<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
<node xmlns:doc="http://www.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/doc.dtd">
  <interface name="org.gnome.SessionManager">

    <!-- Initialization phase interfaces -->

    <method name="Setenv">
      <arg name="variable" type="s" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The variable name</doc:summary>
      <arg name="value" type="s" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The value</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Adds the variable name to the application launch environment with the specified value.  May only be used during the Session Manager initialization phase.</doc:para>

    <method name="GetLocale">
      <arg name="category" type="i" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The locale category</doc:summary>
      <arg name="value" type="s" direction="out">
          <doc:summary>The value</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Reads the current state of the specific locale category.</doc:para>

    <method name="InitializationError">
      <arg name="message" type="s" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The error message</doc:summary>
      <arg name="fatal" type="b" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>Whether the error should be treated as fatal</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>May be used by applications launched during the Session Manager initialization phase to indicate there was a problem.</doc:para>

    <!-- Running phase interfaces -->

    <method name="RegisterClient">
      <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
      <arg type="s" name="app_id" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The application identifier</doc:summary>
      <arg type="s" name="client_startup_id" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>Client startup identifier</doc:summary>
      <arg type="o" name="client_id" direction="out">
          <doc:summary>The object path of the newly registered client</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Register the caller as a Session Management client.</doc:para>

    <method name="UnregisterClient">
      <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
      <arg type="o" name="client_id" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The object path of the client</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Unregister the specified client from Session Management.</doc:para>

    <method name="Inhibit">
      <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
      <arg type="s" name="app_id" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The application identifier</doc:summary>
      <arg type="u" name="toplevel_xid" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The toplevel X window identifier</doc:summary>
      <arg type="s" name="reason" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The reason for the inhibit</doc:summary>
      <arg type="u" name="flags" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>Flags that specify what should be inhibited</doc:summary>
      <arg type="u" name="inhibit_cookie" direction="out">
          <doc:summary>The cookie</doc:summary>
          Proactively indicates that the calling application is performing an action that should not be interrupted and sets a reason to be displayed to the user when an interruption is about to take placea.
          <doc:para>Applications should invoke this method when they begin an operation that
            should not be interrupted, such as creating a CD or DVD.  The types of actions
            that may be blocked are specified by the flags parameter.  When the application
            completes the operation it should call <doc:ref type="method" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</doc:ref>
            or disconnect from the session bus.
            Applications should not expect that they will always be able to block the
            action.  In most cases, users will be given the option to force the action
            to take place.
            Reasons should be short and to the point.
            The flags parameter must include at least one of the following:
                <doc:definition>Inhibit logging out</doc:definition>
                <doc:definition>Inhibit user switching</doc:definition>
                <doc:definition>Inhibit suspending the session or computer</doc:definition>
                <doc:definition>Inhibit the session being marked as idle</doc:definition>
                <doc:definition>Inhibit auto-mounting removable media for the session</doc:definition>
            Values for flags may be bitwise or'ed together.
            The returned cookie is used to uniquely identify this request.  It should be used
            as an argument to <doc:ref type="method" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</doc:ref> in
            order to remove the request.

    <method name="Uninhibit">
      <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
      <arg type="u" name="inhibit_cookie" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The cookie</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Cancel a previous call to <doc:ref type="method" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibit">Inhibit()</doc:ref> identified by the cookie.</doc:para>

    <method name="IsInhibited">
      <arg type="u" name="flags" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>Flags that spefify what should be inhibited</doc:summary>
      <arg type="b" name="is_inhibited" direction="out">
          <doc:summary>Returns TRUE if any of the operations in the bitfield flags are inhibited</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Determine if operation(s) specified by the flags
            are currently inhibited.  Flags are same as those accepted
            by the
            <doc:ref type="method" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibit">Inhibit()</doc:ref>

