/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gtest-dbus-fixture.h" #include "mock-accounts.h" #include "mock-login1-manager.h" #include "mock-login1-seat.h" #include "mock-display-manager-seat.h" #include "mock-end-session-dialog.h" #include "mock-screen-saver.h" #include "mock-unity-session.h" #include "mock-session-manager.h" #include "mock-user.h" #include "mock-webcredentials.h" /*** **** ***/ class GTestMockDBusFixture: public GTestDBusFixture { private: typedef GTestDBusFixture super; protected: MockScreenSaver * screen_saver; MockUnitySession * unity_session; MockSessionManager * session_manager; MockDisplayManagerSeat * dm_seat; MockAccounts * accounts; MockLogin1Manager * login1_manager; MockLogin1Seat * login1_seat; MockEndSessionDialog * end_session_dialog; MockWebcredentials * webcredentials; protected: virtual void SetUp () { super :: SetUp (); webcredentials = new MockWebcredentials (loop, conn); end_session_dialog = new MockEndSessionDialog (loop, conn); session_manager = new MockSessionManager (loop, conn); screen_saver = new MockScreenSaver (loop, conn); unity_session = new MockUnitySession (loop, conn); dm_seat = new MockDisplayManagerSeat (loop, conn); g_setenv ("XDG_SEAT_PATH", dm_seat->path(), TRUE); dm_seat->set_guest_allowed (false); login1_manager = new MockLogin1Manager (loop, conn); login1_seat = new MockLogin1Seat (loop, conn, true); g_setenv ("XDG_SEAT", login1_seat->seat_id(), TRUE); login1_manager->add_seat (login1_seat); accounts = build_accounts_mock (); MockUser * user = accounts->find_by_username ("msmith"); const int session_tag = login1_manager->add_session (login1_seat, user); dm_seat->set_login1_seat (login1_seat); dm_seat->switch_to_user (user->username()); ASSERT_EQ (session_tag, login1_seat->active_session()); } protected: virtual void TearDown () { delete accounts; delete login1_manager; delete dm_seat; delete screen_saver; delete unity_session; delete session_manager; delete end_session_dialog; delete webcredentials; super :: TearDown (); } private: MockAccounts * build_accounts_mock () { struct { guint64 login_frequency; const gchar * user_name; const gchar * real_name; } users[] = { { 134, "whartnell", "First Doctor" }, { 119, "ptroughton", "Second Doctor" }, { 128, "jpertwee", "Third Doctor" }, { 172, "tbaker", "Fourth Doctor" }, { 69, "pdavison", "Fifth Doctor" }, { 31, "cbaker", "Sixth Doctor" }, { 42, "smccoy", "Seventh Doctor" }, { 1, "pmcgann", "Eigth Doctor" }, { 13, "ceccleston", "Ninth Doctor" }, { 47, "dtennant", "Tenth Doctor" }, { 34, "msmith", "Eleventh Doctor" }, { 1, "rhurndall", "First Doctor" } }; MockAccounts * a = new MockAccounts (loop, conn); for (int i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(users); iadd_user (new MockUser (loop, conn, users[i].user_name, users[i].real_name, users[i].login_frequency)); return a; } };