path: root/.pc/lp_945827.patch/src/mpris2-controller.vala
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Diffstat (limited to '.pc/lp_945827.patch/src/mpris2-controller.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/.pc/lp_945827.patch/src/mpris2-controller.vala b/.pc/lp_945827.patch/src/mpris2-controller.vala
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index 0fa7b6c..0000000
--- a/.pc/lp_945827.patch/src/mpris2-controller.vala
+++ /dev/null
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-Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd.
- Conor Curran <conor.curran@canonical.com>
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
-PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-using Dbusmenu;
-using Transport;
-public class Mpris2Controller : GLib.Object
- public const int MAX_PLAYLIST_COUNT = 100;
- public MprisRoot mpris2_root {get; construct;}
- public MprisPlayer player {get; construct;}
- public MprisPlaylists playlists {get; construct;}
- public FreeDesktopProperties properties_interface {get; construct;}
- public PlayerController owner {get; construct;}
- public Mpris2Controller(PlayerController ctrl)
- {
- GLib.Object(owner: ctrl);
- }
- construct{
- try {
- this.mpris2_root = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION,
- this.owner.dbus_name,
- "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" );
- this.player = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION,
- this.owner.dbus_name,
- "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" );
- this.properties_interface = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION,
- "org.freedesktop.Properties.PropertiesChanged",
- "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" );
- this.properties_interface.PropertiesChanged.connect ( property_changed_cb );
- if ( this.owner.use_playlists == true ){
- this.playlists = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION,
- this.owner.dbus_name,
- "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" );
- this.playlists.PlaylistChanged.connect (on_playlistdetails_changed);
- }
- }
- catch (IOError e) {
- critical("Problems connecting to the session bus - %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- /*
- * property_changed_cb
- * Called when a property changed signal is emitted from any of mpris
- * objects on the bus.
- * Note that the signal will be received by each instance for each player
- * and at that moment there is no way to know what player that signal
- * came from therefore it is necessary to query each relevant property
- * to update the respective dbusmenuitem property inorder to keep the UI in sync
- * Please also note due to some race condition in the depths of gdbus
- * a timeout is needed between receiving the prop update and query the respective property.
- * This can be seen at various points below.
- */
- public void property_changed_cb ( string interface_source,
- HashTable<string, Variant?> changed_properties,
- string[] invalid )
- {
- if ( changed_properties == null ||
- interface_source.has_prefix ( MPRIS_PREFIX ) == false ){
- warning("Property-changed hash is null or this is an interface that doesn't concern us");
- return;
- }
- Variant? play_v = changed_properties.lookup("PlaybackStatus");
- if(play_v != null){
- string state = this.player.PlaybackStatus;
- Timeout.add ( 200, ensure_correct_playback_status );
- Transport.State p = (Transport.State)this.determine_play_state(state);
- (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state(p);
- }
- Variant? meta_v = changed_properties.lookup("Metadata");
- if(meta_v != null)
- {
- Timeout.add ( 200, ensure_correct_metadata );
- }
- Variant? playlist_v = changed_properties.lookup("ActivePlaylist");
- if ( playlist_v != null && this.owner.use_playlists == true ){
- Timeout.add (300, this.fetch_active_playlist);
- }
- Variant? playlist_count_v = changed_properties.lookup("PlaylistCount");
- if ( playlist_count_v != null && this.owner.use_playlists == true ){
- this.fetch_playlists.begin();
- this.fetch_active_playlist();
- }
- Variant? playlist_orderings_v = changed_properties.lookup("Orderings");
- if ( playlist_orderings_v != null && this.owner.use_playlists == true ){
- this.fetch_playlists.begin();
- this.fetch_active_playlist();
- }
- Variant? identity_v = changed_properties.lookup("Identity");
- if (identity_v != null){
- MetadataMenuitem md = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA] as MetadataMenuitem;