    <method name="GetClients">
      <arg name="clients" direction="out" type="ao">
          <doc:summary>an array of client IDs</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>This gets a list of all the <doc:ref type="interface" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Client">Clients</doc:ref>
          that are currently known to the session manager.</doc:para>
          <doc:para>Each Client ID is an D-Bus object path for the object that implements the
          <doc:ref type="interface" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Client">Client</doc:ref> interface.</doc:para>
        <doc:seealso><doc:ref type="interface" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Client">org.gnome.SessionManager.Client</doc:ref></doc:seealso>

    <method name="GetInhibitors">
      <arg name="inhibitors" direction="out" type="ao">
          <doc:summary>an array of inhibitor IDs</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>This gets a list of all the <doc:ref type="interface" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibitor">Inhibitors</doc:ref>
          that are currently known to the session manager.</doc:para>
          <doc:para>Each Inhibitor ID is an D-Bus object path for the object that implements the
          <doc:ref type="interface" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibitor">Inhibitor</doc:ref> interface.</doc:para>
        <doc:seealso><doc:ref type="interface" to="org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibitor">org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibitor</doc:ref></doc:seealso>

    <method name="IsAutostartConditionHandled">
      <arg name="condition" direction="in" type="s">
          <doc:summary>The autostart condition string</doc:summary>
      <arg name="handled" direction="out" type="b">
          <doc:summary>True if condition is handled, false otherwise</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Allows the caller to determine whether the session manager is
          handling changes to the specified autostart condition.</doc:para>

    <method name="Shutdown">
          <doc:para>Request a shutdown dialog.</doc:para>

    <method name="Reboot">
          <doc:para>Request a reboot dialog.</doc:para>

    <method name="CanShutdown">
      <arg name="is_available" direction="out" type="b">
          <doc:summary>True if shutdown is available to the user, false otherwise</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Allows the caller to determine whether or not it's okay to show
          a shutdown option in the UI</doc:para>

    <method name="Logout">
      <arg name="mode" type="u" direction="in">
          <doc:summary>The type of logout that is being requested</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Request a logout dialog</doc:para>
            Allowed values for the mode parameter are:
                <doc:definition>No confirmation inferface should be shown.</doc:definition>
                <doc:definition>Forcefully logout.  No confirmation will be shown and any inhibitors will be ignored.</doc:definition>
            Values for flags may be bitwise or'ed together.

    <method name="IsSessionRunning">
      <arg name="running" direction="out" type="b">
          <doc:summary>True if the session has entered the Running phase, false otherwise</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Allows the caller to determine whether the session manager
          has entered the Running phase, in case the client missed the
          SessionRunning signal.</doc:para>

    <!-- Signals -->

    <signal name="ClientAdded">
      <arg name="id" type="o">
          <doc:summary>The object path for the added client</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Emitted when a client has been added to the session manager.
    <signal name="ClientRemoved">
      <arg name="id" type="o">
          <doc:summary>The object path for the removed client</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Emitted when a client has been removed from the session manager.

    <signal name="InhibitorAdded">
      <arg name="id" type="o">
          <doc:summary>The object path for the added inhibitor</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Emitted when an inhibitor has been added to the session manager.
    <signal name="InhibitorRemoved">
      <arg name="id" type="o">
          <doc:summary>The object path for the removed inhibitor</doc:summary>
          <doc:para>Emitted when an inhibitor has been removed from the session manager.

    <signal name="SessionRunning">
          <doc:para>Indicates the session has entered the Running phase.</doc:para>

    <signal name="SessionOver">
          <doc:para>Indicates the session is about to end.</doc:para>

    <!-- Properties -->

    <property name="SessionName" type="s" access="read">
          <doc:para>The name of the session that has been loaded.</doc:para>

    <property name="SessionIsActive" type="b" access="read">
          <doc:para>If true, the session is currently in the
          foreground and available for user input.</doc:para>

    <property name="InhibitedActions" type="u" access="read">
          <doc:para>A bitmask of flags to indicate which actions
          are inhibited. See the Inhibit() function's description
          for a list of possible values.</doc:para>
