path: root/src/volume-control.vala
diff options
authorTed Gould <ted@gould.cx>2014-10-15 16:19:02 +0000
committerCI bot <ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com>2014-10-15 16:19:02 +0000
commitd3a1ccfea08bf5fec62b4e49834d06d79423ae03 (patch)
tree8758043e3064043a115d653c130bf876d2b39a18 /src/volume-control.vala
parent793ca099b8ce34d87596dfbb4bce48c6f3d197a8 (diff)
parent59fbca3a976b8725d5f7c9b05088b60c87333773 (diff)
Warn on high audio levels when using headphones Fixes: 1373404
Approved by: Mirco Müller
Diffstat (limited to 'src/volume-control.vala')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/volume-control.vala b/src/volume-control.vala
index 0541397..9114d01 100644
--- a/src/volume-control.vala
+++ b/src/volume-control.vala
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
private double _account_service_volume = 0.0;
private Notify.Notification _notification;
+ private bool _active_port_headphone = false;
public signal void volume_changed (double v);
public signal void mic_volume_changed (double v);
@@ -79,6 +81,9 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
/** true when a microphone is active **/
public bool active_mic { get; private set; default = false; }
+ /** true when high volume warnings should be shown */
+ public bool high_volume { get; set; }
public VolumeControl ()
if (loop == null)
@@ -158,6 +163,8 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
private void sink_info_cb_for_props (Context c, SinkInfo? i, int eol)
+ bool old_active_port_headphone = this._active_port_headphone;
if (i == null)
@@ -174,11 +181,27 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
this.notify_property ("is-playing");
+ /* Check if the current active port is headset/headphone */
+ /* There is not easy way to check if the port is a headset/headphone besides
+ * checking for the port name. On touch (with the pulseaudio droid element)
+ * the headset/headphone port is called 'output-headset' and 'output-headphone'.
+ * On the desktop this is usually called 'analog-output-headphones' */
+ if (i.active_port.name == "output-wired_headset" ||
+ i.active_port.name == "output-wired_headphone" ||
+ i.active_port.name == "analog-output-headphones") {
+ _active_port_headphone = true;
+ } else {
+ _active_port_headphone = false;
+ }
if (_pulse_use_stream_restore == false &&
_volume != volume_to_double (i.volume.max ()))
_volume = volume_to_double (i.volume.max ());
volume_changed (_volume);
+ start_local_volume_timer();
+ } else if (this._active_port_headphone != old_active_port_headphone) {
+ volume_changed (_volume);
@@ -247,6 +270,7 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
/* Someone else changed the volume for this role, reflect on the indicator */
_volume = volume_to_double (volume);
volume_changed (_volume);
+ start_local_volume_timer();
@@ -289,6 +313,7 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
_volume = volume_to_double (volume);
volume_changed (_volume);
+ start_local_volume_timer();
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to get volume for active role %s (%s)", sink_input_objp, e.message);
@@ -579,22 +604,52 @@ public class VolumeControl : Object
/* Using this to detect whether we're on the phone or not */
if (_pulse_use_stream_restore) {
- if (volume == 0.0)
- _notification.update (_("Volume"), "", "audio-volume-muted");
- if (volume > 0.0 && volume <= 0.33)
- _notification.update (_("Volume"), "", "audio-volume-low");
- if (volume > 0.33 && volume <= 0.66)
- _notification.update (_("Volume"), "", "audio-volume-medium");
- if (volume > 0.66 && volume <= 1.0)
- _notification.update (_("Volume"), "", "audio-volume-high");
+ /* Watch for extreme */
+ if (volume > 0.75 && _active_port_headphone)
+ high_volume = true;
+ else
+ high_volume = false;
+ /* Determine Label */
+ string volume_label = "";
+ if (high_volume)
+ volume_label = _("High volume");
+ /* Choose an icon */
+ string icon = "audio-volume-muted";
+ if (volume <= 0.0)
+ icon = "audio-volume-muted";
+ else if (volume <= 0.3)
+ icon = "audio-volume-low";
+ else if (volume <= 0.7)
+ icon = "audio-volume-medium";
+ else
+ icon = "audio-volume-high";
+ /* Choose a sound */
+ string? sound = null;
+ if (!((_active_sink_input >= 0) && (_active_sink_input < _valid_roles.length)
+ && (_valid_roles[_active_sink_input] == "multimedia")))
+ sound = "/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/message.ogg";
+ /* Check tint */
+ string tint = "false";
+ if (high_volume)
+ tint = "true";
+ /* Put it all into the notification */
+ _notification.clear_hints ();
+ _notification.update (_("Volume"), volume_label, icon);
_notification.set_hint ("value", (int32)(volume * 100.0));
- if (_active_sink_input == -1 || _valid_roles[_active_sink_input] != "multimedia") {
- /* No audio ping if we're playing multimedia */
- _notification.set_hint ("sound-file", "/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/message.ogg");
- } else {
- _notification.set_hint ("sound-file", null);
- }
+ /* TODO: Removing sound until we can get all the roles cleaned up for
+ when to play it. We expect this to come back, but in another landing.
+ _notification.set_hint ("sound-file", sound);
+ */
+ _notification.set_hint ("x-canonical-value-bar-tint", tint);
+ _notification.set_hint ("x-canonical-private-synchronous", "true");
+ _notification.set_hint ("x-canonical-non-shaped-icon", "true");
+ /* Show it */
try {
_notification.show ();
} catch (GLib.Error e) {