path: root/src/volume-control.vala
diff options
authorRicardo Salveti de Araujo <ricardo.salveti@canonical.com>2014-09-18 05:26:26 -0300
committerRicardo Salveti de Araujo <ricardo.salveti@canonical.com>2014-09-18 05:26:26 -0300
commit1a84c82b98727da4cab72bd1b57c392c0ff3f04f (patch)
tree672b08277f2c60d54489471a84b7801ba656b433 /src/volume-control.vala
parent5bac1dc620f1499b6b2bf9d4b0371a5f2e530696 (diff)
Adding support for setting volume per media roles (only used by touch atm)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/volume-control.vala')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/volume-control.vala b/src/volume-control.vala
index 2efa186..cfc865e 100644
--- a/src/volume-control.vala
+++ b/src/volume-control.vala
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
using PulseAudio;
+using Gee;
[CCode(cname="pa_cvolume_set", cheader_filename = "pulse/volume.h")]
extern unowned PulseAudio.CVolume? vol_set (PulseAudio.CVolume? cv, uint channels, PulseAudio.Volume v);
@@ -43,6 +44,18 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
private double _volume = 0.0;
private double _mic_volume = 0.0;
+ /* Used by the pulseaudio stream restore extension */
+ private DBusConnection _pconn;
+ private Gee.ArrayList<uint32> _sink_input_list = new Gee.ArrayList<uint32> ();
+ private HashMap<uint32, string> _sink_input_hash = new HashMap<uint32, string> ();
+ private bool _pulse_use_stream_restore = false;
+ private uint32 _active_sink_input = -1;
+ private string[] _valid_roles = {"multimedia", "alert", "alarm", "phone"};
+ private string? _objp_role_multimedia = null;
+ private string? _objp_role_alert = null;
+ private string? _objp_role_alarm = null;
+ private string? _objp_role_phone = null;
private DBusProxy _user_proxy;
private GreeterListInterface _greeter_proxy;
private Cancellable _mute_cancellable;
@@ -92,6 +105,26 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
update_sink ();
+ case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SINK_INPUT:
+ switch (t & Context.SubscriptionEventType.TYPE_MASK)
+ {
+ case Context.SubscriptionEventType.NEW:
+ c.get_sink_input_info (index, handle_new_sink_input_cb);
+ break;
+ case Context.SubscriptionEventType.CHANGE:
+ c.get_sink_input_info (index, handle_changed_sink_input_cb);
+ break;
+ case Context.SubscriptionEventType.REMOVE:
+ remove_sink_input_from_list (index);
+ break;
+ default:
+ stdout.printf ("Sink input event not known\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SOURCE:
update_source ();
@@ -129,7 +162,8 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
this.notify_property ("is-playing");
- if (_volume != volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]))
+ if (_pulse_use_stream_restore == false &&
+ _volume != volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]))
_volume = volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]);
volume_changed (_volume);
@@ -170,6 +204,100 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
context.get_server_info (update_source_get_server_info_cb);
+ private void update_active_sink_input (uint32 index)
+ {
+ if (index != _active_sink_input && (index == -1 || index in _sink_input_list)) {
+ string sink_input_objp = _objp_role_alert;
+ if (index != -1)
+ sink_input_objp = _sink_input_hash.get (index);
+ _active_sink_input = index;
+ uint32 type = 0;
+ uint32 volume = 0;
+ try {
+ var props_variant = _pconn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry",
+ sink_input_objp, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get",
+ new Variant ("(ss)", "org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry", "Volume"),
+ null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
+ Variant? tmp = null;
+ props_variant.get ("(v)", out tmp);
+ VariantIter iter = tmp.iterator ();
+ iter.next ("(uu)", &type, &volume);
+ _volume = volume_to_double (volume);
+ volume_changed (_volume);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("unable to get volume for active role %s (%s)", sink_input_objp, e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void add_sink_input_into_list (SinkInputInfo i)
+ {
+ /* We're only adding ones that are not corked and with a valid role */
+ var role = i.proplist.gets (PulseAudio.Proplist.PROP_MEDIA_ROLE);
+ if (role != null && role in _valid_roles) {
+ if (i.corked == 0 || role == "phone") {
+ _sink_input_list.insert (0, i.index);
+ switch (role)
+ {
+ case "multimedia":
+ _sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_multimedia);
+ break;
+ case "alert":
+ _sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_alert);
+ break;
+ case "alarm":
+ _sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_alarm);
+ break;
+ case "phone":
+ _sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_phone);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_sink_input_hash.get (_active_sink_input) != _objp_role_phone)
+ update_active_sink_input (i.index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void remove_sink_input_from_list (uint32 index)
+ {
+ if (index in _sink_input_list) {
+ _sink_input_list.remove (index);
+ _sink_input_hash.unset (index);
+ if (index == _active_sink_input) {
+ if (_sink_input_list.size != 0)
+ update_active_sink_input (_sink_input_list.get (0));
+ else
+ update_active_sink_input (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void handle_new_sink_input_cb (Context c, SinkInputInfo? i, int eol)
+ {
+ if (i == null)
+ return;
+ add_sink_input_into_list (i);
+ }
+ private void handle_changed_sink_input_cb (Context c, SinkInputInfo? i, int eol)
+ {
+ if (i == null)
+ return;
+ if (i.index in _sink_input_list) {
+ if (i.corked == 1)
+ remove_sink_input_from_list(i.index);
+ } else {
+ if (i.corked == 0)
+ add_sink_input_into_list(i);
+ }
+ }
private void source_output_info_cb (Context c, SourceOutputInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
@@ -184,9 +312,16 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
switch (c.get_state ()) {
