/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * Authors: * Charles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gtest-mock-dbus-fixture.h" #include "backend.h" #include "backend-dbus/backend-dbus.h" /*** **** ***/ class Guest: public GTestMockDBusFixture { private: typedef GTestMockDBusFixture super; protected: GCancellable * cancellable; IndicatorSessionGuest * guest; virtual void SetUp () { super :: SetUp (); // get the guest-dbus cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); guest = 0; backend_get (cancellable, NULL, NULL, &guest); wait_msec (100); // test the default state ASSERT_TRUE (guest != 0); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); } virtual void TearDown () { g_cancellable_cancel (cancellable); g_clear_object (&cancellable); g_clear_object (&guest); super :: TearDown (); } protected: void add_mock_guest (MockUser *& guest_user, int & guest_session_tag) { guest_user = new MockUser (loop, conn, "guest-jjbEVV", "Guest", 10, 100); accounts->add_user (guest_user); guest_user->set_system_account (true); guest_session_tag = login1_manager->add_session (login1_seat, guest_user); } }; /** * Confirms that the Fixture's SetUp() and TearDown() work */ TEST_F (Guest, HelloWorld) { ASSERT_TRUE (true); } /** * Toggle in the DM whether or not guests are allowed. * Confirm that "guest" reflects the changes. */ TEST_F (Guest, Allowed) { dm_seat->set_guest_allowed (true); wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-allowed"); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); dm_seat->set_guest_allowed (false); wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-allowed"); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); } /** * Have a guest user log in & out. * Confirm that "guest" reflects the changes. */ TEST_F (Guest, Login) { gboolean b; dm_seat->set_guest_allowed (true); // Log a Guest in // And confirm that guest's is_login changes to true MockUser * guest_user; int session_tag; add_mock_guest (guest_user, session_tag); wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-logged-in"); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); g_object_get (guest, INDICATOR_SESSION_GUEST_PROPERTY_LOGGED_IN, &b,NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (b); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); // Log the Guest User out // and confirm that guest's is_login changes to false login1_manager->remove_session (login1_seat, session_tag); accounts->remove_user (guest_user); delete guest_user; wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-logged-in"); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); g_object_get (guest, INDICATOR_SESSION_GUEST_PROPERTY_LOGGED_IN, &b,NULL); ASSERT_FALSE (b); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); } /** * Activate a Guest session, then activate a different session. * Confirm that "guest" reflects the changes. */ TEST_F (Guest, Active) { gboolean b; const int user_session_tag = login1_seat->active_session(); dm_seat->set_guest_allowed (true); MockUser * guest_user; int guest_session_tag; add_mock_guest (guest_user, guest_session_tag); // Activate the guest session // and confirm that guest's is_active changes to true login1_seat->activate_session (guest_session_tag); wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-active-session"); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); g_object_get (guest, INDICATOR_SESSION_GUEST_PROPERTY_ACTIVE, &b,NULL); ASSERT_TRUE (b); // Activate a non-guest session // and confirm that guest's is_active changes to false login1_seat->activate_session (user_session_tag); wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-active-session"); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_allowed (guest)); ASSERT_TRUE (indicator_session_guest_is_logged_in (guest)); ASSERT_FALSE (indicator_session_guest_is_active (guest)); g_object_get (guest, INDICATOR_SESSION_GUEST_PROPERTY_ACTIVE, &b,NULL); ASSERT_FALSE (b); } /** * Activate a guest session using the "guest" API. * Confirm that the guest session gets activated on the bus. */ TEST_F (Guest, Activate) { dm_seat->set_guest_allowed (true); wait_for_signal (guest, "notify::guest-is-allowed"); MockUser * guest_user; int guest_session_tag; add_mock_guest (guest_user, guest_session_tag); indicator_session_guest_switch_to_guest (guest); wait_for_signal (login1_seat->skeleton(), "notify::active-session"); ASSERT_EQ (guest_session_tag, login1_seat->active_session()); wait_msec (50); }