- md.alter_label (this.mpris2_root.Identity);
- }
- }
- private bool ensure_correct_metadata ()
- {
- GLib.HashTable<string, Variant?> changed_updates = clean_metadata();
- PlayerItem metadata = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA];
- metadata.reset (MetadataMenuitem.relevant_attributes_for_ui());
- metadata.update ( changed_updates,
- MetadataMenuitem.relevant_attributes_for_ui());
- MetadataMenuitem md = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA] as MetadataMenuitem;
- bool collapsing = !metadata.populated(MetadataMenuitem.relevant_attributes_for_ui());
- md.should_collapse(collapsing);
- return false;
- }
- private bool ensure_correct_playback_status()
- {
- Transport.State p = (Transport.State)this.determine_play_state(this.player.PlaybackStatus);
- (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state(p);
- return false;
- }
- private GLib.HashTable<string, Variant?>? clean_metadata()
- {
- GLib.HashTable<string, Variant?> changed_updates = this.player.Metadata;
- Variant? artist_v = this.player.Metadata.lookup("xesam:artist");
- if(artist_v != null){
- string display_artists;
- // Accomodate Spotify (should return 'as' and not 's')
- if(artist_v.get_type_string() == "s"){
- display_artists = artist_v.get_string();
- }
- else{
- string[] artists = artist_v.dup_strv();
- display_artists = string.joinv(", ", artists);
- }
- changed_updates.replace("xesam:artist", display_artists);
- }
- return changed_updates;
- }
- private Transport.State determine_play_state(string? status){
- if(status != null && status == "Playing"){
- return Transport.State.PLAYING;
- }
- return Transport.State.PAUSED;
- }
- public void initial_update()
- {
- Transport.State update;
- if(this.player.PlaybackStatus == null){
- update = Transport.State.PAUSED;
- }
- else{
- update = determine_play_state (this.player.PlaybackStatus);
- }
- if (this.mpris2_root.Identity != null){
- MetadataMenuitem md = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA] as MetadataMenuitem;
- md.alter_label (this.mpris2_root.Identity);
- }
- (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state (update);
- GLib.HashTable<string, Value?>? cleaned_metadata = this.clean_metadata();
- this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA].update (cleaned_metadata,
- MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format());
- if ( this.owner.use_playlists == true ){
- this.fetch_playlists.begin();
- this.fetch_active_playlist();
- }
- }
- public void transport_update(Transport.Action command)
- {
- if(command == Transport.Action.PLAY_PAUSE){
- this.player.PlayPause.begin();
- }
- else if(command == Transport.Action.PREVIOUS){
- this.player.Previous.begin();
- }
- else if(command == Transport.Action.NEXT){
- this.player.Next.begin();
- }
- else if(command == Transport.Action.REWIND){
- this.player.Seek.begin(-500000);
- }
- else if(command == Transport.Action.FORWIND){
- this.player.Seek.begin(400000);
- }
- }
- public bool connected()
- {
- return (this.player != null && this.mpris2_root != null);
- }
- public void expose()
- {
- if(this.connected() == true){
- this.mpris2_root.Raise.begin();
- }
- }
- private void on_playlistdetails_changed (PlaylistDetails details)
- {
- PlaylistsMenuitem playlists_item = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.PLAYLISTS] as PlaylistsMenuitem;
- playlists_item.update_individual_playlist (details);
- }
- public async void fetch_playlists()
- {
- PlaylistDetails[] current_playlists = null;
- try{
- current_playlists = yield this.playlists.GetPlaylists (0,
- "Alphabetical",
- false);
- }
- catch (IOError e){
- return;
- }
- if( current_playlists != null ){
- PlaylistsMenuitem playlists_item = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.PLAYLISTS] as PlaylistsMenuitem;
- playlists_item.update(current_playlists);
- }
- else{
- warning(" Playlists are on but its returning no current_playlists" );
- this.owner.use_playlists = false;
- }
- }
- private bool fetch_active_playlist()
- {
- if (this.playlists.ActivePlaylist.valid == false){
- return false;
- }
- PlaylistsMenuitem playlists_item = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.PLAYLISTS] as PlaylistsMenuitem;
- playlists_item.active_playlist_update ( this.playlists.ActivePlaylist.details );
- return false;
- }
- public void activate_playlist (ObjectPath path)
- {
- try{
- this.playlists.ActivatePlaylist.begin(path);
- }
- catch(IOError e){
- warning ("Could not activate playlist %s because %s", (string)path, e.message);
- }
- }