path: root/tests/integration/utils/dbus-pulse-volume.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/integration/utils/dbus-pulse-volume.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/tests/integration/utils/dbus-pulse-volume.cpp b/tests/integration/utils/dbus-pulse-volume.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b6ae6..0000000
--- a/tests/integration/utils/dbus-pulse-volume.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical, Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Author: Xavi Garcia <xavi.garcia.mena@canonical.com>
- */
-#include "dbus-pulse-volume.h"
-#include "dbus_properties_interface.h"
-#include "dbus_accounts_interface.h"
-#include "dbus_accountssound_interface.h"
-#include "stream_restore_interface.h"
-#include <pulse/volume.h>
-#include <QSignalSpy>
-unsigned int volumeDoubleToUint(double volume)
- double tmp = (double)(PA_VOLUME_NORM - PA_VOLUME_MUTED) * volume;
- return (unsigned int)tmp + PA_VOLUME_MUTED;
-double volumeUIntToDoulbe(uint volume)
- double tmp = (double)(volume - PA_VOLUME_MUTED);
- return tmp / (double)(PA_VOLUME_NORM - PA_VOLUME_MUTED);
-DBusPulseVolume::DBusPulseVolume() :
- QObject()
- std::unique_ptr<DBusPropertiesInterface> basicConnectionInterface(new DBusPropertiesInterface("org.PulseAudio1",
- "/org/pulseaudio/server_lookup1",
- QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), 0));
- QDBusReply<QVariant> connection_string = basicConnectionInterface->call(QLatin1String("Get"),
- QLatin1String("org.PulseAudio.ServerLookup1"),
- QLatin1String("Address"));
- if (!connection_string.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "DBusPulseVolume::DBusPulseVolume(): D-Bus error: " << connection_string.error().message();
- }
- connection_.reset(new QDBusConnection(QDBusConnection::connectToPeer(connection_string.value().toString(), "set-volume")));
- if (connection_->isConnected())
- {
- interface_paths_.reset(new StreamRestoreInterface("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1",
- "/org/pulseaudio/stream_restore1",
- *(connection_.get()), 0));
- if (interface_paths_)
- {
- // get the role paths
- fillRolePath("multimedia");
- fillRolePath("alert");
- fillRolePath("alarm");
- fillRolePath("phone");
- }
- initializeAccountsInterface();
- }
- else
- {
- qWarning() << "DBusPulseVolume::DBusPulseVolume(): Error connecting: " << connection_->lastError().message();
- }
-QString DBusPulseVolume::fillRolePath(QString const &role)
- QString role_complete_name = QString("sink-input-by-media-role:") + role;
- // get the role paths
- QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> objectPath = interface_paths_->call(QLatin1String("GetEntryByName"), role_complete_name);
- if (!objectPath.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::fillRolePath(): D-Bus error: " << objectPath.error().message();
- return "";
- }
- auto role_info = std::make_shared<RoleInformation>();
- role_info->interface_.reset(new DBusPropertiesInterface("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry",
- objectPath.value().path(),
- *(connection_.get()), 0));
- if (!role_info->interface_)
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::fillRolePath() - Error obtaining properties interface";
- return "";
- }
- role_info->path_ = objectPath.value().path();
- roles_map_[role] = role_info;
- return role_info->path_;
-bool DBusPulseVolume::setVolume(QString const & role, double volume)
- if (!interface_paths_)
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::setVolume(): error: Volume interfaces are not initialized";
- return false;
- }
- RolesMap::const_iterator iter = roles_map_.find(role);
- if (iter != roles_map_.end())
- {
- QVariant var;
- PulseaudioVolumeArray t;
- PulseaudioVolume vv(0, volumeDoubleToUint(volume));
- t.addItem(vv);
- var.setValue(t);
- QDBusVariant dbusVar(var);
- QDBusReply<void> set_vol = (*iter).second->interface_->call(QLatin1String("Set"),
- QVariant::fromValue(QString("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry")),
- QVariant::fromValue(QString("Volume")),
- QVariant::fromValue(dbusVar));
- if (!set_vol.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::setVolume(): D-Bus error: " << set_vol.error().message();
- return false;
- }
- if (accounts_interface_)
- {
- QDBusVariant dbusVar(QVariant::fromValue(volume));
- QDBusReply<void> set_vol = accounts_interface_->call(QLatin1String("Set"),
- QVariant::fromValue(QString("com.ubuntu.AccountsService.Sound")),
- QVariant::fromValue(QString("Volume")),
- QVariant::fromValue(dbusVar));
- if (!set_vol.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::setVolume(): D-Bus error: " << set_vol.error().message();
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::setVolume(): role " << role << " was not found.";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-double DBusPulseVolume::getVolume(QString const & role)
- if (interface_paths_)
- {
- RolesMap::const_iterator iter = roles_map_.find(role);
- if (iter != roles_map_.end())
- {
- QDBusReply<QVariant> prev_vol = (*iter).second->interface_->call(QLatin1String("Get"),
- QLatin1String("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry"),
- QLatin1String("Volume"));
- if (!prev_vol.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::setVolume(): D-Bus error: " << prev_vol.error().message();
- }
- QDBusArgument arg = prev_vol.value().value<QDBusArgument>();
- PulseaudioVolumeArray element;
- arg >> element;
- return volumeUIntToDoulbe(element.getItem(0).getVolume());
- }
- }
- return -1.0;
-void DBusPulseVolume::initializeAccountsInterface()
- auto username = qgetenv("USER");
- if (username != "")
- {
- qDebug() << "Setting Accounts interface for user: " << username;
- std::unique_ptr<AccountsInterface> setInterface(new AccountsInterface("org.freedesktop.Accounts",
- "/org/freedesktop/Accounts",
- QDBusConnection::systemBus(), 0));
- QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> userResp = setInterface->call(QLatin1String("FindUserByName"),
- QLatin1String(username));
- if (!userResp.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::initializeAccountsInterface(): D-Bus error: " << userResp.error().message();
- }
- auto userPath = userResp.value().path();
- if (userPath != "")
- {
- std::unique_ptr<AccountsSoundInterface> soundInterface(new AccountsSoundInterface("org.freedesktop.Accounts",
- userPath,
- QDBusConnection::systemBus(), 0));
- accounts_interface_.reset(new DBusPropertiesInterface("org.freedesktop.Accounts",
- userPath,
- soundInterface->connection(), 0));
- if (!accounts_interface_->isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "SetVolume::initializeAccountsInterface(): D-Bus error: " << accounts_interface_->lastError().message();
- }
- signal_spy_volume_changed_.reset(new QSignalSpy(accounts_interface_.get(),&DBusPropertiesInterface::PropertiesChanged));
- }
- }
-bool DBusPulseVolume::waitForVolumeChangedInAccountsService()
- if (signal_spy_volume_changed_)
- {
- return signal_spy_volume_changed_->wait();
- }
- else
- {
- qWarning() << "DBusPulseVolume::waitForVolumeChangedInAccountsService(): signal was not instantiated";
- }
- return false;