p->lockdown_settings); g_clear_object (&p->screen_saver); g_clear_object (&p->session_manager); g_clear_object (&p->webcredentials); g_clear_object (&p->end_session_dialog); set_dm_seat (self, NULL); set_login1_manager (self, NULL); set_login1_seat (self, NULL); G_OBJECT_CLASS (indicator_session_actions_dbus_parent_class)->dispose (o); } /*** **** GObject Boilerplate ***/ static void /* cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction */ indicator_session_actions_dbus_class_init (IndicatorSessionActionsDbusClass * klass) { GObjectClass * object_class; IndicatorSessionActionsClass * actions_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = my_dispose; actions_class = INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS_CLASS (klass); actions_class->can_lock = my_can_lock; actions_class->can_logout = my_can_logout; actions_class->can_switch = my_can_switch; actions_class->can_suspend = my_can_suspend; actions_class->can_hibernate = my_can_hibernate; actions_class->can_prompt = my_can_prompt; actions_class->has_online_account_error = my_has_online_account_error; actions_class->logout = my_logout; actions_class->suspend = my_suspend; actions_class->hibernate = my_hibernate; actions_class->reboot = my_reboot; actions_class->power_off = my_power_off; actions_class->settings = my_settings; actions_class->help = my_help; actions_class->about = my_about; actions_class->switch_to_screensaver = my_switch_to_screensaver; actions_class->switch_to_greeter = my_switch_to_greeter; actions_class->switch_to_guest = my_switch_to_guest; actions_class->switch_to_username = my_switch_to_username; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (IndicatorSessionActionsDbusPriv)); } static void /* cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction */ indicator_session_actions_dbus_init (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self) { priv_t * p; GSettings * s; p = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, INDICATOR_TYPE_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS, IndicatorSessionActionsDbusPriv); p->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); p->seat_allows_activation = TRUE; self->priv = p; s = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.desktop.lockdown"); g_signal_connect_swapped (s, "changed::disable-lock-screen", G_CALLBACK(indicator_session_actions_notify_can_lock), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (s, "changed::disable-log-out", G_CALLBACK(indicator_session_actions_notify_can_logout), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (s, "changed::disable-user-switching", G_CALLBACK(indicator_session_actions_notify_can_switch), self); p->lockdown_settings = s; gnome_screen_saver_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, "org.gnome.ScreenSaver", "/org/gnome/ScreenSaver", p->cancellable, on_screensaver_proxy_ready, self); gnome_session_manager_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, "org.gnome.SessionManager", "/org/gnome/SessionManager", p->cancellable, on_session_manager_proxy_ready, self); webcredentials_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START, "com.canonical.indicators.webcredentials", "/com/canonical/indicators/webcredentials", p->cancellable, on_webcredentials_proxy_ready, self); end_session_dialog_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START, "com.canonical.Unity", "/org/gnome/SessionManager/EndSessionDialog", p->cancellable, on_end_session_dialog_proxy_ready, self); } /*** **** Public ***/ IndicatorSessionActions * indicator_session_actions_dbus_new (void) { gpointer o = g_object_new (INDICATOR_TYPE_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS, NULL); return INDICATOR_SESSION_ACTIONS (o); } void indicator_session_actions_dbus_set_proxies (IndicatorSessionActionsDbus * self, Login1Manager * login1_manager, Login1Seat * login1_seat, DisplayManagerSeat * dm_seat) { g_return_if_fail (INDICATOR_IS_SESSION_ACTIONS_DBUS(self)); set_login1_manager (self, login1_manager); set_login1_seat (self, login1_seat); set_dm_seat (self, dm_seat); }