case Context.State.READY:
- c.subscribe (PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK |
- PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE |
- PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE_OUTPUT);
+ if (_pulse_use_stream_restore) {
+ c.subscribe (PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK |
+ PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK_INPUT |
+ PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE |
+ PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE_OUTPUT);
+ } else {
+ c.subscribe (PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK |
+ PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE |
+ PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE_OUTPUT);
+ }
c.set_subscribe_callback (context_events_cb);
update_sink ();
update_source ();
@@ -226,11 +361,14 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
props.sets (Proplist.PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME, "multimedia-volume-control");
props.sets (Proplist.PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION, "0.1");
+ reconnect_pulse_stream_restore ();
this.context = new PulseAudio.Context (loop.get_api(), null, props);
this.context.set_state_callback (context_state_callback);
if (context.connect(null, Context.Flags.NOFAIL, null) < 0)
warning( "pa_context_connect() failed: %s\n", PulseAudio.strerror(context.errno()));
void sink_info_list_callback_set_mute (PulseAudio.Context context, PulseAudio.SinkInfo? sink, int eol) {
@@ -325,13 +463,39 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
context.get_sink_info_by_name (i.default_sink_name, sink_info_set_volume_cb);
+ private void set_volume_active_role ()
+ {
+ string active_role_objp = _objp_role_alert;
+ if (_active_sink_input != -1)
+ active_role_objp = _sink_input_hash.get (_active_sink_input);
+ try {
+ var builder = new VariantBuilder (new VariantType ("a(uu)"));
+ builder.add ("(uu)", 0, double_to_volume (_volume));
+ Variant volume = builder.end ();
+ _pconn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry",
+ active_role_objp, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set",
+ new Variant ("(ssv)", "org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry", "Volume", volume),
+ null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
+ volume_changed (_volume);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("unable to set volume for stream obj path %s (%s)", active_role_objp, e.message);
+ }
+ }
bool set_volume_internal (double volume)
return_val_if_fail (context.get_state () == Context.State.READY, false);
if (_volume != volume) {
_volume = volume;
- context.get_server_info (server_info_cb_for_set_volume);
+ if (_pulse_use_stream_restore)
+ set_volume_active_role ();
+ else
+ context.get_server_info (server_info_cb_for_set_volume);
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -377,6 +541,77 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
return _mic_volume;
+ /* PulseAudio Stream Restore logic */
+ private void reconnect_pulse_stream_restore ()
+ {
+ unowned string pulse_dbus_server_env = Environment.get_variable ("PULSE_DBUS_SERVER");
+ string address;
+ /* In case of a reconnect */
+ _pulse_use_stream_restore = false;
+ if (pulse_dbus_server_env != null) {
+ address = pulse_dbus_server_env;
+ } else {
+ DBusConnection conn;
+ Variant props;
+ try {
+ conn = Bus.get_sync (BusType.SESSION);
+ } catch (GLib.IOError e) {
+ warning ("unable to get the dbus session bus: %s", e.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ var props_variant = conn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio1",
+ "/org/pulseaudio/server_lookup1", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
+ "Get", new Variant ("(ss)", "org.PulseAudio.ServerLookup1", "Address"),
+ null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
+ props_variant.get ("(v)", out props);
+ address = props.get_string ();
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("unable to get pulse unix socket: %s", e.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ stdout.printf ("PulseAudio dbus unix socket: %s\n", address);
+ try {
+ _pconn = new DBusConnection.for_address_sync (address, DBusConnectionFlags.AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ /* If it fails, it means the dbus pulse extension is not available */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if the 4 currently supported media roles are already available in StreamRestore
+ * Roles: multimedia, alert, alarm and phone */
+ _objp_role_multimedia = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:multimedia");
+ _objp_role_alert = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:alert");
+ _objp_role_alarm = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:alarm");
+ _objp_role_phone = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:phone");
+ /* Only use stream restore if every used role is available */
+ if (_objp_role_multimedia != null && _objp_role_alert != null && _objp_role_alarm != null && _objp_role_phone != null)
+ _pulse_use_stream_restore = true;
+ }
+ private string? stream_restore_get_object_path (string name) {
+ string? objp = null;
+ try {
+ Variant props_variant = _pconn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1",
+ "/org/pulseaudio/stream_restore1", "org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1",
+ "GetEntryByName", new Variant ("(s)", name), null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
+ /* Workaround for older versions of vala that don't provide get_objv */
+ VariantIter iter = props_variant.iterator ();
+ iter.next ("o", &objp);
+ stdout.printf ("Found obj path %s for restore data named %s\n", objp, name);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("unable to find stream restore data for: %s", name);
+ }
+ return objp;
+ }
/* AccountsService operations */
private void accountsservice_props_changed_cb (DBusProxy proxy, Variant changed_properties, string[] invalidated_properties)