/* A small helper for locking the screen. Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Ted Gould This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "lock-helper.h" #define SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA "org.gnome.desktop.screensaver" #define SCREENSAVER_LOCK_ENABLED_KEY "lock-enabled" static GDBusProxy * gss_proxy = NULL; static GMainLoop * gss_mainloop = NULL; static gboolean is_guest = FALSE; static GSettings * settings = NULL; void build_gss_proxy (void); /* This is our logic on whether the screen should be locked or not. It effects everything else. */ gboolean will_lock_screen (void) { if (is_guest) { return FALSE; } if (settings == NULL) { settings = g_settings_new (SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA); } return g_settings_get_boolean (settings, SCREENSAVER_LOCK_ENABLED_KEY); } /* When the screensave goes active, if we've got a mainloop running we should quit it. */ static void on_gss_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy, gchar *sender_name, gchar *signal_name, GVariant *parameters, gpointer user_data) { g_debug ("%s sender_name: %s", G_STRLOC, sender_name); g_debug ("%s signal_name: %s", G_STRLOC, signal_name); if (!g_strcmp0 (signal_name, "ActiveChanged")) { gboolean active = FALSE; g_variant_get_child (parameters, 0, "b", &active); g_debug ("%s active: %i", G_STRLOC, active); if (active && gss_mainloop != NULL) { g_main_loop_quit(gss_mainloop); } } } static gboolean get_greeter_mode (void) { const gchar *var; var = g_getenv("INDICATOR_GREETER_MODE"); return (g_strcmp0(var, "1") == 0); } /* Build the gss proxy and set up its signals */ void build_gss_proxy (void) { if (gss_proxy == NULL) { if (get_greeter_mode ()) return; /* Don't start/lock the screensaver from the login screen */ GError * error = NULL; gss_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.gnome.ScreenSaver", "/", "org.gnome.ScreenSaver", NULL, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_message ("Unable to get ScreenSaver proxy: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } g_return_if_fail (gss_proxy != NULL); g_signal_connect (gss_proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK(on_gss_signal), NULL); } return; } /* This is a timeout, we only want to wait for the screen to lock for a little bit, but not forever. */ static gboolean activate_timeout (gpointer data) { /* Clear the ID for the timeout */ guint * address = (guint *)data; *address = 0; /* Quit the mainloop */ if (gss_mainloop != NULL) { g_main_loop_quit(gss_mainloop); } return FALSE; } /* A fun little function to actually lock the screen. If that's what you want, let's do it! */ void lock_screen (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, guint timestamp, gpointer data) { g_debug("Lock Screen"); build_gss_proxy(); g_return_if_fail(gss_proxy != NULL); GError * error = NULL; GVariant * ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (gss_proxy, "Lock", NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error); g_variant_unref (ret); if (error != NULL) { g_warning ("Unable to lock: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } if (gss_mainloop == NULL) { gss_mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); } guint timer = g_timeout_add_seconds(1, activate_timeout, &timer); g_main_loop_run(gss_mainloop); if (timer != 0) { g_source_remove(timer); } return; } /* Do what it takes to make the lock screen function work and be happy. */ gboolean lock_screen_setup (gpointer data) { if (!g_strcmp0(g_get_user_name(), "guest")) { is_guest = TRUE; } return FALSE; }